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GoGunUSA SuperComp


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I have used both the big and smaller one. The big Talon ( Super Comp ) is excellent. If you can get past the 'ugly' by all means get one for it is one of the best. It is flat shooting. As far as the smaller one do not waste your time nor money. It is simply not effective. I will say that the people at GoGun USA are friendly, back their product and are customer service oriented.

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Depending on what rules you are shooting under, I believe the larger version will put you into Open. That's something you have to watch.

There was a two part comparative test done a couple years back in Front Sight but this one was not available at that time so there's not any objective side-by-side test data to go by.

Now, I'm certainly no expert and probably couldn't out shoot 95% of the people here so take what I say with a grain of salt. I've tried about 5 different comps and, with one exception, found them to be very similar when it comes to performance. Noise is a different matter - some really big differences there.

There are so many different comps out there right now that I'd wager that in an objective subjective comparison the average Joe would find little difference in a large cross section. Whatever someone is currently using is probably going to be their favorite - if it weren't then they'd get something else.

And size doesn't make as much difference as you might think. PWS makes a really small comp that is quite effective.

Edited by Graham Smith
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At last years MG Nationals for USPSA everyone should have received one of these in their shooter bags. I put mine on a 14.5 upper I use with my F/A upper. Very noticable difference between the non-comped upper and this one. Basically pin the trigger and the gun doesn't move. I haven't tried to put it on paper, but stays within a square foot about 35 yards out for 30 rounds. I've got another 18" upper I built with one but I haven't had a chance to really do a side by side with one of my other competition rifles. This one also has a lighter barrel so I'm not sure how valid it will be as a side to side test.

I'm pretty happy with it. Seems to work great. Not as sexy as the JP blended into the barrel, but a very workable option.

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So the size is determined by most IMGA and USPSA rules. No bigger than 1" x 3". It's certainly not bigger than either of those dimensions and I'd imagine it's quite a bit less than 3" in length. As far as the weight you're a bit off...by about double. They weigh 3.8 ounces, not half a pound. They are solidly built, I'll give you that. But when you compare them side by side in your hand the only one I've played with, (and I haven't handled a bunch of them) that was notably lighter was the SureFire MB556K. Of course I need to replace my MB556AR because the front baffle is completely eroded out and the accuracy is gone. And by front I mean the one furthest from the shooter. I normally see erosion in the first, maybe second baffle. This was a first to see it on the last one.

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I just tried No Talon Supercomp on my HK MR223 (MR556 eqivalent). With Hornady Steel Match 55gr, shooting standing position at 50yd, I barely noticed scope movement (set at 1x). With 62gr military surplus there was much more movement, but still better than other brakes I used (inlcudes JP Tactical and nXg). I will try SJC Titan side to side with it soon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I had first match with Supercomp (smaller, No Talon version) and it seem to work very good for me and my rifle. Actually now I slow down rifle, not other way round. I must re-learn to shoot confidently as fast as it allows me.

Generally it seem to be good comp and it is not too loud (for those who care). But like every brake/comp, performance will vary from rifle to rifle and for different shooters.

Edited by Montrala
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