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Posts posted by gose

  1. What was the farthest rifle shot last year and what size target? I couldn't see the "mini poppers" at Ozark last year in the brush at 150yards without my optic....same thing here?

    Furthest target was an Iron Madien (about 24"w x 36"t) at 550. I think.

    Expect MGM flashers from 80 to 450, MGM autopoppers from 50 to 125. Andy uses dark gray (bullet splatter gray?) targets against a bright yellow background. They show up pretty well.

    Well I was trying to decide between Open, HMO, and TI. I guess Open it is.

    Stay away from Open :P

    I gotta get my 3 qualifying Open 3GN matches to go with my HMO and TO 3 somes. Trying to figure out which division has the most potential for my success. See you I'm Open amigo. I'll have my custom 2011 style pistol and Xrail running by then;)

    Cool, I _might_ have my open pistol and Akdal running by then :D

  2. What was the farthest rifle shot last year and what size target? I couldn't see the "mini poppers" at Ozark last year in the brush at 150yards without my optic....same thing here?

    Furthest target was an Iron Madien (about 24"w x 36"t) at 550. I think.

    Expect MGM flashers from 80 to 450, MGM autopoppers from 50 to 125. Andy uses dark gray (bullet splatter gray?) targets against a bright yellow background. They show up pretty well.

    Well I was trying to decide between Open, HMO, and TI. I guess Open it is.

    Stay away from Open :P

  3. Again, in my opinion, it's not fair for the D's, C's, and B's to finance the prize table for the A's, M's, and GM's .

    So someone puts in a lot more time, effort and money to get really good and you think its unfair that he gets a better prize than someone who doesnt?

    my personal opinion is if the prizes only go to the best of the best the ones that pay all the money will soon lose interest. How many matches would there be if only the same 10 shooters showed up? Butts in the seats are what gets sponsors to donate prizes. Call and try and get some sponsors for a 10 person match...Then call and tell them you have 300 shooters... We don't shoot for the prizes but no one turns them down. Hell I was excited to win a $5.00 off your next match at my local club!

    Really? Look at the "outlaw" 3-gun matches, not a single one has classes. All prize tables are by overall order of finish (with maybe one exception, but they still give prizes to the top 3, I think) and many of those matches sell out in a matter of minutes, some even in seconds, and at around $250 they dont come cheap. The number of matches as well as the number of competitors have multiplied over the last few years and it doesnt seem to slow down, even with the "unfair" way the matches distribute prizes...

    This discussion wouldnt even happen if there wasnt a classification system. People seem to feel entitled to stuff when they happen to be the best shooter in some arbitrary group of shooters. I guess I just firmly believe that performance should be rewarded, I was never much for the group-hug "we're all equally good" mentality... Suck it up or practice more ;)

    (yes, a little drift since the topic was on USPSA majors, but I think it's still applicable)

  4. As a new shooter, I'd say award cash to the top "pro" level shooters, the last thing they want is another Glock that they don't need and have the hassle of selling. I guess the gun certificates are a bit easier to liquidate, but I'm sure they'd prefer cash. For the hoi polloi random draw is a nice chance to win something nice.

    In the shotgun sports people got tired of paying inflated entry fees so the same 3 guys at the club could take home the whole prize pool every month, so the Lewis Class is used to spread things around a bit. I don't mind paying a $25 entry (skeet shooting example) if there are 4 or 5 of us shlubs who might each win a hundred, while the top shooters still get paid for being the best.

    Then have a raffle on the side that people can buy tickets for.

    I'd rather give part of my entry fee to someone who beat me and earned a better prize than subsidizing a lottery.

    The winners of the classes are supposed to be "winners." If we're not going to regard their accomplishments as important, we might as well eliminate the classification system completely.

    Which I'm all in favor of, by the way, but why pretend like winning one's class matters if the lower classes are never going to win anything anyway?

    No, I dont think we should pretend. Keep the classification system, since some people really seem to like it, but lets stop acknowledging it at matches. Is winning B really a bigger accomplishment than finishing 10th in A, if the person finishing 10th in A is higher in the totals?

  5. Top prize should go to the biggest class winner weather it's GM or D class. If Production has 3 GM, 5 M, 10 A, 20 B and 30 C, then C class should have the biggest prize. Most shooters. 3 GM's will never keep a match afloat.

    To award what, the best mediocre shooter? The best sandbagger? The shooter that shoots for fun but cant, or wont, put in the time, effort or money to reach GM?

    Sure, keep classes so people can see how they're doing against other people of roughly the same skill level, but to award prizes (except maybe some cheap plaques) is kinda silly IMHO. Even though we shoot to have fun (right?), its a competition and thus the best shooters should be awarded. If you're shooting for fun then maybe you shouldnt expect to get a good prize? Yeah, Im sure there are plenty of people that have excuses to why they can't become GMs, but in my world that doesnt justify giving them prizes...

    The class system is so you can see how you're improving over time, or to give you a chance of a somewhat reasonable way of comparing skill, it shouldnt be used to distribute prizes since it awards mediocrity and sand bagging

    Prizes of any decent value in overall order of finish.

    my 2c...

  6. JP for 16"/18" and White Oak for 20".

    I've come to realize that I really prefer 20" barrels, so my next barrel is going to be another 20" SDM WOA one. It weighs the same as the JP 18" but I like the balance of it better.

    ETA: Just ordered another one.. 8-12w wait.

  7. cool, what about the shoot-off?

    The top 10 after 5 stages made it into the 6th stage. There is a column showing the scores after 5 then there are stage 6 and overall times on the right.

    Yeah, but I thought there was a shoot-off after the 3GN invitational matches as well? Guess I havent really paid that much attention this year :)

    I was kinda wondering why they did a 6th stage for the top 10 AND a shoot-off :blush:

  8. So instead of offering the Czechmate without the limited conversion, or with a different scopemount, or even without scope mount, or without all the extra barrels or other things you have to pay extra for and might not use, they decide to come out with a more colorful gun instead....

    Sounds like Sig Sauer all over...

    "Customers are asking us for things, lets throw something together in a new color, that will keep them busy for a while"

    Oh well, too bad, I was kinda hoping that my Tanfoglio relationship wouldnt be too long, guess I was hoping in vain...


  9. In my testing at 50 yards over standard federal primers I saw a 17% reduction in group size.

    They do matter, at 50 yards anyway..... ;)


    I was getting just over 1" groups at 55y from a ransom rest with the regular 100s in both .38 and 9mm. Possible that I would have seen the same 17% reduction with the gold match, but it was good enough for me... :)

  10. For those of use who don't reload...anyone have any comparison between various factory 69s vs 75/77s?

    I'm looking hard at the Prvi Partizan 69 and 75 grain match loads, if I can ever actually find some available.

    My hoser reloads with Hornady 55s and H335 outshot the PRVI 69 and 75s out to 300y out of both WOA and JP barrels.

  11. I've loaded a couple hundred k rounds on my 650s, not a single squib so far, so I dont really see the need for the powder check die. The powder hopper is right in your face, so unless you have an automated setup I dont really see how you could miss that you're running low :)

    So I dont really see the need for either. Spend the money on components instead..

  12. Mitch,

    When I buy in bulk, I prefer the Sierra 69 SMK. It is the only bullet I have been able to get MOA or better results with across of a huge variety of barrels. Every barrel I own prefers a different load, but I can always rely on the Sierra 69 SMK to get decent performance.


    Same here. The 69gr SMKs seem to be the most consistent in my various barrels.

  13. However, a long, bulky magazine would be a liability in vehicles and CQB. IMHO, you might be better served with an Xrail type system that was right up to the receiver instead of hanging out way at the end of the mag tube.

    Haven't played with the SRM but it seems along these lines.

    Then make it with a few different mag sizes and pick the right magazine size for the situation.

  14. I'm still waiting to hear back from Brock at JP about a quote, but I think I'm going with a 20" barrel (special barrel length) to match my CTR-02

    My buddy got one of the early LRPs, when 20" was one of the standard lengths, and it hasnt really impressed that much. My 24" LR308 shoots as good, or better, for less than half the price...

  15. I have seen those things before "Click here to add yourself to my white list" yadda yadda.

    I hate them too, if anything I just put any person using crap like that on my block list. There's no real reason to use crap like that in this day and age and to me it just means that whatever spam filter they are using is utterly useless since manual interaction like that is needed.

  16. Bill Sahlberg from higher capacity will make you 170mm 9mm magazines. www.highercapacity.us If you buy the new k-9 mags, grams followers and springs and hennings new h1410 base pads and mail them to Bill he will weld them together and make you 170mm mags. I had two of them made and they work. I can get 29 in them easily and 30 if you want to really stuff them in there. He was willing to work with me and explain to me what I needed and had them done really fast.

    How much extra will the 141O basepad do compared to just welding it to 170mm?

    I was told it doesn't hold any more than the H141

    I thought he meant how many more compared to just welding two mags together with the factory basepad. It doesn't matter if you use the h141 or the or the h141o. If you use the grams guts and the stock base pad and have two welded into one at 170 mm you will lose two rounds at least.

    Yupp, thats what I meant, thanks :)

    So, in summary, two welded mags would give me 27 +-1 without the basepad and 29-30 with the basepad and the tuned mag with just 141O basepad 23.

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