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I'd love a little feedback. Been a while since I've asked.

Some background.... The first 10 shot from P1 ranged from about 10 yards to about 25 yards. My hits were good with the exception of a single Mike that I knew I threw and neglected to clean up.

Edited by Seth
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if you knew you threw the M at the time, why not make it up. I can understand not wasting time to go back to a target for say a D, especially if you;ve moved positions, but if you toss a Mike (thats 15 less points you'll get), why not make it up on the spot and move along?

Otherwise, looked pretty good. I like your idea of taking more shots from P1 to what looked like eliminate some other positions later in the stage. I dont shoot accurately enough at longer distances(im working on it) so i like to get closer if i can :)

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Honestly, it was my last stage of the day, I'm MD at the club and needed to get the trailer to start tearing down the match and I was tired.

Frankly, I just didn't care! But now I have video which is rare, so hammer away!

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Here is what I see……

At the start, you draw the gun and bring it high, which is good. But then you kill any time advantage by doing these things by settling into the shooting position and then swinging left to engage the first two targets. You could have engaged those first two targets on the left as you entered the shooting area and settled into the first shooting position.

In the first shooting position you engaged the targets in an order that kept you pinned in the one position. You could have engaged the targets in a right to left order which would allow you to start moving out of the position as you engaged the last two targets.

When you engage the targets on the right, it seems like you should have been able to shoot the first two on the move slowly and then increased your movement speed to engage the second two targets. Stand shooting kills a lot of time.

When you enter the last shooting position you engage the targets in a funky order. The only time you should be engaging the targets in the order you did is if you are able to engage them way further back on the move as you are entering the shooting position. As you shot it, you simply wasted time by creating longer transition times swinging back and forth between targets. If your plan was to move to the last position then shoot, it would have been faster to engage the extreme right first as you settled into the position then shot the remaining targets right to left.

As always, video is harder to see what the true shooting options are for the stage but based on what I seen I would have shot the stage differently to minimize the log jam stand shooting at the front of the stage.

Another thing to consider is your shooting cadence. Are you breaking the shots as soon as you can call them or are you simply rowing your trigger finger at a predetermined cadence and trying to call your shots as they break? Listen to all of your splits, they are almost exactly the same regardless of shot difficulty. This is usually a tell tail sign that you are simply shooting at a cadence verses breaking each shot when you can call it. I know that my splits would have varied a lot more than yours if I shot the stage. There are was quite a bit of different difficulty shots on that stage and each one would require a different refinement of the sight picture in order to call it properly. The shot calling process should be as follows….. Process Sight Picture on target, shot breaks, shot is called as it breaks. It shouldn’t be ……Finger rows out shots in a cadence, shot breaks, shot is attempted to be called after it breaks.

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Great stuff! I was hoping you'd chime in.

I don't shoot cadence... it just turns out that all the targets were at a similar distance and I had to slow down to get acceptable hits. I haven't quite gotten comfortable with the 6" yet and haven't found my speed with it.

Its funny how a plan falls apart... I had PLANNED to shoot the 2 in front of me as I was coming into the last position... but I didn't. The weird transition was a mistake.

I do like the idea of shooting on the move on the way to the first position. What I thought was that at that distance I should just flat foot it and take them all from one spot. I didn't see cutting them right to left, as I wanted to be headed to the right as I was doing the reload and that would have left me backwards.

Either way, I appreciate the feedback! I always learn something useful when I do!

Edited by Seth
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