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The word "Fun" to describe events

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Fun how important is fun before you try it? Or how important is -Fun- for you to like it?

Questions, Questions Why is Fun pushed so hard as the main ingredient to if an event was successful.

My memories that fill my past as great , did not was not. what most any one would call fun.

Paths that not everyone can take is what I find memorable. and Fun

Wight Water Canoe Fun ? =risk rocks and damaged gear damaged body Its a rush of a challenge, and Fun

High mountain hiking and ending up in an un-forecast storm. But getting to see the sky clear as a patch opens to a view that looks like a new world.

Most Evey thing I can think of that has deep memory engraved in it was Risky.

The events and stages I want are the ones that have shots that will not get hit by every shooter.

Your guts have to be this big ( ) to ride this event

Grumpy strikes again B)

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Fun how important is fun before you try it? Or how important is -Fun- for you to like it?

Questions, Questions Why is Fun pushed so hard as the main ingredient to if an event was successful.

My memories that fill my past as great , did not was not. what most any one would call fun.

Paths that not everyone can take is what I find memorable. and Fun

Wight Water Canoe Fun ? =risk rocks and damaged gear damaged body Its a rush of a challenge, and Fun

High mountain hiking and ending up in an un-forecast storm. But getting to see the sky clear as a patch opens to a view that looks like a new world.

Most Evey thing I can think of that has deep memory engraved in it was Risky.

The events and stages I want are the ones that have shots that will not get hit by every shooter.

Your guts have to be this big ( ) to ride this event

Grumpy strikes again B)

"Positive Attitude" When you try your best to Live it rather than just read the words. The ability and willingness to Challenge yourself, to put yourself out there. To BE part of the Game of life and not just watch.

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You're just no fun. :-p


I had a friend with a different description of what a 'Fun' plane ride was. open cockpit stunt plane - ----- the dive at the ground was very memorable , but not Fun for me. He thought that was best thing that ever happened to me though.

So no I don't want to force most of the shooters to engages crazy shots.

But if its a championship level match = it should have a few champion level targets.

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Maybe not fun Jesse, but appropriate.

I agree with Jamie 110%.

I raced motorcycles and had some serious getoffs that I managed to walk away from - for fun. Ditto for cars. I've free climbed, paddled class 4 and 5 rivers and taken a sea kayak out into the ocean - out of the sight of land - to play on a shoal. All for fun.

I'm a combat vet and I've had more rounds shot at me than I care to count and yet I shoot for fun and, like Jammie, I'd prefer some difficult - but not ridiculous - shots to liven up the game. I don't like shooting matches that are more athletic contests than skill based contests and I don't like positions that are nearly impossible for anyone under 6' tall (or conversely, nearly impossible for anyone over 5'6") or a port that favors a particular rifle st up.

I'd like to shoot 600 yards with the 1-4 scope I have to use for 5 yard shots - but I don't want to have to run 200 yards to get into position.

The first Rocky Mountain 3 Gun I shot in 2004 (?) had a stage with 4 targets shot from 5 vastly different and difficult positions, with short sprints between each (think of lying prone, down hill at a 10 degree angle but having to engage targets that required you to point your muzzle up at 15 degrees from horizontal) - that was the start and it was an excellent stage.

The game can improve. In order for it to grow, it must.

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Fun how important is fun before you try it? Or how important is -Fun- for you to like it?

Questions, Questions Why is Fun pushed so hard as the main ingredient to if an event was successful.

My memories that fill my past as great , did not was not. what most any one would call fun.

Paths that not everyone can take is what I find memorable. and Fun

Wight Water Canoe Fun ? =risk rocks and damaged gear damaged body Its a rush of a challenge, and Fun

High mountain hiking and ending up in an un-forecast storm. But getting to see the sky clear as a patch opens to a view that looks like a new world.

Most Evey thing I can think of that has deep memory engraved in it was Risky.

The events and stages I want are the ones that have shots that will not get hit by every shooter.

Your guts have to be this big ( ) to ride this event

Grumpy strikes again B)

"Positive Attitude" When you try your best to Live it rather than just read the words. The ability and willingness to Challenge yourself, to put yourself out there. To BE part of the Game of life and not just watch.

Thats some good words Jim, Like the C&W song with the line " Start living, thats the first thing on my list.

I was not trying to pick on or at Jesse <_< well maybe in a small part.

But he did inspire the thread that has been kicking around in my head for over a year.

The Idea is from every match that I drive to and arrive a day early to recover and look at stages to identify traps. Some-one always says "Your Going to have Fun", That makes it worth while"

For years I have responded with "I did not come to have Fun"

Part of my response is to tame the guilt I feel for spending so much Time & Cash away from the most wonder-full person in the World, my wife.

She knows that I look for "That challenge" and supports my adventure, But misses me

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Fun is what you have with your buddies, while I don't much care for easter egg hunts, the experience at the RM3G match would have been much more fun had I gotten to squad with my buddies. I guess I like shooting for the challenge and camaraderie with my pals. I had a lot of fun at the Ozark match however there were some issues but certainly not anything to do with the prize table as I walked away with a brand new car...

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Fun is what you have with your buddies, while I don't much care for easter egg hunts, the experience at the RM3G match would have been much more fun had I gotten to squad with my buddies. I guess I like shooting for the challenge and camaraderie with my pals. I had a lot of fun at the Ozark match however there were some issues but certainly not anything to do with the prize table as I walked away with a brand new car...

:sight: must not have Wheels,,,, on that car.

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One man's fun is another man's torture. I think off hand rifle shots and 100+ yard slug targets are fun. I also enjoy stages that cover long distances, and present multiple ways to solve the shooting problems. Easy can be fun, but tough is most always more fun. Risk is not a requirement of having fun in my book, but a controlled amount of risk will certainly not detract from the fun and is nearly always required for anything that is "Really" fun. Sometimes fun hurts, when I block a snapshot in a hockey game it leaves a mark, does that make the game less enjoyable? It sure as hell hurts, but it's a part of playing the game so you suck it up and keep playing. When the charging handle flys of your shotgun and gives you a bloody nose in the middle of the monster all shotgun stage at RM3gun you can stop and cry or you can finish the stage to the cheers of your squad mates. Fun does not mean Easter egg hunt, fun is the Somali Pirate blind stage from Ironman a few years ago, or the landing craft stage at the Montana Multigun a few weeks ago. My main take is that fun is where you choose to find it and your attitude will determine the amount of fun you have at nearly any activity. We are blessed to be able to participate in a sport as dynamic and demanding as 3 gun and while it is an entertaining diversion to spend endless hours debating rules and scenarios as to what makes the best match or the best stage there are only a few people who put their noses to the grindstone an put on the matches that we all seem to take for granted so often. Support those that actually drive our sport, don't nit pick on the internet, it is too easy, and not that much fun (I am not saying this is a nit pick thread, just making a statement). The best way to test an idea on what makes a great match is to organize and put on the match you envision, help put on an existing match, RO, help set up, design a stage and submit it to the match directors. I think that getting more involved with the sport will only raise your Fun meter.

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  • 4 weeks later...
We are blessed to be able to participate in a sport as dynamic and demanding as 3 gun and while it is an entertaining diversion to spend endless hours debating rules and scenarios as to what makes the best match or the best stage there are only a few people who put their noses to the grindstone an put on the matches that we all seem to take for granted so often. Support those that actually drive our sport, don't nit pick on the internet, it is too easy, and not that much fun (I am not saying this is a nit pick thread, just making a statement).

Lol! I love it when people get on the Internet and complain about other people complaining on the Internet.

If it wasn't for threads like this how does a new MD learn to set up a good match without wasting a bunch of people's time and $ setting up bad matches?

Edited by Jesse Tischauser
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sometimes fun is simple: popping caps, burning powder, launching bullets. see?

mebbeso not a spectator sport, but then again, mebbeso. even if my match doesn't go so well, ( and many don't these days), i still am having fun. some folks might be too picky, make friends with whoever you shoot with. most of those in our sport are really fun to be around. (there may be one or two grumps, but most are really great!)

i generally come home from a 3 gun get together with numerous bruises, cuts and scrapes. fortunately these days, the wife knows i haven't been in a bar fight.


Edited by 1chota
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Jamie, think I disagree with you here, I think fun is not overused it is most important. I think you can have fun while being challanged, while relaxing, and certainly while shooting matches with your friends, I think it is required. If folks quit having "fun" our sport will die.

This thread obviously ties in with Jesses on what sucks the fun out of matches, which really comes right down to things that frustrate or piss us off, but thats another topic, however as we all know very little negative critisism is ever posted on here as no one wants to be that guy and its always easier to criticize than it is to design, staff, setup and run a match.

Fun happens when you have a great weekend challenging yourself in the company of your friends and hundreds of other like minded people, when the entire weekend has been well planned, scheduled, designed, staffed and the average competitors have been considered as the customers to the event and they look back and smile when its over. Doing a great job shooting a stage doesn't happen by accident and neither does a great match in our sport, but fun is at the mercy of every RO, stage design, and Match Director, it is there to be had or trampled, sometimes we can smile through issues with the great attitudes most shooters have and sometimes that just isn't possible

Fun in matches has been cyclic over the last 20 years of shooting, it comes and goes; as carnival shoots, people, difficulty and other factors have changed. I hope the current trend I have seen and hopefully been a part of new matches putting more "fun" back in our game continues!

I'll see all of you at some of the fun matches


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Disagree with me <_< I don't think so . I can agree with every thing that has been said. just me ability to express my point of view is lacking.

I think that its in the 'Defining' of something that the intent is lost

<_< my vocabulary if failing me :unsure: by making a definition of what is fun the joy or Passion is lost.

I remember a long time ago a girl Friend said "That was Fun" I was left feeling just a bit hollow at her description.

:unsure: or was that the same girl that said "If you enjoyed it, thin it was worthwhile" :yawn:

Any way about it both girls were.......Fun..... but I do not remember their names

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