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Helmet Nazis


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Interestingly enough, most people whom "choose" not to take necessary steps to protect themselves are the first ones to run to a trial lawyer to sue for what happened to them.

In this case one could make the argument that helmets were not suggested (before the new regulations passed requiring one) so the ski resort is to blame....or maybe one could argue that the snow was just too hard. <_<

Laws/regulations are passed in this country to protect idiots from themselves and to protect business owners from the same idiots whom can't seem to take simple precautions against injury and death. ;)

Remember, if EVERYONE used a bit of common sense every now and then there would be no need for these types of laws/regulations and no need for "trial lawyers". :o

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Hey Lukie, lis'n here boy! You know that crazy man that lives out there past the truck stop?" "Yeah, I know him cuzzin, that one that rides his motor-scooter without no helmet! hehehe, Durn Fool!" "Know what else he does, Lukie?" "Crazy Sumbitch runs around with a loaded .45, busting through doors and shootin' that thang ruty-toot-toot six times a second." "Yep, he's a few bricks shy of a load alright", Sheriff oughta lock him up 'fore he does some real harm." Hell, ther oughta be a law!

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not to belabor this point, but........ hurt my knee bad last summer at kyle lamb's 3-gun match. was finally able to start riding again about nov.(been road bikin' alot longer than shootin'), just trying to do the rehab thing. hell, ridin' slow on the pinellas trail(florida boys might know it), i don't need no stinkin' helmet! stopped for water, stood on the pedals a bit(all my knee could do), and the right pedal spindle broke. how often does that happen? went down about 5mph, clonked my head pretty good. that weekend at the pistol match, couldn't really add the scores too good. was duller than usual for a couple of weeks. scared the shit out of me........ imagine at 60mph....... it don't take much, and saying you know when to excercise caution(which is what i was doing) is bull#$%@. all the safety stuff that gets drilled into us with gun-handling seems to fall on deaf ears. i press checked it awhile ago, don't need to do it this time........ ask the guys about a month ago at the gunsite incident..... this might be a little verbose, but you only got one head, and droolin' all the time is kinda messy......

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Not to voice an opinion either way...I do a wear a full face when I ride....my choice....but here is an entertaining take on the current discussion...

I ran into a friend of mine last night who is an emergency room doc out west, his wife works in the head trauma ICU unit at the same hospital..... they refer to the unit as room full of people that didn't wear helmets while doing activities that require helmets, or did so many drugs, they should been wearing helmets!!....she had a couple of great stories....

the one kid that had tubes and truss work coming out of his head, his friends decorated them to look like antlers for christmas....and at one point put a 20 dollar bill on the unconcious 18 year old's bed and said..."wow dude' didn't think you would do it"...

they seem to have an influx of "car surfers", "jack ass imitators", and the ever popular club of motorcycle "organ donors" who found out the hard way about the laws of physics in reference to "pavement vs skull"...

they can disconnect you in his state when there is no evidence of brain function...so there was this 19 year old girl who had done way to many drugs (without a helmet!).. and fried her brain...and her "gaurdians" were kind of a travelling "cult" of people where decisions are made by the men of the group......when they were informed that she had no brain function and was to be disconnected.....they asked to have a "Brain Transplant" for her.....shocked and trying to be polite in this trying time...the Nuerosurgeon and my friends wife tried to inform them.....that there is no such proceedure...the group discussed amongst themselves for a few minutes and asked for a "second opinion"........the surgeon very calmly...brought in another nuero doc......who granted the second opinion...that yes......there is no such thing as a "Brain Transplant"....


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