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You Know You Live in ______ When ...


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You know your in Colorado when you see a dude dressed in old flannel and burkenstocks with the froot loop hat covering his peanut butter rolled dreads, get out of a $40k 4 runner with a 4k kyak on top of it and a 4k titanium mt bike tied to back and goes into the thrift store. Can anyone say trustifarian. :D

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"You Live in the Deep South when...

1. You can rent a movie and buy bait in the same store. "

Even in the Super Wal Marts you can by frozen fish bait, right there in the sporting goods.....next to the movies!!!!!!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't want to start a new thread with the same theme: <_<

You know you are in South Africa when:

* You produce a R100 note instead of your drivers license when stopped by

a traffic officer

* You can do your monthly shopping on the pavement

* You have to hire a security guard whenever you park your car

* You can count the national soccer team's scores with no fingers

* To get free electricity you have to pay a connection fee of R750

* Hijacking cars is a profession

* Defecating in a garden can win you R1-million

* You can pay your tuition fees by holding up a sign at a traffic light

* The petrol in your tank may be worth more than your car

* More people vote in a local reality TV show than in a local election

* People have the most wonderful names: Christmas, Goodwill, Pretty,

Wednesday, Blessing, Brilliant, Gift and Given

* "Now - Now" can mean anything from a minute to a month

* You continue to wait after a traffic light has turned to green to make

way for taxis traveling in the opposite direction

* Traveling at 120 km/h you're the slowest car on the highway

* You're genuinely and pleasantly surprised whenever you find your car

parked where you left it

* A bullet train is being introduced but we can't fix potholes

* The last time you visited the coast you paid more in speeding fines and

toll fees than you did for the entire holiday

* You paint your car's registration number on the roof

* Half of your mail is guaranteed to reach its destination

* You have to take your own linen with you if you are admitted to a

government hospital

* You dial a toll - free number and nobody answers

* You have to prove that you don't need a loan to get one

* Prisoners go on strike

My 0.02... :(

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What you trying to say ? 45dv

Boy, you just ain't right, bless your heart. Must be all them tainted Beaumont bass from your childhood (but he's good people).

(Missed you at Cool Springs yesterday. Chuch and Ricky put on another typically fine show.)


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