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Gunsmith License requirements?

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If you are "in business" at minimum you will need a 01 FFL, maybe a 07 depending on what you do (and whether you only work on customer gun vs. buy guns with plans to modify/customizing for resale).

Local/state permits may also be required per your location.

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Gunsmith. A person who devotes time, attention, and labor to engaging in such activity as a regular course of trade or business with the principal objective of livelihood and profit, but such a term shall not include a person who makes occasional repairs of firearms or who occasionally fits special barrels, stocks, or trigger mechanisms to firearms

Read more: http://cfr.vlex.com/vid/11-meaning-terms-19675251#ixzz1IqtC7MWJ

Go to the regulations and read them is your first action item.

Do you qualify under the definition of a gunsmith?

Is your principle objective of livelihood and profit gunsmithing? if yes, then get a license to be safe rather than sorry.

The hobbeyist does not fall within the regulations.

Edited by pjb45
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And don't forget with the 07 FFL you will need to pay the FET.


Only if you go over the 50 guns worked on per year right? Also the FFL fee and FET is much cheaper than any lawyer I can think of.

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