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Circleville, OH Club Match

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I think yall are nuts, Flew in Monday for work and snow was at least 12" deep in that area when I left Wednesday. Hope to meet and shoot with yall when the weather gets right for a southern boy.....

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Great match especially for the first match of the year. I expected a "snow type, reduced rds/running" I was greeted with many 30 rd stages and movement. No mud, no standing water and not too cold. Had a great time. Only got shot once (flesh wound) and had to yell at squad twice, ok three times.

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You didn't get shot, you got detonated on! LOL :)

I think yall are nuts, Flew in Monday for work and snow was at least 12" deep in that area when I left Wednesday. Hope to meet and shoot with yall when the weather gets right for a southern boy.....

LOL...this is Ohio. If you don't like the weather, wait a few days. :)

Most of the snow is gone. The ranges at C-ville were clear of any snow. They are gravel and have good drainage.

Heck, I even started a fire that fell out of the burn barrel and caught half the berm on fire. unsure.gif

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Heck, I even started a fire that fell out of the burn barrel and caught half the berm on fire. unsure.gif

Things never change. Even back in the "Olden Dayes" in Circleville we were trying to convince people that the plastic barrels are *props*, not *burn barrels*!


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Jeff, are you telling me they had fire back then ??? roflol.gif

We did have a guy show up that hadn't been around for about 14yrs. He pulled two rule books out of his range bag that were colors I didn't recognize. unsure.gif

Did one of them have 2 rules: "load and make ready", "unload and show clear" roflol.gif

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Just finished looking over the results and I'm sitting here wondering what our C-ville match director will shoot next month?? In 2010 he has a Open and Limited match win :cheers: I hear Chad calling you out next match Conrad.... :devil:

After watching PB video it looked like a fun match with lots of movement. Range looked like it was in good shape.


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Sounds like the lost Circleville dead sea scrolls. I may have some of those copies around here someplace, are they worth anything?

Wow, I hope so!

I still have some of my archives around from when I was MD in Circleville (1990s). I might need them for early retirement...

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Well I'm the old fat guy with the rule books from the land before time (or 1991 and 1994 for those that don't think that was so long ago). Up until about 2 weeks ago I also had match results up from the same time. If I knew they were so valuable, I would have kept them. My son was born in March 1994 and that pretty much ended my shooting. Had a lot of fun and hope to get down to at least a few more this summer. Still haven't figured out the new divisions so may have to keep the old school Jeff Cooper special going. I did glance at the scores and noticed that everything was listed only by division. Back in the good old days everyone was combined in one overall listing, then broken down by division. Is this available or is what I see all what you get, even if I join back up with the USPSA? I always shot Limited but enjoyed seeing how I compared with the Open and higher classed competitiors.


Steve Toth

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Hi Steve,

That was me on a rule book hunt before the match. (I had to get some minimum distances for steel figured out.)

Once you get on the match email list, the match director or stats officer will often email the results out too...to include the "unofficial combined scores." Since they are official, USPSA doesn't put those up on their website.

Click here for a basic run down of the equipment divisions: http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=22336

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