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Does a bullet feeder increase Speed


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I can see how having a bullet feeder makes things easier but I am wondering if it is actually faster and if so by how much? Logically I can see how a case feeder increases speed since you no longer have to let go of the press handle to grab a case and load it. For bullets, it seems like there is quite a bit of time available where you left hand is otherwise unoccupied to pick up a bullet and have it ready to drop on the case. Just curious.

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I've had a bullet feeder for about 6 months, and honestly I don't think it makes a lot of difference, you can crank out a few more rounds but its not like WOW. Before getting the bullet feeder I loaded with a hand full of bullets at a time.

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I agree with CocoBolo. Adding a case feeder was a WOW improvement, adding the bullet feeder... not so much. I picked up few rounds per hour but nothing on the scale of what a case feeder added. That probably cut time in half or darn close. But like Merlin said, it does make it easier. At least I also think so.

Oh, and I'm loading on a Hornady LNL. 600 rounds an hour isn't even trying with the case feeder and I've done over 800 an hour without the bullet feeder but that's gettn' with the program!

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The short answer is YES, the longer answer is - unless you are in ammo business, it doesn't really matter. Your number of rounds per hour will more depend on auxiliary tasks. But the burst rate with a good feeder (read - Mr.Bulletfeeder) can nearly double. Just for grins I have done 100 rounds in 2 minutes and 52 seconds.

Edited by Foxbat
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  • 2 weeks later...

I guess it depends on how fast you already load.

Click on this photo for a short video of one of mine loading 223 @ the rate of 100 rounds in 2.5 min, that's quite a bit faster than I run with my fingers "in there".


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Uhm, Yes. On every Dillon I have seen a bullet feeder on the machine was able to run extremely fast. Way faster then you could do it by hand. My LnL could not handle High Speed loading. It needed to go at a moderate pace to be reliable. Push to hard and it would choke. I am talking in the 5 mins per 100 rate. My 650 does that with out a issue. I am sure with the Mr. Bullet it would run very fast.

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That is correct. Depending upon how old you are and how tired your back is, it reduced fatigue quite a bit. Things become much easier on your body when your left hand simply rests conveniently.

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That is correct. Depending upon how old you are and how tired your back is, it reduced fatigue quite a bit. Things become much easier on your body when your left hand simply rests conveniently.

That's my experience as well. For me, the Mr.Bulletfeeder was added more for ergonomics.

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  • 3 weeks later...
How reliable are the bullet feeders now?

The feeders are all pretty reliable the problem is with the collator sending inverted bullets to them. Long, skinny, sharp pointed rifle bullets are easy to get to run 100%. Short fat "square" bullets are more problematic but they can be done 100% as well.

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