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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Beginning Poster...long time lurker...clarification


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I have been a registered member since 06. I was lurking here long before that and have since had exchanges with Brian, Flex and a few others with concerns and feedback. While I understand rankings here are based on Post count and duplicate questions without searching for it having been previously asked is generally frowned upon but still normally answered here without much grief from the experts on this site. Now on to my question / concern. I dont have have a closet full off stuff to sell nor am I looking to be able to list in the classifieds but could time spent on here be considered a positive as well as post count? I do not have alot of expert advice to pass along nor do I think single word bumps or +1 to be meaningful additions to a thread. Is time logged in tracked or considered in evaluations of members worth? Thanks.


Edited by DGeneM
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I have been a registered member since 06. I was lurking here long before that and have since had exchanges with Brian, Flex and a few others with concerns and feedback. While I understand rankings here are based on Post count and duplicate questions without searching for it having been previously asked is generally frowned upon but still normally answered here without much grief from the experts on this site. Now on to my question / concern. I dont have have a closet full off stuff to sell nor am I looking to be able to list in the classifieds but could time spent on here be considered a positive as well as post count? I do not have alot of expert advice to pass along nor do I think single word bumps or +1 to be meaniful additions to a thread. Is time logged in tracked or considered in evaluations of members worth? Thanks.



First, welcome! Nice to finally hear from you!

Second, no...time-in-grade doesn't count toward Classifieds privileges; nor should it. The Classifieds are a perk afforded to members who meaningfully contribute to the core mission of this site -- the collective improvement of our shooting skills. That's the "cover charge".

Not only do those exchanges let us benefit from your experiences, but give members a chance to get to know who they're dealing with.

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I have been a registered member since 06. I was lurking here long before that and have since had exchanges with Brian, Flex and a few others with concerns and feedback. While I understand rankings here are based on Post count and duplicate questions without searching for it having been previously asked is generally frowned upon but still normally answered here without much grief from the experts on this site. Now on to my question / concern. I dont have have a closet full off stuff to sell nor am I looking to be able to list in the classifieds but could time spent on here be considered a positive as well as post count? I do not have alot of expert advice to pass along nor do I think single word bumps or +1 to be meaniful additions to a thread. Is time logged in tracked or considered in evaluations of members worth? Thanks.



First, welcome! Nice to finally hear from you!

Second, no...time-in-grade doesn't count toward Classifieds privileges; nor should it. The Classifieds are a perk afforded to members who meaningfully contribute to the core mission of this site -- the collective improvement of our shooting skills. That's the "cover charge".

Not only do those exchanges let us benefit from your experiences, but give members a chance to get to know who they're dealing with.

Thanks, for the response. I understand the classified cover charge. I have purchased from them in the past and have bought quite a bit from the BE store. I was more concerned with a super lurker status, Like "professional student" or similar. :goof:

In reality I just decided it was time to start contributing hence the previous post. I also wanted to clarify I do not wish to sell anything (I need all I have and then some) I do remember in the past people joining under various alias names to "mine" Brian's membership for personal profit. Anyway thanks again.

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I do remember in the past people joining under various alias names to "mine" Brian's membership for personal profit.

And I can tell you, the Moderating team loves having meaningful interaction with those folks!

We don't catch all of them, but we try.


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I do not have alot of expert advice to pass along nor do I think single word bumps or +1 to be meaniful additions to a thread.

Gene: I know the feeling. In my own mind I am an expert, but this board really shows me I am just a little fish in a big pond, and have found that asking questions helps me just as much as giving advice. Sometimes there are little tricks we develop that may help other shooters, but asking questions and finding the range of answers that are provided can be just as helpful to members who are "experts" in their chosen field. I know I personally have learned tips and tricks, and you may be surprised (as I was) that when I offered comments/suggestions, members took it as good advice. Keep posting, and keep "lurking" and you'll learn all you could ever want to know and more from BE.com!

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Welcome!!! :cheers:

Keep lurking, or ask whatever questions you might have .... shooting related or, something in the same vein such as nutrition, fitness, mental prep., guns and gear ..... it's all good! :)

Thanks for the reponses. I am beginning my first 1911 build and have finished my third black rifle build out I will leave those comments for the other areas. Thanks guys.

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DGeneM wrote:

I do remember in the past people joining under various alias names to "mine" Brian's membership for personal profit.

Hmmn....Interesting??? :unsure:

????? My timing is impeccable I just read about "The Flake" so while untimely I can assure you my sole intention is to mine information. If that was what was interesting, if not then I do not understand the reply.

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  • 2 weeks later...

duplicate questions without searching for it having been previously asked is generally frowned upon but still normally answered here without much grief from the experts on this site.

I am fairly new to the forum and have noticed from my very first post that I am guilty of this. Every topic I have brought up so far or asked questions about, there has been at least one, up to a few comments from members on how the same topic can be found elsewhere. It is not my intent to re-discuss topics or try and run conversations into the ground, however this forum has been around long enough that most questions you are going to have can most likely be found somewhere in this forum. This is great and I fully admit that I could read every post on every topic and probably learn everything I need to know about the sport. The problem I have with that is it leaves me no way to socialize with people and try to get to know them. I really thought that was a big part of this forum, not only to build trust between members in the classified section, but also to help build a community as well as a knowledge base.

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  • 2 months later...

I am fairly new to the forum and have noticed from my very first post that I am guilty of this. Every topic I have brought up so far or asked questions about, there has been at least one, up to a few comments from members on how the same topic can be found elsewhere. It is not my intent to re-discuss topics or try and run conversations into the ground, however this forum has been around long enough that most questions you are going to have can most likely be found somewhere in this forum. This is great and I fully admit that I could read every post on every topic and probably learn everything I need to know about the sport. The problem I have with that is it leaves me no way to socialize with people and try to get to know them. I really thought that was a big part of this forum, not only to build trust between members in the classified section, but also to help build a community as well as a knowledge base.

I am a GM Lurker... member since '05 and have 9 posts... well, 10 now! I have the same problem and can relate to everything you just mentioned. I just lurk and search. Maybe one of these days I will get more involved, but for now; I am happy just learning from everyone.

Edited by whip
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<------- Interesting.

It has been so long since I have posted, I didn't know I had a Cookie Monster pic in my profile. What's up with that? Anyways, sorry to hijack the thread. You got me started posting. Two posts in one night!

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nor do I think single word bumps or +1 to be meaningful additions to a thread.

Gene, a little off topic, but I have to disagree with you

about the "+1" bumps.

If there are ten responses, and some disagreement,

about someone's question, I'll add a "+1" to show

the people interested in the question that there

is some support for one of the answers.

Otherwise they will think that all ten responses

bear the same weight - just one of ten responses.

But, I never tried to bump up my response count -

never saw the need to do that - just expressing

my experience base for others to mull over.

Anyway, good to hear from you, hope you keep coming

back :cheers:

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Anytime you feel that you want to say something just put it out there. I am mostly a lurker, and have been for a long time (look at my post count and time in). I will occasionally throw my 2 cents in or give opinion/advise. A lot of that happens late at night when I shouldn't even be on the forums for various reasons. :blush:

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