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Reality Check

kevin c

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Realizations after flaming out in this weekend's match:

1) Doing a six shot Bill Drill once in 2.05 seconds last weekend does NOT mean that I am .05 seconds away from making Master.

2) Having a .65 second draw on an arm's length target does NOT mean I will hit anything in twice that time at anything over twice that distance.

3) That ethereal feeling of serene detachment I felt while shooting the match is not my much sought after Zen state of grace, but is due to the fact that I'd only gotten an average of four hours of sleep a night in the previous week.

4) Shooting the match with a sprained left ankle is not an excuse for poor performance, nor does it make me tough. It makes me stupid. (Applies also to #3.)

5) My shooting should be an end unto itself; it does not reflect on other activities in my life, nor on other people's shooting in comparison, nor even my own expectations of it, and to allow such things to creep into my shooting adversely affects both my performance and, more importantly, my enjoyment of it.

Man, do I have a long way to go... :wacko:

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  • 8 months later...
Guest Larry Cazes

Kevin, do you think the weather may have had some influence as well? We didnt make it on Sunday because it was pretty bad.

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My shooting should be an end unto itself; it does not reflect on other activities in my life, nor on other people's shooting in comparison, nor even my own expectations of it, and to allow such things to creep into my shooting adversely affects both my performance and, more importantly, my enjoyment of it.

good post, but I don't know why you'd give Clint Smith credit for your realizations.

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He has a no BS tactical column by that name in American Handgunner, in which he regularly punches holes in various rosy eyed views of the world, the real and imagined threats in it, and how firearms figure into dealing with the same.

By way of example: in one of his first columns, in a handgun rag of all things, he basically and bluntly said that, in a gun fight, a rifle or shotgun is better firepower wise than any pistol. He also said that all the training in the world won't help if you don't have a gun on you, that having a gun on you won't help if you aren't aware of the risks around you and are prepared to deal with them, and that the very best training is that which gives you the ability to assess the risk before you're entangled in it and to avoid it so you never have to use the gun after all.

Sensible guy...

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Kevin, do you think the weather may have had some influence as well? We didnt make it on Sunday because it was pretty bad.

Naw, Larry. I'm mainly talking about the head games I play with myself... :rolleyes:

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At least, Weebles, you're young enough to learn to change those bad habits. At my age, they are ossified... :lol:

:mellow: its still hard to break them, but yes, it is a lot easier to correct lol... i used to get so worked up and worried about double loads, when i think about it (most of the time) I would shoot one... YAY! there goes 19/20 points (depending if i get lucky enough... i'll shoot a one)

Good Job Monica <_<

The one competition, where i lost my first place in sub-junior... by two points... because i doubled loaded...


oh well it was my fault and i can't change it...

besides, i worked on it for like 2-4 months, and once a month ever since, on double loading (well Concentration)

my friend, still can't get over that...

but she never wants to work on it, so her fault... not mine... and not my problem... well it might, when i go with her for teams... :mellow:

Enough complaining...

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