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The New Rules

Paul B

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Over the past several weeks (months) there have been numerous acrimonious conversations about the new rules and some of the conversations have reached the level of what I was used to on the IPSC Digest. I hope the exchanges have not been outside the bounds of the Enos forum rules, but I sense that they may have been.

Several things are obvious to me:

1. There was a ton of work done to provide a new rule book by both the IPSC and the USPSA leaders. (I don't know, though, if the USPSA rules committee had enough time to review all the rules in the depth they wanted.)

2. One goal was to bring the 2 sets of rules closer together.

3. Much of this work is very good for the sport, but some may not be what the USPSA shooting community wants.

4. There seems to be a very vocal group on these forums that is very dissatisfied with a number of the new rules.

5. We really do not know what the majority of USPSA members feel about the new rules.

6. There was just printed a synopsis of the differences in Front Sight.

7. The new rules are not yet official in the USPSA yet.

8. I don't think there was any informed polling of the USPSA membership on the rules nor could there be before the recent article in Front Sight.

Would it be possible to get some more organized feedback from the USPSA membership using the Front Sight synopsis as a guide? Now, the AD's could put on each Area websight a poll for each rule change and see what the majority of the membership feels about the changes. Let's hold off the new manual till we really know what the membership wants in the way of changes for USPSA.

I know the AD's are probably weary of the discussion, but they could be very much more responsive to the membership if they are better informed about what we really want and what we really don't mind. I know we elected them to be our representatives, but some issues always take a referendum when the leaders want to know what the population wants.

The rulebooks will remain different if we back off some of the rules, but they are different anyway, and it looks like there will be continuing modifications anyway.

Just my thoughts, but hope this is of some value.

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USPSA played a significant role in crafting these new rules. To then not apply them would be a classic example of not dealing in good faith.

To poll USPSA members on every rules change would relegate the rules crafting/adopting process to endless gridlock. It's hard enough to seek consensus on the general issues let alone the specifics of each rule in detail.

I trust the decisions made by my Area Director (A7) in reference to the adoption/discussion of any rules changes. He asks for opinions...shame on those whom don't bother to provide them or worse yet...complain about them after the fact. If I remember correctly...USPSA also sought out suggestions/opinions.

As far as the IPSC list is concerned...on one is ever happy there, that's why I don't partake anymore. Bitching on that "list" is standard operating procedure.

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As of right now, the rulebooks for the 2004 edition of the rules are being printed or are in transit from the printers. The USPSA BOD voted in the last meeting to make the rules effective no less than 15 days nor more than 30 (31?) days from the date that they are in the members hands. That means that the new rules will probably be in effect sometime in August, unless I miss my guess. Unless there is some sort of delay, the 2004 Pistol Nationals will run under the new 2004 USPSA rules. (They aren't called the 15th edition, BTW.)

If you are attending the Nationals, I'd suggest boning up on the rules, and Dr. Woolley's summary is a good place to start. I know I'm working on making sure the staff knows the differences and feels comfortable with the new rule book.

While I agree that member input is important, I also have to say that it's too late for this edition of the rule book. We will have to work under these rules for a while; find the ones that don't work, and fix them in the next iteration. Again, member input will be vital to this process, but it must be limited to a certain period, or we'll never progress with any revisions. It's important to keep in contact with your Area Director.


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the 2004 Pistol Nationals will run under the new 2004 USPSA rules.  (They aren't called the 15th edition, BTW.)

Huh?? I am 99% sure that my rulebook says 15th ed on the cover. :huh: And isn't the current red book the 14th ed??

(and I thought the treatments were working)... :wacko:

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Yes, the old IPSC (current USPSA) rulebooks were both labelled "14th Edition" with a date to boot, but we decided to use dates exclusively. Hence the new versions are simply called "January 2004".

IIRC, the USPSA at one time jumped from the 7th to the 14th Edition, which was kinda confusing, so using the publication date does seem more logical.

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One of the reasons for the change of naming convention was because it had been a significant effort to align HG, SG and R rules. However, HG was at the time on the 14th ed., SG would have been 3rd or 4th ed. depending on where you started counting from and rifle the same depending on whether the set of rules that was trialed in the early 90s was included or not.

Having got the rules aligned it made sense to start afresh with the edition references.

It was decided that using a date in the final name was by far the clearest and uniform solution. After kicking around a variety of ideas mostly initiated by Vince the final accepted version which was unanimiously accepted was a variant put forward by Mike Voigt.

The official IPSC naming convention is slightly different to the final result for the USPSA rule books but the concept is the same. IPSC below:



I was interrupted after I started this and I now see Vince has also replied but what the heck .....

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The working copy that I got at the CRO class says "USPSA Version, Janurary 2004".  (But, it doesn't always jive up with the text that is on USPSA's website)

Well, I got home and mine says the same thing. Apparently, more shock therapy required... :wacko::wacko::wacko:

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