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Posts posted by gose

  1. Finally got a chance to shoot a Czechmate the other day.

    Very nice, now I just have to save my pennies up.

    I just wish they would sell one without the Limited conversion and without the scope and mount to make it more affordable. Feels a little silly to pay extra for conversion parts I dont need/want as well as having to spend another couple/few hundred on top of that to have it set up the way I want.

    There were rumors about that happening, but I havent seen or heard anything more about it...

  2. Some of the guys on the Pro Tour just could not do it, especially since many had to shoot Texas the very next weekend, so it sure seems that 3GN had a detrimental affect on the number of competitors at USPSA Nationals. If the match had not been placed right before the CO MG match, I would have gone, but I'm getting the match ready. There are a few diehards that shot Nationals, are now at LaRue and then are coming to the CO match. Three big matches in 3 weeks!

    I know from talking to them that the USPSA powers that be are working hard to improve the MG matches, rules, scoring etc., so it is good to see the effort pay off even if the numbers were down.

    Did you hear the one about the guy who died and during the tour of Heaven, St. Peter showed him a ratty patch of ground with a gnarly wooden post and a rusty box with the word "Complaints" scratched on the side. The new heavenly resident asks "I thought everything was perfect here?" to which St. Peter replied "Some people can't be happy unless there is something to complain about."

    I hope you didnt take my comment as a complaint about the Nationals. Ive had a great time both times I've been to Vegas and had I not had an 11w baby in the house, I would have been there this year as well.

  3. Charles, you have no idea how wrong you are! I promised myself back in November not to post on this forum unless it was an extraordinary circumstance, well the Nationals have proved to be just that! This was the funnest 3-gun match I have shot in many years. The stages were fantastic, the flying stuff were bonuses as they should have been, all the props were good and properly used! Pete did an outstanding job, as did the rest of everyone involved. This was the equil of the old Mesa matches!

    As to the venue, the Desert Sportsman club offers many advantages for hosting matches far beyond all most any other. The main one is the colour of the terrain which is light enough to never need any type of "backer" for long range rifle targets. I for one would welcome shooting at this venue for EVERY 3-gun National Great job USPSA!!!!

    Kurt I am glad to hear your remarks and those of Chuck concerning this year's match. But there is more to a national championship than just match quality since USPSA unlike any other 3 gun match has a duty to serve members and you just can not make a valid case that there are no appropriate venues in the east available to host the match. Moreover if we look at the number of entries as any indication of how shooters feel about a match, this one would continue to be second tier.

    I hope that has now changed based on your analysis.

    How many of the top shooters that shot it last year chose not to compete this year because of 3GN? It seemed like the field this year lacked some of the depth from last year...

  4. I can assure you That the RO (me) did not give Mr Kelly a reshoot last year on the long range stage. The match director gave him a reshoot, even though I consider Pat a friend, I think he should not have gotten a reshoot. I was actualy in favor of some sort of time penalty being added to his time for not following instructions, but the match director felt otherwise. Not the RO's call, the final word on all reshoots and DQ 's belongs to the match director. Pat's was the only reshoot on my stage, and the filming had nothing to do with it.

    I stand corrected. The way it was edited lead me to believe that the RO (you?) was basically lobbying for the reshoot.


    Yeah, being filmed wont get you reshoots, it only saves you from DQs ;) (no, not in any way in reference to anyone mentioned above)

  5. Any idea for round count this year? I think i saw earlier in the thread that there will be less rounds than last year.

    Take a look in your toybox. Pull out all the pistol mags and rifle mags you have, fill 'em up. As for shotgun, fill up your caddies, then fill your pockets. That should take care of one stage. Now multipe by 10 stages.

    there you go. :D

    Troopers don't have the luxury of bringing everything. Reshoots will be the killer.

    Reshoots at Ironman? :D

  6. One guy shoots a checkmate around here regularly. He has a heck of a time getting his rounds to feed reliably with the big stick. Other than that it runs great.

    My buddy's big stick wont run reliably either, so he sticks to the regular factory mags.

    I borrowed it for SMM3G and for 3-gun shooting minor, I love it.

    The fact that you have to load short and the somewhat outdated comp make me slightly more skeptical about using it for major.

  7. In 2006 there was some talk about going to the IPSC "turtle" targets. At the 2006 Multi Gun Nationals in Albany, OR., shooters meeting the night befor the match, Michael Voit stated that this is the USA USPSA, we will have head shots as long as I am president. There was a loud roar of approval from the shooters that were present. I have been a supporter of 3 Gun Nation, I even stayed in Vegas an extra day after shooting the 2010 USPSA Multi-Gun, to watch the 4 stage match and final shoot off. I can understand the shoot-n-see type targets for TV viewing, but I'm sure the standard USPSA targets could be made in the shoot-n-see material.

    Has anyone at 3GN actually come out and said its to be PC or is that just everyone's ASSumption?

    Birchwood Casey makes a few silhouette type targets already. Also, the shoot-n-c B27 they make is larger than a standard USPSA target, so getting a slab the size of the USPSA target shouldnt be that big of a deal.

    My guess is that 3GN went with a circle because they wanted to, not because they had to. They believe it will look better and more PC on TV than a USPSA or silhouette target? Sure, its their show and their call, I respect that, I just hope that MDs for all other matches dont feel the urgent need to try to be as PC and adopt the cardboard version of it...

  8. I dont really care what the targets I shoot at look like, our steel targets are usually round or square, so that's not really a big deal.

    I do, however, have an issue with bending over to be more PC. The people that dont like our sports dont give a crap what our targets look like and if we switch targets to try to appease those voices, they'll just find something else to complain about. If someone finds our sport offensive, switching from the metric target to this one wont magically make it acceptable.

    It might come with free KY, but it still leaves a bitter after taste...

  9. I started modifying the CR Speed I got with my Gold Team(according to some instructions I found online), but I'm not sure I can be bothered to mess with it. Since its mainly going to be used for 3-gun, I want to make sure the holster is rock solid, so I'm looking at some other solution.

    Has anyone tried the Safariland 013 or the new Tanfoglio model specific CR Speed for their Gold Team, (a search didnt yield much)?

    I really like to have a platform for the muzzle, so those are the top two contenders right now.

  10. So I, like many other people here, have thought that doing some training with a .22 will be cheaper than than practicing with your main caliber. Yes the cost per round of .22LR is much cheaper than any caliber used in USPSA, but when you factor in more than just the cost of ammo, a different picture can be painted.

    I came up with an equation to figure out about how many round of .22LR I would have to shoot instead of my 9mm to break even.


    9mm is the cost of the components to reload/purchase your rounds. (I'm at ~0.13 $/rd)

    Reload Rate is the number of rounds you can load in an hour

    Sorting rate is the rate at which you sort brass (by caliber, inspection, etc)

    Hourly rate is the OPPORTUNITY COST of reloading. Basiclly assign a dollar amount per hour that justifies your time spent reloading versus doing something else.

    .22LR is the cost per round of the .22LR ammo.

    Now there are other factors at play as well but I think I got the big ones. I couldn't figure out how to put a dollar amount to the value of practicing with your competition loads versus the .22.

    I had to buy the .22 gun to use for training. I chose the Beretta 87T, so that increased the costs significantly. By not putting an opportunity cost to reloading, I would have to shoot ~11k rounds of .22LR instead of 11k rounds of 9mm to break even. Adding in an hourly rate of $25/hr (what I value my time at), that number drops to ~5k rounds.

    If you buy a cheaper gun, shoot more expensive ammo, etc the break even point changes. If you already have the gun or conversion kit, then this is a mute point.

    This was a great tool for me to figure out if it was worth it to practice with a .22LR. As I plan on shooting a lot this year, it was an easy choice. I just had to justify buying such an expensive 22.


    You should also factor in time it takes you to get to the range, range fees, gas etc etc, so you can see if the price difference is really significant compared to other factors. Sure, shooting .22 might turn out to be half the price of shooting 9mm, but if the ammo cost is a small part of your total it might still not be worth it.

  11. I understand WHY we do it (avoiding hanging your thumb)...the question is why does the factory configure the lifter on certain models in such a way that we HAVE TO to make this aftermarket alteration?

    I have loaded quite a few thousand rounds through mine, both at home and at various matches, and I have yet to have my thumb get stuck.

    So no, its definitely not something that you have to do.

  12. No advantage to open? I would think that this would of turned out different if that was fully true:

    2012_smm3g_Results_Top_15.pdf ;)



    Only 5 stage wins for open guys, 2 were all shotgun (6, 10) a shocker there, Stage 4 was 10 pistol, 19 shotgun and Stage 11 was 6 pistol and 16 shotgun. The difference is the shotgun. If the rules allowed Tac to have more than 9 at the start the outcome might have been different.

    Hard to draw any conclusions, since a couple of top shooters in either division will sway the results if youre only looking at stage wins. Last year it was 7/10 stage wins for Open.

    Having just switched to Open I feel that I gain a little bit with the pistol, a bunch with the shotgun and basically nothing with the rifle, so its not really surprising that there's not more difference in a match that's as rifle heavy as SMM3G.

    On the other side of things, looking at Iron man results from last year, the TO winner only had 79% of the Open winner.

  13. Mine's going to mailbox before I go to bed tonight. Love this match - always interesting and physical stages, great ROs, and some of the nicest people you'd ever want to meet.

    Counting my blessings that I'm a returning shooter - best of luck to everyone trying to get in.

    I don't know how any one could be a real "Three Gunner" if they have not shot this match.

    Jamie :cheers:

    I've shot a 1/2 match (2010) and a 3/4 match (2011). do I count as a real three gunner? :)

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