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Fantastic match.

Shot it fairly decently and came in 3rd overall in Prod with about 90% of Sevigny's score. Fairly happy with that, had a few blown stages and a culimated 7-10 seconds with jams...(5 on one stage).

Only shot 1 penalty point which was on the clown and I'm quite happy with that. I'm feeling much more comforatable now. ;)

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Fantastic match.

Shot it fairly decently and came in 3rd overall in Prod with about 90% of Sevigny's score. ...


You call that "fairly decently"? I came in 10th overall in Prod and still think I shot well. :lol:

Any way, I saw you shooting the Larry's Stage - smoking!!! I wish I could move like that - great shooting, man!

Vlad D

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Absolutely a super match. Congratulations to the winners and much thanks to the great staff. My squad seamed to have been cursed though....

Oh well, I guess it was good practice for the next match. I did manage to get my head out of my butt for my last stage of the match, stage 2. That took a tiny bit of the sting away. One of these days I'm going to start practicing for real.... <_<

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the match was great, i was pathetic. like 15th limited 4th B

Big thanks to everyone... i seemed to be cursed too.

Great to meet everyone, it seemed like half of the enosverse was there!

atleast i know what to fix.... (finding a positive note) some days you just seee faster than others.

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Like MTrout, I ran Stage 9 on Sunday. Had to fill his shoes on that one...was a rush. A little humbled and honored to fill in for him, but could not have asked for better folks to work with than Rhianna and Dale. Made my first big match as an RO a true pleasure.

Great to see a bunch of folks from the Enosverse, and more fun to watch the variety of shooters that came through. I learned a lot!

Ended up 11th production, and had it not been for 3 mike's over the course of the day, would have finished 8th...damn...each one cost me a spot!!

A lot of you guys only see EH once a year...those of us who get to shoot it monthly KNOW what a true gem/prize we have in our area...fantastic RO's and range folks (Ron Rodgers and Bill Warble did a kick-butt job), as did the whole host of folks who helped...sorry, space precludes me from including names!)

With Matt as our resident GM - who freely shares his tips and tricks - too watching the SuperSquad of the day come through, along with the variety of M's that were there - you can't help but come away with a greater appreciation of the talent in our sport. If you don't learn something it's your own fault!

now we have to wait another year...and (while rumor says he won't be ther next year) I would like to see the clown again....

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and had it not been for 3 mike's over the course of the day, would have finished 8th...damn...each one cost me a spot!!


Yeah, counting all the errors out, trying to figure out how great my scores would have been if I didn't miss, didn't screw up a couple of reloads, didn't have a dead round in my mag... I do that too sometimes...

And then I just think to myself, all I have to do is stop making all those stupid mistakes, move two times faster, and then I'll beat Dave Sevigny and everybody else... and... and... oh gosh, may be I can be a dozen years younger and a couple inches taller too? :lol::lol::lol:

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First of all, I would like to thank everyone involved in setting up and working the 2004 Tri-State Championship. A match like this takes an extraordinary amount of work. East Huntingdon is blessed with an unbelievably unselfish band of volunteers. We had up to 12 people working for 6 days to set things up. I won't try to name them all, but they're the same guys working our monthly matches.

There were 41 people on staff for the match - ROs, Range Masters, stats and registration, as well as other volunteers driving the shuttle, picking up scoresheets, etc. I think we have assembled one of the finest and friendliest group of ROs anywhere. Judging from the comments I've received, it sounds like the shooters agree. My thanks to all.

I noticed quite a few names from the Enosverse and enjoyed meeting several of you at the match. Glad you made it to the Tri-State!!!

Congratulations to all the winners - and I hope everyone had a good time.

Ron Rodgers

Oh ...... you can rest assured you won't see "The Clown" again at East Huntindon - except maybe as a target!

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I would love to shoot the clown stage again. Cleaning the whole stage except for the right popper and static is very doable. I shot five targets from the right port and shot them in the wrong order so I know I could get all seven in the right order. Matt shot it real smooth.

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