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Poor Ski Etiquette


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I think society has just devolved into a mass of self-absorbed slobs.  Every time I go skiing, I think I want to detach from society and become a hermit to escape it all.

Among my petty grievances:

1.  Snowboarders.  Not that I think the sport is inherently evil, it just attracts a demographic that seems to be particularly useless.  There they are on *every* damned run, sitting three to six across in the freakin' middle, wallowing like seals on a beach.  It's more than inconvenient, it's plain damned dangerous. They completely block off the hill.  I don't get why they're there to begin with.  Why pay $40 to sit on your ass, when you could just stay home?

2.  Track hogs.  There you are, merrilly shussing away on the local nordic trail, which would be pleasureable if not for the fact that people are skiing in the opposite direction in your track, two or three abreast, forcing you to get out of the track so they can pass.  Learn to ski in a line people!!!  If you can chit chat while skiing, you're not working hard enough.  Get on with it and stay in your own damned lane.  

3.  Dogs with no leashes.  Poochie needs a leash whether you think so or not.

4.  Snowshoers on XC trails.  Hey jerkweed!!  Yeah, you got some fancy slippers on, but would ya mind NOT obliterating the nordic track while you're out here?  I don't know if you've spent much time breaking a trail, but it's one hell of a lot of work.  Respect the effort and we'll respect your right to be here.  

5.  State and Federal Governements - OK, so there's too much pressure on the wilderness you say.  So, why in the holy hell are you building gigantic highways through the very same wilderness you claim is so threatened?  I don't get it.  If we don't mobs of people out in the wild, shouldn't we make things *less* accessible?  The State of Oregon is putting in a 4 million dollar road project to make Mt. Hood more accessible.  This will surely be followed up by a restrictive permitting/fee system to make the mountain less accessible.  I've got a idea?  Why not just NOT spend the money to begin with?  Am I a freakin' genius or what?


6.  Crazed Moose.  I'm shopping for a 44 mag you nutcase.  So, go ahead, make my day....  Why the hell can't you hibernate like all the sane creatures do?

Alrighty, time for my medication now...

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I'm not against snowboarding, I just don't care for the predominant boarder demographic and their manners.  One of my buddies is a boarder and he's absolutely fantastic.  It's a pleasure to be on the slopes with him.

A snowboard is like a violin: a beautiful thing to witness it being played well, hell on earth to endure it being played poorly.  


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