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Introducing PractiScore

Brian N.

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I thought people had already provided details both here and on Mantis. I never tried them; I don't need or want to bleed at the range. Unless there is a real compelling reason to upgrade to fix a problem I am currently experiencing (I didn't have the time entry keyboard problem because none of my nooks had the 1.2.1 firmware update), I always hold off on the latest version/release until feedback appears here, which it always seems to do.

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First of all, I am not saying that everything is bright and shiny, yet the most critical show-stopper issues are being resolved as soon as we can and we are also implementing new requested functionality.

Bill, you said it more than once that last Android versions have problems. Now you are telling you actually can't confirm your claims. If you'd like PS to move forward, we need to work together. Please think about it.

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I think there are enough of us who are willing to pitch in and contribute to the project by testing out the new versions in real world scenarios and reporting back. Otherwise things can't move forward. Hence, the 3 pages of cooperative effort trying to get the "hacker's keyboard" workaround sorted out. I, for one, love to tinker with stuff like this.

I can also understand people who just want things to work the way they think they should, and aren't interested in any new features. That's why Windows XP still runs fine 12 years after it was released.

I'll have some time this weekend to run the new PS through its paces on 1.2.1, and I'll report what I find.

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First of all, I am not saying that everything is bright and shiny, yet the most critical show-stopper issues are being resolved as soon as we can and we are also implementing new requested functionality.

Bill, you said it more than once that last Android versions have problems. Now you are telling you actually can't confirm your claims. If you'd like PS to move forward, we need to work together. Please think about it.

When others here tell me 'x' release has a problem, I have no reason to believe they are lying and therefore I'm not going to install it and experience the same issues, don't you agree?

Edited by wgnoyes
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When others here tell me 'x' release has a problem, I have no reason to believe they are lying, don't you agree?

You can do better than that and say release 'x' has problem 'xyz', which is fixed in release 'y'/will be fixed in the next release/not fixed yet... Don't you see the difference?

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I think there are enough of us who are willing to pitch in and contribute to the project by testing out the new versions in real world scenarios and reporting back. Otherwise things can't move forward. Hence, the 3 pages of cooperative effort trying to get the "hacker's keyboard" workaround sorted out. I, for one, love to tinker with stuff like this.

I can also understand people who just want things to work the way they think they should, and aren't interested in any new features. That's why Windows XP still runs fine 12 years after it was released.

I'll have some time this weekend to run the new PS through its paces on 1.2.1, and I'll report what I find.

Thank you jester121, this will really help.

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Fine, I'll quote back to the msg link saying 'x' has problem 'xyz', but I WILL continue to say that 'x' still has that problem. I'm sure you don't want people installing 1.1.0 since it was superseded in less than a week by 1.1.1 and 1.1.2. Therefore without knowing the specific details of why, it is accurate to say 1.1.0 had problems, else there wouldn't BE a 1.1.1 or 1.1.2.

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Bill, you can always check what exactly been changed at https://practiscore.com/android-version or by long taping at the app version number on app main screen.

For instance, there was no severe issues between 1.1.1 and 1.1.2, small UI glitch been addressed and old issue with numeric keyboard resolved. So, your argument is really misleading.

Please also note that we won't be able to support old release, unless there are very-very special circumstances. E.g. your 1.0.12 is not supported and with any issues you may find there unfortunately you are on your own.

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All help working kinks out of new versions is welcome. Remember, this is a moonlighting activity by people with already very active software development lives.

I'm pleased the Android version is moving forward quickly. Inheriting code is always a challenge, especially when you never met the original engineer. Eugene is digging in hard. With iOS we don't have the luxury of quick deployment, so we do more testing here, out of necessity. We don't knowingly release versions with bugs, on any platform, but it's software and it's going to happen.

We wouldn't mind 4 or 5 people willing to accept TestFlight beta copies of new iOS versions to help us ensure it's right before the Apple obligatory 7 to 12 day review time. Same for Android APKs. Just email us, we can set up a distribution plan.


Ken N.

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Oh I perfectly understand no support for older releases, makes total sense to me. At some point a user can be so backleveled that you just have to declare "look, we just can't care about you anymore". We face the same issue with EzWinScore. And I've just upgraded to 1.0.15, by the way, after learning from Chris that he has scored several 6-stage "lotsa-competitors" matches with it.

And yes, the big difference between 1.1.1 and 1.1.2 was the fix of the very severe numeric keyboard problem and again, as I've said elsewhere, thank you very much for that. But by your own documentation, there was a big problem with 1.1.0 ("fixed crash when producing match results") which was fixed in 1.1.1.

Now... "long-tapping" at the app version number on app main screen? (It is Easter, oh boy, an Easter Egg!) Except... where? The small font that says "Version 1.1.2" below the "change match" cmdbutton on the match tab? If so, holding down on it doesn't do anything. If that's not it, then where is it on the android version?

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I just wanted to say thanks again for getting the IDPA function out for use on the Android platform. I just set up our next match (6 April) and it was very, very easy. Having all the Divisions and Classifications set up as part of the default helped speed the set up alot. I've also setup and scored a small dummy match (two stages, one shooter) just to see how it looked. Very nice. The results output is exactly what our local shooters have been looking for and the scoreing screen layout is a lot better than how I was able to configure a Time Plus match for IDPA.

I'll also put a plug for using a full on tablets (we have two Goggle Nexus 7 tablets) and they are FAST and bright. I've used Nooks at another match and they have some good points, the screeen is very readable, but also a number of issues. A full on tablet is so much nicer to use. I know higher end tables are much more expensive than a Nook but mid range tablets are not much more expensive but just seem to work so much better. I get the cost factor but really if you use them a lot and like me are responsable for keeping them up they make life so much nicer.


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Rob the problem with most mid size or larger tablets is the battery life. The NST's can run for a couple of days for a big match if need be on one charge, I am talking 10 - 12 hours a day of continuous use. I have not seen any of the bigger tablets go even one 12 hour day without needing a charge.


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Rob the problem with most mid size or larger tablets is the battery life. The NST's can run for a couple of days for a big match if need be on one charge, I am talking 10 - 12 hours a day of continuous use. I have not seen any of the bigger tablets go even one 12 hour day without needing a charge.


True, the cheapest ones don't have much battery life. Battery life was a issue when I went for the Google Nexus 7's. It'll go 10-12 hrs, much more if you keep WiFi off till you needed it and turn the screen off for long idel times. If you have a multi day match and can't charge over night they are not the solution.

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Bill, you can always check what exactly been changed at https://practiscore....android-version or by long taping at the app version number on app main screen.

For instance, there was no severe issues between 1.1.1 and 1.1.2, small UI glitch been addressed and old issue with numeric keyboard resolved. So, your argument is really misleading.

Please also note that we won't be able to support old release, unless there are very-very special circumstances. E.g. your 1.0.12 is not supported and with any issues you may find there unfortunately you are on your own.

Thankyou again for providing additional development and support for the Android version.

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From an operations standpoint, I think you need to leave wifi turned on at a major match so your stats officers can sync scores to the master whenever they want without interrupting the conduct of the stage to get the RO to turn wifi on and then turn it back off again.

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My understanding is the non-Nook tablets also suffer from heatstroke from being in sunlight, plus using the battery generates heat (which isn't good for battery life).

I got 1.1.2 installed on a Nook Simple Touch (1.2.1 firmware, rooted with graphical NookManager method) and it fixed the numeric keyboard problem just fine, and I didn't run into any other problems with entering a competitor, creating a few test stages, and entering some bogus scores. I'll be patching the rest of our Nooks this weekend and taking one of them through the entire procedure -- ShootnScore file -> Practiscore -> EZWin, in preparation for our match on the 7th. I shall report back.

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Yeah, the new nook that I got a couple of days ago came with 1.1.0 already, but I wanted to experience the full effect, so I updated to 1.2.1, then rooted with the NookManager, then installed 1.1.2 and got a regular 10-key pad for time entry. Very good. I also went to "all applications" (What I want to call '9 squares' :) ), and long-tapped on practiscore and drop box to add them to the favorite applications list. Now instead of tapping on '9 squares', I tap on the star button to right of it to see the favorite applications list. Yes, I also have the 'n' button set to launch practiscore directly, and return to home on a long-press. And I even modified my screensaver accordingly:


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We installed PractiScore version 1.1.2 yesterday. I really like the change made to the scoring page where the "Score Targets" is biased away from the "DQ, DNF, and Review" buttons. That will help minimize the chance of accidentally DQing or DNFing a shooter.

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Question still stands: has anyone actually used 1.1.2 yet to score a decent-sized (5-6 stages, 40+ competitors) match?

Using it to score our monthy match this Sunday, 5 stages and 60+ shooters.

Edited by jdphotoguy
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