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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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Everything posted by GRD

  1. I like the CompTac clip-on pouches better than KyTac's clip-ons. No matter how tight I cinch my belt I always manage to pull a KyTac pouch out with the mag eventually. The comptac pouches never come off.
  2. Gah. No Showtime here...I have the first season on DVD, but I neeeed to see the gun control episode! Must...see.......
  3. Stop thinking about the drill as a 'set' of shots. Think of it as 3 separate shots, one after the other. Another thing to keep in mind is that the headbox on an IDPA target is the same size as the -0 zone. It only seems smaller. Imagine the target consisting of only the -0 zone and the headbox. And never miss those two targets. Go only as fast as you can go keeping all the shots on target. Speed is a byproduct, if you concentrate on trying to 'create' speed, you'll never make your real goal - which should be accurate hits at speed. The accuracy is job one, the speed will come on it's own.
  4. I just wear the same thing I always wear, just take it off after the stage. Don't forget to put it back on though...there's more than one procedural on my scoresheets from spacing the cover garment.
  5. Thanks standles. I've seen the 'drop on ballon hit' concept before. If I remember right the one I saw had the center of the target cut out and the ballon holding the target up just stuffed in the hole. Pop the ballon, down it goes.
  6. Thanks Shred, I found the thread about building a rubber 'plate', and this target company so far: http://www.newboldtargets.com/ It's a start. Anyone have any other great targets not made out of steel?
  7. Folks, I need advice on non-steel reactive targets. There is a prohibition on steel targets at our club, and we need some new things to shoot at (IDPA). We're especially looking for targets that could activate swingers, etc. and have zero ricochet or backsplash possibilities. Maybe something like those self-healing reactive targets? Just looking for experiences and what people like or don't like, what options are out there... Thanks
  8. How far did you get, Erik? I couldn't make the 10 minute mark before I shut it off. Holy cow was that bad.
  9. I just got my 'B' card for lim10 today. I was at 53%, with a high classifier of 64%, shot a 70% and an 82% at the same match to get to 63% overall. Both were included. I don't know if I'd just shot the 82 without the 70 if they would have included it or not, though.
  10. This is just plain weird...
  11. The entire city of Seattle is addicted to caffeine. I knew a couple people who had to have multiple triple- and quad- lattes a day to avoid headaches. Like more than 5. That's 5 4-shot lattes a day. One buddy of mine had to be drinking a latte almost constantly from the time he got up until he went to bed. He was drinking less when I knew him out there, but he told me that at one time he was averaging 9 quads a day. At like 3 bucks a pop. That's almost a grand a month. Being addicted to caffeine is Seattle is like having a coke habit. And it was just like a classic drug addiction. He would get raging migraines if he went without coffee for more than a half-day or so, but the caffeine didn't really seem to wire him like you would expect that much to. He was so used to it that he just functioned normally completely saturated on coffee to the point that anyone else would be a quivering mess and up for a week straight. Seattle is the heart of caffeine addiction. That city is built on caffeine. I never drank more than two doubles a day, OK, maybe 3. Even so, that's 6 shots of espresso a day. Too much. No coffee for me now, not even in the morning. But, man, is the coffee out there yummy.
  12. I ordered a two-piece GI-style guide rod for my carry 1911 from Brownell's once on no sleep and got another full-length Wilson...just like the one I had. - Gabe
  13. I had 3 A's on one swinger and 2A's and a C on another a couple weeks ago. I made up what I thought was at best a C on the first one (it was an A) and then fired that C at the second one that already had two A's on it. I was happy about the alphas, but with the extra time I totally blew the HF value on them. I can't call shots on moving targets to save my life. It just completely escapes me. Gag. - Gabe
  14. I always thought the Bill Drill was a surrender start? - Gabe
  15. That's fantastic! Congratulations on bringing in so many shooters. Great to hear of new clubs getting started. - Gabe
  16. This is just too funny. - Gabe
  17. Oops. Yup, you're right - 2" is the final standard. The 50% thing got round filed after revision 2. I should really know that.... - Gabe
  18. No hard copy, I believe it came from here: http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=20919 - Gabe
  19. We have tried like crazy to run our matches by the book for the past season. We have played the game by the rules and gone to the book on all questions. I really feel that this is the best way to do it. It removes doubt, levels the playing field and is fair to everyone. This year we are finding it impossible to deal with this 'daylight' provision without making a club-level interpretation. The 'clarification' from HQ that as long as there wasn't an "excessive" amount of daylight everything was OK is forcing us to figure this out for ourselves. So we'll make some minor allowances for new shooters (like we always have) to keep them at the range and shooting when we have to, and we'll make sure holsters don't have more than a 3/4" offset or an offset belt piece that holds the holster or gun out away from the belt such that you can see through it. But if there's light in there, it's not the determining factor. When people fall within the 'grey area' of interpretation, we'll err on the side of keeping people in the game and shooting so long as they don't end up with a competitive advantage they really shouldn't have in this game. Where the rules are clear, we'll work to be 100% on them. Mag pouches need to cover 50%. That's not subjective, so it's not a problem. I don't like it, but it's pretty clear, so that's the way it will be. - Gabe
  20. I can say from experience that this does work.- Gabe
  21. Stay safe, buddy - both of you. Knitting bad, dryfire good. Hell, dryfire like a madman with that airsoft gun for a year and half and you can come back and win the steel challenge! That could never happen...that's crazy... - Gabe
  22. I had HQ explain to me that as long as the holster did not exhibit "an excessive amount of daylight" it would be approved. We're taking this at our club to mean light from the top to the bottom of the belt tunnel with an offset is bad, but if it's not offset by any great amount but is showing light at the top and/or bottom we're not going to give anyone a hard time about it. But it's wide open to interpretation. Frankly, I'd just show up and see what they say. As long as you're up front about asking when you get there, the worst case I can see is that you shoot for no score, right? - Gabe
  23. Posting in such a way as to basically just piss people off. Not being interested in a real discussion or advancing the topic, just looking to stir up trouble. Saying antagonistic things designed to get a rise out of someone or start a pointless argument with no intention of actually addressing any particular question, just 'trolling' for trouble to see who'll 'bite' and argue with you. Usually it's done by someone with no history at the board and no intention of sticking around. Just make trouble and bail out. - Gabe PS: DOH! same time...
  24. Nobody can see the sights lift. That's impossible! - Gabe
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