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How would you shoot this?

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How would you shoot this? :


I'm struggling with the idea of 25 yard shots, on partial targets, Virginia count and ON THE CLOCK. :unsure:

With my open gun I was much better at partial targets but now that I'm a limited gunner - calling shots on partial targets has been tough. Would you hold for the available "A" zone or for the center of the available scoring area? Why?

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I'll be interested to see what the more experienced shooters have to say about this as well. I tend to think target obstructions, be they hard cover or no shoots are feeble attempts by the stage designer to distract me. Ignore them. I want 'A' zone hits. If part of the 'A' zone is covered I shoot for the top of what is available knowing I tend to shoot a little low on occasion at 25 yards. It's been suggested I try using a little more powder.... <_<

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The right hand target and the second from left at 25 worry me the most - If I make a mistake it will be low and/or low left. With virgina cound I can't even make it up if I realize the error.... :blink:

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i would go for the center of brown mass on the 25 yard tagets. you have to get your hits to stay alive on this stage.

good luck,


I hear ya, this is a stage were you could LOSE the match - but not one to try and win it! :blink:

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Shooting Production, I would go for the A's. I think if I shot this in Open, I would go for the A's because you got the dot, it should be doable. With Limited I might be tempted to aim at center of brown, slightly biased toward the A zone.

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I go for the center of brown, but like Matt, slightly biased towards the A zone. I shoot that way Limited and Open. With Production, I just slow down and shoot with a strong bias towards the A zone while staying far enough away to avoid the black. Even with a dot, shooting at the center of the A box can be a recipie for an Alpha-Mike.

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LOL...how easily we are distracted.

This stage is 170 points !!

It has three draws...two reloads...eight 15y shots weak hand...16 partials at 25y.

The hit factor on this is going to be low.

I would want every point I could get (I'd darn sure want two Alphas on the 5y target...those are free).

Heck, I might even go prone. ;) (not likely, just making a point)

I'd be paying quite a bit of attention to the weak-hand targets at 15y. And, if I didn't know if I could hit Alphas at partials (pretty open partials) at 25y...then I guess I'd go form the middle of brown.:( But, a shooter ought to know if they can make that shot or not. As a matter of fact, a shooter ought to be able to pick any corner of the A-zone to shoot at that distance.

This is a fantastic standards. Not legal (US, but fantastic.

(Of course, the gamer in me might take advantage of the fact that it doesn't mention anything about shooting from the start box. :D )

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LOL...how easily we are distracted.

This stage is 170 points !!

It has three draws...two reloads...eight 15y shots weak hand...16 partials at 25y.

The hit factor on this is going to be low. 

I would want every point I could get (I'd darn sure want two Alphas on the 5y target...those are free). 

Heck, I might even go prone.  ;)  (not likely, just making a point)

I'd be paying quite a bit of attention to the weak-hand targets at 15y.  And, if I didn't know if I could hit Alphas at partials (pretty open partials) at 25y...then I guess I'd go form the middle of brown.:(  But, a shooter ought to know if they can make that shot or not.  As a matter of fact, a shooter ought to be able to pick any corner of the A-zone to shoot at that distance. 

This is a fantastic standards.  Not legal (US, but fantastic.

(Of course, the gamer in me might take advantage of the fact that it doesn't mention anything about shooting from the start box.  :D  )

Flex - Thanks for the break down. :D

After a multi year break from the sport - The two things I notice I've lost the most ground on are the MENTAL game - breaking down stages and long range shot calling with Iron sights.

Speeds about the same on the close stuff - that stuff came back pretty quick - everything from 15 in is fine....but the long stuff is killing me! (But I'm working hard to "fix" that...I know what to practice! ;) )

MAYBE I'LL JUST CHARGE THE 25 YARD TARGETS! :lol: Can you imagine the look on the RO's face! :rolleyes::lol::lol:

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I don't see any tricks to this stage. It is, without question, a stage that screws with the mind more than anything else.

Fundamentally none of those shots is tough. Even @ 25 yards, the bulk of the target is still available. If you are working for A's, and getting D's on open targets @ 25 yards then the possibility exists to shoot a miss here regardless of where you aim.

I would aim center of available target, and call shots as hard as I could. I would be a little slower on this stage than the top dogs, but that's ok. This is a 170 point stage - you have to get your hits, and you have to be efficient. Ten times more important than where to aim is to insure you have solid draws and reloads. Make up your time there, so you can dedicate what you need to score down range.

As is the advice with almost every scenario presented in this forum, your vision is what dictates what should happen.

My guess is all of us know HOW to shoot the stage. Just need to do it.


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Yeah, I would hug the A zone but stay far enough away from the black to avoid a Mike. If you can put the old irons right on the letter A more power to you.

I didn't say a word about shooting the "letter A". I said I'd want to get as many points as possible.

That is going to mean different things to different people.

There are plenty of square inches of A-zone left on those 25y targets. (But, let's not forget those weak-hand shots...or any of the others, for that matter.)

Ron...you should dominate on a stage like this!

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T2-T5 with the weak hand is probably where people will will get their worst hits and probably the slowest time as well. There is still plenty of A zone for T6,T7, and T9. T8 has less of an A zone exposed than the others, I would take the C's there if I got them but try for the A's on all the other targets.


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