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Posts posted by ghost21

  1. Just wanted to check in and let everyone know that Tommy is not doing to good. He has not responded to the latest treatments and the doctors are going to give him , 24 treatments of radiation. To see if that will help, but according to his wife,Tommy is weak,In her words(Tommy is a strong man,but The treatments are taking there toll).

    They did have one glimmer of hope,They did another scan of Tommys stomach and intestines and did not find any new cancer.

    Tommys wife asked that everyone just keep him and their family in there prayers. And just keep hoping for the miracle we all know can happen at anytime.



  2. Tommys wife wanted me to tell everyone thather ,tommy and the family appreciate all the prayers and wanted to thank everyone. The doctors say it doesnt look good, but they are going to another doctor and try alternitive medicine. They havent given up hope yet.

    Our god is an awsome god and he is always beside all of us one and all!!!!



    PS Thanks Flex for getting all

    post orginized!

  3. Just wanted to let my fellow shooters know and ask that all of you say a prayer for one of our fellow Glockers.

    Some of you know Tommy Abernathy, He is a topnotch gunsmith and one hell of a nice guy.

    A few months ago, he found out he has cancer. And its bad! He is taking cemo, and it is taking its toll on him, Hes had a scan done and the doctor was disaapointed in the results. He has referred Tommy to another doctor,and/or Duke Medical center.

    Tommys diagnosis dosnt look good,But as his wife has said in her e-mails, they are still believing in miricals,and the great pysician in the sky.

    So if you all would ,If you know Tommy or not, Please keep him and his family in your prayers.



    Come on guys,let show them what the power of Shooters prayers can do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Hey guys,

    Just need a little advice! I just got a new para P-14 hi-cap 1911. And I was wondering if anyone could tell me , What would be the easiest and simplest way to do a home trigger job on it. The trigger pull is a little heavy for me and I would like to lighting it up a bit. Would changing mainsprings and firing pin springs do the trick? If so what would be the best brand/make.



  5. Today I got a lightining strike titanium firing pin (I know, lightened steel is better, but in Italy only titanium ones are available, and I can't import a steel one)

    I installed in my g34 I use in standard Div. And it have the absolute WORST feel I ever felt in a glock trigger pull.

    Everything is GRITTY, from the firing pin safety release to the rearward pull (striker spring grits like hell) to the release of the trigger bar nose (it rubs the striker nose like a dead cow dragged on gravelstone...).

    I read on Ti striker webpage that the gold finish is a nitride one rated for 70rockwell, I was wondering if I can do some polishing with polish and a dremel felt wheel like I did on my OEM striker.

    As a side note, with my stock striker polished and a wolff 4lb spring, I have a crisp 3lbs pull

    With Ti one and supplied spring, pull is THE GRITTIEST 4-25lbs I ever felt.

    Any advice? Thanks.

    I polished the lighting striker in my G34, I didnt get as aggressive as I did on the stock striker,but I di polish it lightly. As long as you dont take the nitride coating off you will be fine.


  6. No offense ghost21 but they are not tungsten. Or I should say they are not only tungsten. Their density matches no common single metal. The density is a significant fraction less than it should be for tungsten. You can come to the same conclusion if you merely calculate the density of the THE guiderods. We (my engineer / physicist geek shooting friends and myself) were going to sacrifice one and dissolve some of it to run through an ICP but we decided we did not care to know exactly what elements were included. I am curious to know how you determined that they are tungsten?

    Hey didnt mean any offense, Im not an engineer myself,Im just going on what an engineer/machinist freind of mine told me (and he works with these metals a lot),If the guide rod you have has worn more than just a slight spot,you my have gotten a stainless steel by mistake. Mine has the spot and has gotten no bigger in 6 years.


  7. I bought one of the THE rods from Topglock 5 months ago or so. Definitely not impressed. First off, it is not tungsten. It also wears down in one spot from the spring until a certain diameter and then the spring no longer chews it away. Just my 2 cents but I would save your money.

    Duke ,THE tungsten guide rods are tungsten. I and all the guys I know have them in our unlimited glocks,and YES they do wear to a certain point ,and thats it. Mine has been in my G34 for 6 years now,It wore in the spot you are talking about ,I polished it and no more wear,( I polished it to see if it did wear any more) IT DIDNT !!!

    Oh by the way, My G34 has 20k plus rounds through it with THE tungsten rod.


  8. Damn Im speechless!!!! There is a lot of hardware and history in that room. I would love to go in a just ogle and let my mouth water.

    Ive got to point out , The guy holding the M-16 in the earlier post, did anyone notice that he is wearing a FN shirt?

    Is he BATF or an employee of Fabriqe National?

    Just wondering!


  9. Remington make a great match 147 also. Usually can be found @ Midwayusa.

    Remington is top of the line 147gr bullet, they are also a match bullet,but are more expensive then other 147s.They are/were my exclusive compititon bullet for my G34.

    If prices stay where they are,I will be moving to zero probably. As soon as I get back in the game fully.


  10. I originally posted this under a different heading.So hear goes!

    Need some advice on doing a trigger job on a Rock Island 1911 in 38 super,(soon to be 9mm),

    Using the trigger ,sear,disconnect combo from brownells.

    Has anyone hear used this set-up to do a trigger job, or knows somebody that has, and how did it work out?



    PS meant to mention that this combo is a matched set!

  11. Need some advice on doing a trigger job on a Rock Island 1911 in 38 super,(soon to be 9mm),

    Using the trigger ,sear,disconnect combo from brownells.

    Has anyone hear used this set-up to do a trigger job, or knows somebody that has, and how did it work out?



    PS meant to mention that this combo is a matched set!

  12. Yes, I reload my ammo and even though I'm a very experienced reloader I looked into that possibility and eliminated that also. I did clean out the channel pretty well, changed out the striker spring, etc. I still got the same issue. I finally changed the striker and that resolved the problem. I was just wondering if others had the issue as well.

    Just a thought, When detail cleaning your glock,do you use a long q-tip up inside the striker channel?.

    , I mean get up in their and clean out any carbon that might be on the back side of the breech face .and the striker tip hole in the breech face.

    Carbon, can build up in there and retard forward travel of the striker.

    Just my 2 cents worth.


  13. Just another one of the many questions that have been rolling around in the

    empty space in my head....

    For an Open Glock... would a 17 or 34 be the better platform??

    Any one with some trigger time on either or??

    That has some input.

    Just wanted to chime in. Check my ad in the classifieds. I got a practicaly new G34 for sale!


  14. You shoot the same "match" that all of the other shooters will be shooting or just make something up? Just wondering.


    I have the pleasure of having the use of a private range where I and the other guys I shoot with can set up all of the stages of the glock match. We just set up stages and treat it as a regular match! As far as going to a match cold, I see in my mind how I am going to shoot, I focus on the sights and trigger control. It can sometimes be hard ,starting out cold, but it can also help you focus.

    Shooting to me is 80% mental

    20% pyhsical

  15. My practice, really begins 3 weeks before the match.Ive got to say thought ,I havent did this in awhile!

    3 weeks before the match:

    Which would be 3 sundays, start practice sunday morning around 10am. set up entire match course of fire(all 3 stages)starting with clean pistols,( taken apart and cleaned entirely),Take a few sight in shots, then load mags and practice as though we are shooting a match. Shot through all 3 stages twice, take a break ( 30 mintues or so)Then start over again ,shooting all stages twice again. If its not to late and everyone wants to do it one more time.

    The week before the match:

    Go for practice at 10 am, shoot all stages twice and then ,take a break and shoot them twice more and then make plans for the trip to the host range.

    Time in between practices:

    I think about the match in my mind, think of how I will engage targets. And get alot of dryfire practice. I did have the privlege of having a place to shoot at my home(NC) besides,my practice range(SC) Get my mind set, My ZEN if you will.

    The day of the match:

    As soon as I set foot on the host range, Im thinking of how I will ingage the targets, I think of nothing else,I get myself relaxed, and my mind focused. I get myself in my zone ,my world.

    And yes, I do get a little nervous, but I put that aside, do nothing but focus on the match.

    I know everyone cant do this kind of practice, and believe me I dont get to do it very often now, But for all of the new guys, that have the time. Get as much practice as you can and find your ZEN and focus at the match. Remember: Watch the sights and squeeze the trigger! ( smooth is fast)


  16. Thanks for the tip. Unfortunately being in Canada I am going to have an even harder time getting Silhouette. I upped my H110 powder to 15gr and the gun ejects just fine. So Radical Precision Designs was righton when he diagnosed the problem. I see that HS-6 has just a little faster burn rate than Silhouette according to the charts, so I am going to play with a load using it as I can get it in Canada easily. I'll let you know how I make out.

    Thanks for the help


    If you want to keep tring the lighter load,you can also try making the ejector longer, try getting in touch with Dale Rhea. He came up with a longer ejector to help get the brass out of a glock quicker. if you go on glocktalk and do a search for making an ejector longer, I think their is a thread or one of the guys on the board can tell you how to get one he has already lenghtened. I cant think of his website right off hand. check glocktalk and they will hook you up!


  17. +1 for CDNN. I would stronly recommend NOT buying used magazines. You just never know what could be potentially wrong with them. Buy them new, and you won't have any worries.

    Buy them used and if you make it to a glock Match ! get the armorer to put in new springs and followers for you! As simple as that!


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