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OpenDot's transition from U to GM


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Long story short, I've played in Heavy Metal Bands my entire life (i'm 42 now) and i've had a great career as a musician. I've toured with many great bands, i've seen alot of the USA.. did the whole "Hookers and Blow" thing. I've recorded 6 albums and toured them all. But, the music industry business side has made it the last 2 years that I have lost all desire to even pickup a guitar much less write music. I have one show left in June as my Retirement show and i'm done. No more lugging gear all over the US and if I have to change 1 more set of guitar strings after my last show i'll snap!!

My Dad was a gunsmith, i've been around firearms sinse I was a kid. I have a Dillon 550B. I shot some Combat League stuff last year for fun about 7 matches, won my first time out TYRO Class which gave me the itch because I did good. Then I found a place closer to home that does a Thursday night steel so I've shot that about 8 matches there so far....so in all I have about 15 matches under my belt total. I'm a D Class noob, i'm green and have bad eyes. I didn't do well doing the iron site thing which was very frustating because of teh eye ball problem..so I went with a dot...yay I can see my target picture now!! AMAZING! :devil:

I shoot my first qualifier tomorrow morning..I did join USPSA TY71886. Tried to shoot a qualifier last week and got there to late to sign up, but they let me shoot 2 stages so it would be worth my drive. Very cool Rangemaster.

Last night's match, not posting the whole thing as there were 100 shooters, last 20 didn't finish so I posted the last completed guys results vs. mine and the #1.

This was my 2nd match shooting open.

#01 XXXXXXXXXXXXXX OPEN M 12.57 10.60 12.48 10.61 = 46.26

#36 xxxxxxxOpenDot OPEN D 22.81 20.45 26.04 19.19 = 88.49

#80 XXXXXXXXXXXXXX LIMITED D 68.84 43.87 60.75 53.58 = 227.04

I shot fairly well considering i'm a noob. Reading this forum has got me dryfiring 15-30 minutes a day (which I just started doing a couple days ago). Matt Burkett hooked me up with some video's, Matt's guys at Predator Tactical are building me a Banshee open 9, should be done in 2-3 weeks. Right now i'm working on finding the Dot and single fire dryfire and my grip. I've noticed the dot shakes a little bit but does stay in the glass. I'll have 2 Open Guns, as I sold most of my guitar studio gear and backup amps to stock up on Guns, Bullets, cases, Powder and Primers. 9 Major is perfect for me as my hearing is bad enough and 38sc is just too f'in loud!! :ph34r:

I am going to get lazer surgery on my eyes next year then I want to shoot production as well.

I'm on a mission. This is what i'll be doing now that I have the time and money as I won't be investing money in the band anymore yay!!! lmfao

I'll post after tomorrow's qualifier...I just want to hopefully shoot more than 10% i'll be happy


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LOL :) Glad to hear you love it, but just so you know ............. you just went from an affordable hobby, to an expensive one!!! How much does a really good guitar go for these days? $1000? $1500? when you compare prices on guns, and consider that we don't get any cash back for shooting, its far from being a break-even hobby! But then that's not why we shoot is it? B)

38 Super guns just sound loud. If youre shooting them, you wont even notice it. If you're standing around watching, or God forbid, RO'ing one of them you can go deaf! But 6 and 1 half dozen anyways! Just get a good gun and learn like crazy! (Pick one and practice, as my mentor always said)

You have to pay your dues, just like playing guitar. Practice your "scales" ...... do it till your blisters turn into calluses ....... Take notes along the way ........ pay attention to everything, and don't forget to have FUN along the way or you'll get burnt out with shooting too.

But most importantly don't buy too much gear too fast ........... we all have a drawer full of holsters, mags, mag loaders, etc. that we thought would be awesome, but soon learned that particular accessory was NOT really necessary. Probably not much different than buying a dozen effects pedals, only to learn that you can do just fine with 2 or 3. They just look so fricken cool!

Have fun, make lots of friends, & never, ever stop learning.

Stand by .......... :cheers:

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Thanks Chris

Yeah the band was a never ending money pit. As far as gear, i've got everything I need for now. Yeah shooting open is expensive...noticing that real quick but i'm at the range every week, besides my Harley..this is very much therapy. lol

Right now i'm reading the site as much as I can and educating myself as much as possible. The DVD's Matt gave me are going on loop mode sunday as no wife no kids..so they will be playing all day while I dryfire until my finger falls off.

This video was my first stage ever with the Open Gun. I didn't even go to the public range and squeeze off a few before I entered the match hahahahahaa

I've got alot to learn and alot of work to do to get where I want to be. This forum is a wealth of knowledge and everyone is very friendly..I really like it here.

edit added video for everyone to LOL too as I wasted about 9 rounds that stage lol...but hey, it was my first stage and first time ever shooting an open gun!


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Shot the classifer match this morning. Woke up at 6:30, dryfired for 15 minutes..packed the car and got to the range. Met a buddy who shoots the Thursday night steel matches with me, he's new to USPSA as well (single stack minor for him....yes I LOL when he told me what he was shooting - as everyone here says...and I had to say it to him jokingly...MINIOR SUCKS DUDE!! He's an A Class shooter at steel there).

We started on stage 3 in our group, everyone was nice as could be everyone contributed all stages..great squad.

Stage 3 - Hi, my name is MIKE x3 ooooops. Sinse we were a few minutes late I didn't get to burn the stage in my brain - HUGE MISTAKE!! 8 papers, 2 steels, seemed like everything was only showing 1/2 hidden targets and stacks of barrels everywhere. I've never even seen a stage like this much less shot one. I'm used to Steel so this is all very new to me. One Box, hand on 2 stacks of barrels...beep...find the targets....I tanked that one WAY BAD!! LOL

Stage 4 - Now this was a 2 string stage with a 3 paper targets, one activated by a popper that turns twice and goes away. Never saw anything like this before either lol. String one I got 4 alpha, 1 Charlie and 1 delta, time was like 4.07...guy behind me said nice run, I smiled..I needed it after tanking that first stage lol. String 2 was 3 paper 2 steel. One steel activated a lightning fast swinger....got 4 alphas, 1 charlie 1 delta both poppers. Time was 5.22.

Stage 2 - 8 papers, one box center 2 were headshot only, maditory reload once. Got mostly alphas and charlies, 1-2 deltas and a mike for hitting the black on one of teh center 2 targets...grrrr.

Qualifer Stage 1 CM99-59 Lazy Man Standards a 4 string stage. 3 paper targets. One box and GIANT PAIN IN MY ASS! lmfao

String 1 engage all 3 targets, 2 shots each freestyle.

String 2 engage all targets one shot reload and repeat

String 3 engage all targets 2 shots strong hand only

String 4 engage all targets 2 shots weak hand only

I've never fired an open gun with a dot left handed...so that string alone took 13 seconds lmfao

1 Mike...left handed in the black zone.

Most people had anywhere from 2-5 black zone hits on this stage so I wasn't to bummed..

If I did my math correctly I should be at 11.75%...I just wanted to do over 10 my first time out so mission accomplished.

Had zero problems with gun or gear and had a great time!!!!!

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By snapped a pic of me just after the draw getting ready to squeeze the first round

That Techwear shirt Matt gave me is nice, temp was close to 100 by the last stage...nice breeze started and I was glad I didn't wear the black t-shirt I originally grabbed...those shirts breath nicely!!!!!! Genius designer..

Got me a little dryfire course, hard to do in a 10x10 room...can't really move much lol

box 1


box 2



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Ma7 7, 2011 USPSA

Match Date: 5/3/2011

Stage: 1 Lazyman Standards

Place Name No. Class Division Pts Pen Time Hit Fact Stg Pts Stg %

1 XXXXXXXXXX 32 M Open 105 0 20.15 5.2109 120.0000 100.00%

2 Davis, Randy 25 U Open 94 20 37.10 1.9946 45.9329 38.28%

3 XXXXXXXXXXX 7 C Open 77 50 40.75 0.6626 15.2588 12.72%

These were the guys that shot open yesterday

Total Match results I fished right in the middle...not first, not last....guess I did better than I thoigh, i'm very pleased with my results.

Time to dryfire, find the dot and target transition.

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Shot a steel match last night, probably the best ive ever shot with the open gun. Dryfire exercizes are great at home but my draw and find the dot is struggling in daylight, I have to blast that dot up all the way. Next match in the day i'll try sunglasses instead of clears lol

My reloads are getting better. I'm noticing I almost bring the gun to face like i'm going to eat it during reloads to see the mag in the well. :roflol:

XXXXX Chris OPEN M 15.42 36.50 25.42 23.47 = 100.81

Davis Randy OPEN D 12.97 31.00 29.00 27.33 = 100.30

Beat a Master Shooter Last Night by 4 tenths of a second!!!!! :goof:

Hit the mag release with my left hand on stage 3 and 4 which made me reload and cost me both stages. I need to put a small button instead of that dinner plate that's on there now..

I'll advance out of "D" Class next week as i've won my class the last 3 weeks in the weekly steel match...

I'm going to try to get to Rio to shoot the USPSA qualifier on sunday if it's not too hot..I hate standing in the desert for 5 hours to shoot a total time under 2 minutes. :angry:

My grip still sucks, lots of dot movement between shots... I can do all the dvd drills and shoot GM in my house but outside of my house is when the suck botton get flipped on.. :wacko::lol:

I am noticing though even with my crappy grip i'm still calling my shots and tracking the dot very very well.... if I can just get rid of my grip concern i'd shoot much faster.

I need to call Burkett when he's back from VA and see if I can book a one on one with him...

I AM LOVING THE OPEN GUN THOUGH... out of what I shot all last year, this was the best move ever for me...i've shot way up the results lists and my times are better every week. Even though I suck now as long as my times decrease and I continue to move up in class..everything should fall into place.

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Shot my second qualifier today. I took my time and tried not to rush to much but the gun shoots soooo fast lol

No Mikes, No penalties...so I was happy. Wound up in the "C" Range...I can do better and I will.!!

My dryfire excersizes and finding the dot are a little faster, it's still been less than a month with the Open Gun. My grip was alot better today, not as much shaking of the dot between shots. Also trying to get used to the trigger on this gun. I'm fininding i'm jerking my 2nd shot almost everytime...not good.


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Last night was brutal... 3 full hours. :surprise:

Draw, find the dot, dryfire, reload, find the dot on "A" Zone, reload and find the dot ect..

Using Burketts timer


When I started... I was rushing just to beat it on 8.0 Par with draw, fire, reload and find the dot and reload 3 times (4 mags total)

By the end of 3 hours, I was waiting for the timer to beep then say reholster.

Tonight I'm starting on 6.0 and try for 2-3 hours.

Also moved my holster forward towards the front of my leg about 2", this alone cut time off my draw and made it easier to aquire my target faster.

It's the little things

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Nothing like going backwards in your shooting... :angry2:

Stage 1 Scope lost zero and was shooting 4-5" low, second rack I was aiming at the very top of the plates.

I have a huge problem, as soon as teh buzzer goes off..I always miss my first shots!!!! This...is getting old!




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Just got back...what a disaster that was.

Had a Jam (first one ever with this gun) and had a procedural penalty because the jam made me forget about the Virginia Count Scoring and I fired an extra round by mistake on the last paper

scoring was 6 Alpha

1 Charlie (last shot)



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Just got back...what a disaster that was.

Had a Jam (first one ever with this gun) and had a procedural penalty because the jam made me forget about the Virginia Count Scoring and I fired an extra round by mistake on the last paper

scoring was 6 Alpha

1 Charlie (last shot)



I assume by your attitude that you must have mastered playing the guitar in a month, is that right?

Relax. I barely knew which way to point the thing a month after I started :D you're well on your way to mastery.

I swear, a negative attitude is the hardest thing to overcome when learning a new skill. I'm learning piano at the moment and am giving myself twice the shit for messing up than I did when learning guns. Odd how that works.

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Ive been doing this for 2 years and just now feel like Im making some progress. Just dont get discouraged. Like Donovan said, negativity is the worst thing for your game. It is just a game, first of all, have fun then worry about doing well. Shoot straight!

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Thanks guys, much appreciated. :cheers:

Just frustrated. I shot all A's so that was good... the Jam is what killed me, well that and the extra C I felt compelled to throw up hahahahaha.

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Had a 1 on 1 with Burkett at PT today.

Did table reloads today with a 1.7 sec par timer - pickup from table, aquire target and dryfire, reload and aquire target again. Did that for 1.5 hours.

Switched to weak hand and strong hand dryfire, did that for 1.0 hr.

Worked on reloading in general for 2.0hrs


Still need to bring that blaster to my face to reload but it's getting better.

Also did some cool vids for youtube with him (if they use my stuff anyways lmfao)

I learned a truckload today... my draw fire is coming along

Life is good..

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edit added scores

Somebody asked me how long have I been doing this?

We actually figured this out last night as the match director looked in his archives.... 10 months total now

The range I shot last night is far away from my house so I stopped going there and it costs $7.00 more to shoot but they give away awards but it's the range where I started shooting in competition so we looked in the records. 10 months

Heads Up Results


Place Name Class Stage 1 Stage2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 TOTAL

1 Juengel, Eric D SingleStack 69.47 41.65 42.84 39.66

2 Pesuti, Vince Master Open 2.40 -1.67 -2.04 -1.57 5.17 2.29

3 Gallegos, Phillip D. Master Open -0.32 -0.93 -3.57 0.75 8.36 4.29

4 Maguire, Paul Master Open -1.83 5.90 1.33 -4.20 9.06 10.26

5 Inscho, Marvin Master Open -4.00 4.07 -2.55 -3.28 19.87 14.11

6 Muegge, Brian Master Open -1.42 6.88 -1.76 4.27 6.61 14.58

7 Kantor, Ian D Limited 0.89 3.50 4.77 1.85 13.55 24.56

8 DeWeese, Brent Master Limited -3.51 11.26 1.96 6.87 11.89 28.47

9 Costa, Sterling Master Limited -0.70 6.29 0.86 7.50 16.66 30.61

10 Weinberg, Steve Master Limited 6.43 15.79 2.28 1.34 16.16 42.00

11 Reiners, Gale A Limited 0.62 19.47 1.67 4.79 15.68 42.23

12 Thomas, Tim Master Limited -1.40 7.44 1.83 11.95 22.99 42.81

13 Owens, Tony Master Limited -2.04 8.44 14.82 5.37 16.53 43.12

14 Davis, Randy D Open -0.80 19.93 5.08 5.00 16.40 45.61

15 Metcalf, Jim Master Limited 0.75 7.40 11.72 14.46 14.36 48.69

16 Schwartzkopf, Matt B Limited 0.90 12.34 4.86 5.94 24.66 48.70

17 Sally, David D Limited -0.40 4.18 7.35 6.64 31.27 49.04

18 Rolston, Patrick Master SingleStack 1.07 9.96 2.80 18.56 24.30 56.69

19 Eng, Ray Master Limited 2.78 16.66 8.38 16.95 14.43 59.20

20 Magness, Bill Master Revolver 3.39 21.08 11.31 12.94 12.71 61.43

21 Koemptgen, Joe Master Limited -2.14 15.85 18.19 1.16 32.42 65.48

22 Hoag, Eric B SingleStack 2.10 26.33 9.71 6.05 22.22 66.41

23 Trainor, Brian D Limited 0.12 9.67 10.71 12.55 34.67 67.72

24 Van Patten, Dale D Production 4.38 18.17 11.67 25.63 22.21 82.06

25 Turnquist, Scot Master Limited 6.30 22.58 18.38 14.84 23.11 85.21

26 Krizan, Chip A Limited 9.98 37.47 14.16 8.66 33.44 103.71

27 Jenkins, Steve D Limited 10 12.39 39.11 15.40 21.46 18.26 106.62

28 Pekera, Bryan B SingleStack 7.65 23.13 12.80 17.86 46.49 107.93

29 Gaffner, Cory Tyro 2.41 40.25 22.47 27.16 21.02 113.31

30 Dewyer, Ken C Limited 1.79 17.07 47.27 8.43 39.93 114.49

31 Bazinet, Hazen D Limited 3.21 28.28 18.60 17.82 52.21 120.12

32 Macaluso, Mac B Limited 0.41 57.69 12.57 11.14 50.57 132.38

33 Yunker, Paul D Limited 2.25 57.34 27.87 19.02 33.01 139.49

34 Gonzalez, Ed Tyro 6.97 30.23 35.96 48.58 28.76 150.50

35 Moore, Steve D SingleStack -0.45 52.25 17.35 37.36 64.40 170.91

36 Geluso, Frank C Revolver 15.52 42.99 26.19 45.37 42.45 172.52

37 Hammac, Evan D Limited 4.83 78.95 19.42 53.03 61.11 217.34

38 Aleksa, Brian Tyro 23.09 78.30 33.77 54.46 58.15 247.77

39 Sherrell, Jimy Tyro 31.66 82.35 48.80 57.16 100.00 319.97

40 Sherrell, Kaaren Tyro 12.73 100.00 103.66 57.36 100.00 373.75

41 Anderson, Steve Tyro 42.79 226.32 292.00 340.00 175.00 1076.11

I still need lots and lots of work but am happy with my progress on the local level.

Now if I can just shoot some qualifiers the same way

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Had a 1 on 1 with Burkett at PT today.

Did table reloads today with a 1.7 sec par timer - pickup from table, aquire target and dryfire, reload and aquire target again. Did that for 1.5 hours.

Switched to weak hand and strong hand dryfire, did that for 1.0 hr.

Worked on reloading in general for 2.0hrs


Still need to bring that blaster to my face to reload but it's getting better.

Also did some cool vids for youtube with him (if they use my stuff anyways lmfao)

I learned a truckload today... my draw fire is coming along

Life is good..

Few pics of Matt and I




I was the timer guy in the video lol

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Cool match vid. Wow, your comp is spitting some serious flame!! I ought to do some at dusk video of mine! Just something I guess we don't get to see in daylight.

You've heard it before, but it bears repeating. Get your fundamentals down. Don't get to where I'm at with training scars. It sucks big time unlearning the bad. In the end it will be worth it, but I sure wish I'd done some one on one GM training 5 years ago!!!

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Cool match vid. Wow, your comp is spitting some serious flame!! I ought to do some at dusk video of mine! Just something I guess we don't get to see in daylight.

You've heard it before, but it bears repeating. Get your fundamentals down. Don't get to where I'm at with training scars. It sucks big time unlearning the bad. In the end it will be worth it, but I sure wish I'd done some one on one GM training 5 years ago!!!

Much thanks my friend!!!! :cheers:

Shot a local steel match as I do every thurday night. As nobody shoots Open D, C, B or A at this range..they moved me from Open D to Open M so I can compete against the big Dogs...it will give me something to work hard for. Also said if more shooters go to Open and start at D or C, (if they're are 3 or more) I can go down and shoot against them If I choose sinse I have nobody to compete against except M's and GM's...so last night I was shooting Open M Class... :goof:

Stage 1, 2 and 3...went well considering i've only been shooting 1 year now at the competitive level and 6 weeks with the open gun.

But... :roflol:

I have no clue what happened on stage 4..my mind went blank. The stage was a weird layout with shooting paper in between boxes. Between B to C and box C to D. I read the layout incorrectly and got hit with a Mike and a hard cover which added +20 to the stage...


Last First Gun Class Fun 1 2 3 4 Total

DePetro Joe OPEN GM 8.24 16.16 18.92 18.96 62.28

Denton Rick OPEN GM FUN 9.17 17.27 20.42 16.76 63.62

Denton Rick OPEN GM 9.94 18.87 21.03 24.72 74.56

Green Brian OPEN M 10.10 17.10 21.44 20.78 69.42

Davis Randy OPEN M 14.41 25.86 26.32 40.21 106.80

Hartman Chris OPEN M 12.47 41.11 50.10 200.00 303.68

Milkovich Tim LIMITED GM 8.88 17.73 17.72 19.12 63.45

Mosler Mo LIMITED GM 9.55 28.82 28.40 23.85 90.62

Yost Rick LIMITED GM 15.33 25.23 29.05 27.89 97.50

Travis Sam LIMITED M 8.97 16.88 17.66 14.45 57.96

Lavine Matt LIMITED M 9.86 19.37 32.72 23.32 85.27

Kuboyama Les LIMITED M 14.61 20.67 25.54 29.55 90.37

Reed Rich LIMITED M 14.52 24.88 37.97 30.78 108.15

Perez Mark LIMITED A 11.09 24.03 28.11 18.75 81.98

Mowery Gary LIMITED A 16.52 25.37 26.85 25.35 94.09

Wendelboe Nick LIMITED A 12.88 27.31 33.24 28.40 101.83

Kirkland Noel LIMITED A FUN 14.29 31.42 27.98 41.12 114.81

Kirkland Noel LIMITED A 18.97 27.92 44.09 45.60 136.58

Van Haaster Erick LIMITED B 12.26 18.55 21.16 21.88 73.85

Arnold Kurt LIMITED B 13.79 19.86 23.94 31.80 89.39

Hartmann Fred LIMITED B 16.11 35.26 35.71 40.86 127.94

Petculescu John LIMITED C 13.35 20.28 29.02 28.55 91.20

Trader Luke LIMITED C 13.92 27.73 32.61 34.59 108.85

Robie Rett LIMITED C 14.80 32.54 33.93 32.00 113.27

Ellis Holmes LIMITED C 16.52 32.77 39.09 39.50 127.88

Seal Jonathan LIMITED C 12.60 22.68 33.97 60.81 130.06

John Sam LIMITED D 12.69 27.61 30.10 27.55 97.95

Jackson David LIMITED D 11.88 28.50 40.30 31.56 112.24

Weaver Brian LIMITED D 17.54 30.76 31.65 33.96 113.91

McLean Randy LIMITED D 21.79 18.55 38.77 55.39 134.50

Whitchurch Valerie LIMITED D 16.83 26.22 34.30 57.87 135.22

Hansen David LIMITED D 30.39 43.44 35.51 34.54 143.88

Tassinari Bernard LIMITED D 17.41 45.06 41.60 44.28 148.35

Lake Rick LIMITED D 16.29 32.36 55.20 53.00 156.85

Bubestinger Helmut LIMITED D 21.05 52.00 48.70 40.67 162.42

Decano Tommie LIMITED D 21.88 42.15 58.18 45.74 167.95

Wilson Rick LIMITED D 20.92 56.46 46.07 46.34 169.79

Lloyd Tony LIMITED D 22.50 41.60 56.42 56.83 177.35

Campanaro Michele LIMITED D 24.88 36.77 86.85 37.10 185.60

Dudock Richard LIMITED D 28.34 47.75 65.03 52.05 193.17

Haney Kim LIMITED D 21.68 62.88 68.41 41.21 194.18

Hendrickson Lee LIMITED D 27.06 52.30 54.69 61.99 196.04

Whitesell Mike LIMITED D 34.70 50.64 92.69 57.26 235.29

Kitts Cheryl LIMITED D 25.41 44.56 113.48 55.19 238.64

Morrison Al LIMITED D 13.24 27.24 200.00 34.94 275.42

McLean Diane LIMITED D 61.13 82.36 61.80 86.26 291.55

Bishop Jon LIMITED N 19.95 45.87 43.81 40.66 150.29

Yost Michael LIMITED N 21.00 46.15 50.23 37.96 155.34

Jewett Ian LIMITED N 13.19 30.99 200.00 25.42 269.60

Wechsler Justin LIMITED N 25.04 42.38 200.00 46.21 313.63

Dudock Daniel LIMITED N 40.58 88.09 112.41 131.68 372.76

Schmidt Kyle L10 GM 8.60 16.44 22.14 17.97 65.15

Dunivin Sara L10 GM 10.12 18.00 20.35 21.39 69.86

Mauller Tony L10 D FUN 16.79 22.70 39.71 30.26 109.46

Mauller Tony L10 D 15.98 28.02 31.39 41.72 117.11

Berkebile Karl L10 D 41.96 48.10 14.14 60.39 164.59

Creighton Kevin L10 D 23.72 60.60 60.26 50.34 194.92

Messenger Robert L10 D 19.42 66.76 51.81 63.67 201.66

Horsman Steve SS GM 8.61 17.41 20.83 25.05 71.90

Glickman Alan SS A 13.57 29.13 47.57 30.44 120.71

L Norm SS B 9.22 21.13 38.54 25.61 94.50

Perkinson Brad SS C 13.21 25.68 33.38 23.65 95.92

Nitzsdiler Michael SS C 16.90 33.16 38.49 32.07 120.62

Lake Ryan SS C 24.72 39.40 83.17 45.77 193.06

Sublett Matt SS D 11.70 29.04 23.69 31.00 95.43

Despain Chris SS D 18.18 32.31 44.88 37.72 133.09

Janes Jacqueline SS D 40.96 200.00 44.19 46.71 331.86

McConlogue Tom SS N 29.22 48.79 53.65 73.44 205.10

Manning Mel REVO D 57.74 90.93 90.92 113.03 352.62

Robie JR REVO M 12.23 32.66 42.95 46.95 134.79

Ginsburg David ? D 23.03 52.37 49.37 54.50 179.27

Minton Mike ? D 22.49 43.43 61.48 53.03 180.43

O'Hara Patrick ? D 18.75 48.15 61.89 56.23 185.02

Mann Karl ? ? 11.99 43.34 42.31 39.17 136.81

Overall Rank

1 Travis Sam LIMITED M 8.97 16.88 17.66 14.45 57.96

2 DePetro Joe OPEN GM 8.24 16.16 18.92 18.96 62.28

3 Milkovich Tim LIMITED GM 8.88 17.73 17.72 19.12 63.45

4 Denton Rick OPEN GM FUN 9.17 17.27 20.42 16.76 63.62

5 Schmidt Kyle L10 GM 8.60 16.44 22.14 17.97 65.15

6 Green Brian OPEN M 10.10 17.10 21.44 20.78 69.42

7 Dunivin Sara L10 GM 10.12 18.00 20.35 21.39 69.86

8 Horsman Steve SS GM 8.61 17.41 20.83 25.05 71.90

9 Van Haaster Erick LIMITED B 12.26 18.55 21.16 21.88 73.85

10 Denton Rick OPEN GM 9.94 18.87 21.03 24.72 74.56

11 Perez Mark LIMITED A 11.09 24.03 28.11 18.75 81.98

12 Lavine Matt LIMITED M 9.86 19.37 32.72 23.32 85.27

13 Arnold Kurt LIMITED B 13.79 19.86 23.94 31.80 89.39

14 Kuboyama Les LIMITED M 14.61 20.67 25.54 29.55 90.37

15 Mosler Mo LIMITED GM 9.55 28.82 28.40 23.85 90.62

16 Petculescu John LIMITED C 13.35 20.28 29.02 28.55 91.20

17 Mowery Gary LIMITED A 16.52 25.37 26.85 25.35 94.09

18 L Norm SS B 9.22 21.13 38.54 25.61 94.50

19 Sublett Matt SS D 11.70 29.04 23.69 31.00 95.43

20 Perkinson Brad SS C 13.21 25.68 33.38 23.65 95.92

21 Yost Rick LIMITED GM 15.33 25.23 29.05 27.89 97.50

22 John Sam LIMITED D 12.69 27.61 30.10 27.55 97.95

23 Wendelboe Nick LIMITED A 12.88 27.31 33.24 28.40 101.83

24 Davis Randy OPEN M 14.41 25.86 26.32 40.21 106.80

25 Reed Rich LIMITED M 14.52 24.88 37.97 30.78 108.15

26 Trader Luke LIMITED C 13.92 27.73 32.61 34.59 108.85

27 Mauller Tony L10 D FUN 16.79 22.70 39.71 30.26 109.46

28 Jackson David LIMITED D 11.88 28.50 40.30 31.56 112.24

29 Robie Rett LIMITED C 14.80 32.54 33.93 32.00 113.27

30 Weaver Brian LIMITED D 17.54 30.76 31.65 33.96 113.91

31 Kirkland Noel LIMITED A FUN 14.29 31.42 27.98 41.12 114.81

32 Mauller Tony L10 D 15.98 28.02 31.39 41.72 117.11

33 Nitzsdiler Michael SS C 16.90 33.16 38.49 32.07 120.62

34 Glickman Alan SS A 13.57 29.13 47.57 30.44 120.71

35 Ellis Holmes LIMITED C 16.52 32.77 39.09 39.50 127.88

36 Hartmann Fred LIMITED B 16.11 35.26 35.71 40.86 127.94

37 Seal Jonathan LIMITED C 12.60 22.68 33.97 60.81 130.06

38 Despain Chris SS D 18.18 32.31 44.88 37.72 133.09

39 McLean Randy LIMITED D 21.79 18.55 38.77 55.39 134.50

40 Robie JR REVO M 12.23 32.66 42.95 46.95 134.79

41 Whitchurch Valerie LIMITED D 16.83 26.22 34.30 57.87 135.22

42 Kirkland Noel LIMITED A 18.97 27.92 44.09 45.60 136.58

43 Mann Karl ? ? 11.99 43.34 42.31 39.17 136.81

44 Hansen David LIMITED D 30.39 43.44 35.51 34.54 143.88

45 Tassinari Bernard LIMITED D 17.41 45.06 41.60 44.28 148.35

46 Bishop Jon LIMITED N 19.95 45.87 43.81 40.66 150.29

47 Yost Michael LIMITED N 21.00 46.15 50.23 37.96 155.34

48 Lake Rick LIMITED D 16.29 32.36 55.20 53.00 156.85

49 Bubestinger Helmut LIMITED D 21.05 52.00 48.70 40.67 162.42

50 Berkebile Karl L10 D 41.96 48.10 14.14 60.39 164.59

51 Decano Tommie LIMITED D 21.88 42.15 58.18 45.74 167.95

52 Wilson Rick LIMITED D 20.92 56.46 46.07 46.34 169.79

53 Lloyd Tony LIMITED D 22.50 41.60 56.42 56.83 177.35

54 Ginsburg David ? D 23.03 52.37 49.37 54.50 179.27

55 Minton Mike ? D 22.49 43.43 61.48 53.03 180.43

56 O'Hara Patrick ? D 18.75 48.15 61.89 56.23 185.02

57 Campanaro Michele LIMITED D 24.88 36.77 86.85 37.10 185.60

58 Lake Ryan SS C 24.72 39.40 83.17 45.77 193.06

59 Dudock Richard LIMITED D 28.34 47.75 65.03 52.05 193.17

60 Haney Kim LIMITED D 21.68 62.88 68.41 41.21 194.18

61 Creighton Kevin L10 D 23.72 60.60 60.26 50.34 194.92

62 Hendrickson Lee LIMITED D 27.06 52.30 54.69 61.99 196.04

63 Messenger Robert L10 D 19.42 66.76 51.81 63.67 201.66

64 McConlogue Tom SS N 29.22 48.79 53.65 73.44 205.10

65 Whitesell Mike LIMITED D 34.70 50.64 92.69 57.26 235.29

66 Kitts Cheryl LIMITED D 25.41 44.56 113.48 55.19 238.64

67 Jewett Ian LIMITED N 13.19 30.99 200.00 25.42 269.60

68 Morrison Al LIMITED D 13.24 27.24 200.00 34.94 275.42

69 McLean Diane LIMITED D 61.13 82.36 61.80 86.26 291.55

70 Hartman Chris OPEN M 12.47 41.11 50.10 200.00 303.68

71 Wechsler Justin LIMITED N 25.04 42.38 200.00 46.21 313.63

72 Janes Jacqueline SS D 40.96 200.00 44.19 46.71 331.86

73 Manning Mel REVO D 57.74 90.93 90.92 113.03 352.62

74 Dudock Daniel LIMITED N 40.58 88.09 112.41 131.68 372.76

Edited by OpenDot
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