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Everything posted by Resjudicata

  1. Some one might want to put "spoiler alert" on the above post. Some people may still not have seen the episode. Chris
  2. The above post brings up a suggestion I would have for the producers after watching the last episode. I would like to see more information about the challenge given to the audience. Not so much to be confusing but enough to understand what the restrictions are on the event. When the final two shooters were on the AR they both shot from a rest. The same with the last rifle. Why didn't the shooters do this with all the firearms? I assume because they were restricted in some way. But, the audience does not know this. It would only take a few words to say "from standing position" or "freestyle, shoot however you want" for the audience to get this info. Also, I may have said this before but, the editor, director, producer need to all do a better job. Several times something has been shown that is specifically not what is being described including in the last episode. And, things shown in the teaser/lead in that gives away the ending. This is just basic stuff that should be done right. Chris
  3. I noticed the same thing. I know that through the season the editing has been horrible. So, he might have actually made the shot that mattered double action but then they had him stand there with the gun and he just accidentally pulled the hammer back for the pose. The director, editor, producer or someone should have gotten things like this right. But, we are likely the only ones to see it. That being said, this was a GREAT episode. I was amazed at JJ being eliminated. It looked like a simple strategic mistake which has happened to a few others. But, JJ on the dueling tree is exactly what you expected to see. To think that he beat Chris by that much and then Chris beat Peter by the same shows how far apart Peter was from JJ. Maybe someone needs to make a video for Youtube showing how easy it is to shoot a dueling tree and not miss at a lowly 25'ish feet. THIS is exactly what the whole season should have been. Can't wait for next season. Also, ALL the shooters did a good job. I hope Tara is back for next season. Chris
  4. Thanks guys. I just wanted to make sure on the rules. As GMProd says, the price is high so I don't want it to be something just sitting in a drawer. The sight is really neat but you can tell why the price is high. The work it takes to make it would make you go blind. Toolguy/Warren is who I'm getting it from. As far as I know he is the only one to make it. He has one with a .09" blade on it that is exactly what I want. I just need to sell a gun to pay for it. Chris
  5. Does anyone know for sure if it is within the rules for Bianchi to use a movable front sight on a Metallic Division gun? The gun uses standard notch and post sights but the front sight can be moved side to side for use on the mover stage. The rules don't address this for Metallic Division but the rules specifically say that you can't use them in Production. This leads me to believe that a moveable front sight is allowed for Metallic. However, some local guys that have shot Bianchi for a while said that a mover front sight is not allowed. Anyone know for sure? Anyone currently use one? Please let me know. Thanks, Chris
  6. I haven't shot a dueling tree against anyone either. I hadn't thought about the brass flying. I wonder how they'll handle that? Chris
  7. True. That's kinda my point. Everyone on that show has their area of expertise. That includes Mike and also Peter. However, Peter took the time to make a video to show what he thinks of Mike personally and then put it on the internet. That's the mouthy thing. I don't think much of it. With a couple of exceptions, all the people on the show are good shooters. That includes Peter and JJ freakin' Racaza. Maybe I have missed it but I haven't seen anyone else from the show take the time to make a video and put it on the internet trying to show up one of the other contestants. Just my two cents. For what that's worth. I was actually kinda pulling for Peter right up until I saw that video. Now I want to see how he does against JJ on a dueling tree. Hey, you gotta adapt, right. Chris
  8. WOW!! I can't believe I haven't seen this yet. I just watched part of the first episode on Youtube. THAT IS FREAKIN' AWESOME!!! I gotta add this to the DVR schedule. Chris
  9. The Sgt. York thing would be awesome to see. Also, more man on man. Dueling trees or man on man steel with falling poppers and overlapping stop plates. Double elimination with the two who get knocked out first going against each other for elimination and the winner/final man standing gets a prize either monetary or safety from elimination in the next contest. Chris
  10. So, Peter is saying that he can out shoot Mike with a Mosin? Okay. Let's see Peter out shoot Mike with a 45 1911 or a production gun on a USPSA stage for hit factor. Maybe he would give the excuse that he hasn't shot that way very much and hasn't spent the time to get up to that level in that particular way of shooting? Maybe? This video dropped him a few points in my book. Overall he just seems mouthy. Chris
  11. That video from Peter was awesome. I liked the golf ball launcher for the Keltec 223. "HOLY CRAP!!" Chris
  12. I would expect you need to do a finish ream. I've fitted a couple Shuemann AET barrels in my 9mm Caspian. They have worked when dropping ammo in but, if the ammo is loaded long it would hang up with the slide just a 1/16" to 1/8" out of battery. I run short loads 1.09" 9mm in that gun anyway so I don't really need to do the finish ream but that is likely what you'll need to do if you are running long ammo. If not, then you might check the top of the ramp. The Schuemann barrels have a really sharp edge where the top of the ramp transitions to the chamber. You may need to just break over that sharp edge. Just a tiny bit. Chris
  13. Seems like all the competitors did a good job. Or, maybe I'm just so happy to see the MUCH better format this episode took that I'm just all giddy. Too bad to see Blake go but like one would expect for a shooter at his level, he knew what he did wrong and intends to fix it. Glad to see the movement in this episode. I expected JJ to do well and he didn't disappoint. I can't wait to see them shoot the dueling tree next week. Hasn't JJ won a steel match before? Chris
  14. They need to be sure and bring back the Chief. They expert who taught them how to shoot the sling shot. That guy is awesome. I want to see him take over as host of the show. Chris ETA: BTW, I'm glad to see Tara on the show. She was stand up on the show and she did the stand up thing when she had to go. I hope she gets to come back next season.
  15. I wish I could help on the 40 mags. I do use the MecGar mags in my 9mm single stack Bianchi gun and they are 100% reliable. I would not hesitate to use their mags for any gun. There is a reason so many OEM gun company mags are actually made by MecGar. Chris
  16. Check out " 21 Foot Rule Less Talk and More action " video and then watch this This is awesome!!! I liked how he kept holding his pants up from falling down when he was running. And then at the end when he realized the white no-shoot target was really his friend "Gary." Chris
  17. **This is just a suggestion** How about limiting the people who keep making the problematic comments rather than the discussion topic? I obviously don't know what the most recently edited comment was or who made it. But, if folks who made comments against the rules were told that they can't post in the Top Shot threads or be booted then that might solve the problem. Maybe. **Again, this is not a criticism but only a suggestion** Chris
  18. In the videos you are definitely taking your visual attention, and probably your mental attention as well, away from the insertion of the magazine into the gun. As soon as you dump the mag and grab the new one you are looking back up at the targets. This is why you are missing the mag well. Watch the video of Travis. Practice the movements he is making. And, do it slowly and carefully. Do it slowly and properly about 100 times before you try to speed up. You have to work on getting it done properly before you can try to do it fast. Chris
  19. I saw this linked from the History Channel forum. I find it a bit amazing that the producers didn't check out the competitors enough to find out that this guy hasn't shot a real gun for 10 years. Keeping Denny over Kelly is probably a better strategy in a show like this. Unfortunately for Brad it didn't work. But, it was probably worth a try. Can't wait to see the final episode where the four people left get to select their own shot and then they all have to do the other guys tough shot. It sounds kinda like a game of Horse but with guns instead of a basketball. Chris
  20. Okay, Daisy Dukes it is. I'm sure the other guys here will appreciate your suggestion. I'll be sure to let them all know who to see in order to "pile on their appreciation." I usually wear darker colors for shooting because of this. However, I tend to wear lighter colors when the summer sun is out. Chris
  21. I am getting a lot more black gunpowder residue and oil on my shorts now that I switched to a Speedsec holster. The wife is not happy. Has anyone found a product that gets this stuff out of clothing really well? I need to find it or I am in trouble. If you stop hearing from me over the next few days call out the Marshals. Chris
  22. It's good to see that the show is getting away from the "Team" aspect. Also, looks like more difficult shooting challenges. Not that the prior challenges haven't been tough enough. I'm not going to comment on who should or should not have been up for elimination this week. I'm sure everyone on the show has a strategy they are working on. Sometimes those strategies work and sometimes they don't. Hopefully, the choice of those going to elimination from now on is based solely on performance. This is only my opinion as a viewer. I would likely think differently as a competitor. Chris
  23. IMHO Ronnie Barrett has likely already arranged to showcase something....wonder if Mike Dillon will loan them something interesting? Yeah, how about a challenge where they have to shoot fish in a barrel at 50 yards with a Dillon mini gun? Chris
  24. I'm still watching it too. But, if next season they try to put too many people on the show of a certain overly dramatic personality then I could see me skipping a season. Chris
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