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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

new from ohio


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New guy from Ohio here. Started shooting matches about a year ago. Hit up one of the local fast guys on what it takes to win. He suggested BEnos's book. I read it and found this site. Looks good and I am working on some new things. Looking forward to lurking and learning. Maybe someday I will be a greybeard. Always open to meeting new shooting buds. Dillon Sportsman Center is my home range

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Welcome to the best shooting forum on the net. :clheers: Where is Dillon sportsman center at?

Dillon is in the norwest side of Muskingum County. It is part of Dillon State Park but is ran by The Land of Legend Pistol and Rifle Club. www.llrpc.com The site doesn't get update regularly. You can see their scedule by clicking on sceduled events and on the right side click on download 2010 scedule. The range is closed for this year but they will post the 2011 scedule soon. It will be pretty much the same as last year.

Welcome aboard. If Dillon is your "home" area you must not be too far from Rayner's. http://www.raynersrange.com/

I work with a guy whos son shoots the long range events out there but I have never been there myself. That looks like it is about as south as you can get in Muskingum county and I am about as north as you can get. I didn't even know they had pistol matches out there. I will definatly try to get down there next year.

Welcome!Dillon's the place I usually shoot as well, but usually just the pin and 22 rifle matches.

We probably have met before. I shoot the pin matches too. I also shoot the steel and IDPA matches.

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