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    Dallas, TX
  • Interests
    Shooting, hunting, reloading, paintball
  • Real Name
    Robert Trout

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  1. Yeah, that's about the same for me also. I've got an 8lb jug as fallback and hope I never have to use it. But, it's cheap and available usually.
  2. Those are my two mains also, luckily I stocked up before it vanished. My 'fallback' is Titegroup. It's dirtier for sure, and not quite as soft as n320 - but reliable and usually cheap and not hard to find.
  3. I have DAA Primer Pro and RF100. RF100 took some tweaking, then was great or a while - but then it seemed like I spent more time adjusting it than actually using it. I picked up an early DAA Primer-Pro and it just worked. I do use Pledge on the output tray from time to time - maybe 5,000 primers - but I've never had an issue with it. Ginex, CCI, Winchester, and Magtech. The Primer Pros seem to be hit or miss, especially with Winchester primers. But it's been reliable for me, to the point I don't bother with the RF100 any more.
  4. I use this one. Was remixed so it it can print without supports. https://www.printables.com/model/805671-shockbottle-hundo-case-gauge-filler-remix
  5. Thanks. I forgot one - What about extend mag release button. Does the Walther one for the Q series fit the PDP SF? SKU - 2853825
  6. To be sure I have this right - for the PDP SF Match, the only extended basepads that fit the factory magwell are: TTI Versatile and ZRTS , and TTI allows over-insertion. And no one makes an aftermarket magwell yet. Do I have that right?
  7. Oh man. I miss Triple C also. I found that one too late. I had never really paid it much attention because it's a good bit west of me, but then the wife and I went out there for a Robert Vogel class, and discovered what an amazing facility it was. A couple years later the trust/lease dispute happened and *poof*
  8. How do the hiperfires hold up ?
  9. I case gauge in the hundo, and catch splits there.
  10. Yeah, and let me rephrase. Mine hated 147s, but didn't suck on 124s, and it grouped okay. Still not great - but acceptable.
  11. 147's and 124's shot great for me. coated .356s and jacketed .355s - Flat Points. One thing that was a pleasant surprise though, it's got a generous chamber / long leade and fit even my longer 147 flat point loads that usually only run in my Atlas's - like 1.160
  12. Does the Q5 Extended Mag Release fit the PDP Fullsize SF?
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