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How much?


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I don't know why, but it annoys me when friends offer to pay me for doing them a favor.

I sometimes machine custom parts for friends and they always ask if they can pay me. My standard answer is that I don't do machine work for hire and if I did they couldn't afford it, but they usually ask again a couple more times. I know they are just trying to be considerate, but it still annoys me.

I think next time I'll quote $100/hr just to see a buddy squirm :devil:

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If they really wanna pay, lunch after the match is always a good jesture. Your not really taking their money, and they feel like they gave you something for your time. Kinda like the customary, a gunsafe move paid for in beer

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I do this. I don't mind a friend says that I do not owe them anything, but I am always going to make the offer. I don't want friends feeling that I am taking advantage of them, their skill sets, or the equipment their job might give them access to.

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Guess you wouldn't like me either! They are just trying to show how grateful they are for what you did. How would you feel if they just picked u the part and said thanks as they walked out the door? They can offer to pay ten times and all you have to do is say no ten times. I am sure they would be happy to pay and they feel like they showed thier appriceation by trying.


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This is turning into a discussion so it'll probably get locked, but to clarify, the reason I hate being *repeatedly* asked "how much" is kind of selfish.

I have no interest in doing hobby work for hire. I have a day job that pays well and I highly value my leisure time! I don't want people thinking that they can buy my leisure time, it's not for sale! But I enjoy helping out a friend if I have skills or equipment to get something done that he can't do himself.

I appreciate being asked once, and when I reply "just pay it forward", that should be the end of it. Don't embarrass me.

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A good way to look at it...IMO

Pr 11:25 ¶ The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself.

Watereth? :surprise:(insert Monty Python emoticon)

Edited by Youngeyes
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