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Posts posted by rvb

  1. I think not being able to exactly set up stages and practice them before a match is one of the game's greatest features. If it were possible to set up and practice the stages for a large match months in advance, then people with the facilities to do so would have a tremendous advantage on match day. Currently, it's all about the skill set you bring with you, and how you can apply it the first time you shoot any given stage. That makes the consistent winners all that much more impressive, imo.

    Reviewing the WSBs gives you the opportunity to add to that skill set, or polish certain skills you think may be required.

    I've shown people who are not shooters match videos... more than once they have been ho-hum about it, until they ask how long I had practiced that stage, and how many times I've shot it. Suddenly they seem impressed and even more interested when you explain that [except classifiers] you never see the same setup twice, only ever shoot it once and it's for score, and only with 5 minutes to figure out where all the targets are and come up with a strategy...


  2. a rifle match could attract people that aren't necessarily into 3-gun, since the shotgun part seems to be the biggest "turn-off" for some people.

    Surely I can't be the only one?

    You can include me in that camp. I'd love some rifle only or rifle + pistol.

    I've done very little 3-gun just because I can't muster enough enthusiasm to invest the money or time into shotgunning. I've got a cheap pump I'll drag to matches when the urge strikes, usually loading out of my back pocket...


  3. That's cool. I won't be going to any matches until I feel like I am certain that I won't DQ myself...

    Frankly, a match setting would be safer in that regard than all of us standing on a common firing line at the practice... if you can keep it down range and your finger off the trigger, you're ready to shoot a match.


  4. I guess my 625 running 45Autorim just became illegal.

    Stability of Firearm Criteria Rule

    This rule applies to firearms only; specifically any rule change that would disallow a firearm previously approved for IDPA competition. Firearm criteria changes will only be reviewed every two (2) years. Any firearm criteria changes will go into effect twelve (12) months after approval.

    I believe that the release stated that the new rules go into effect on August 1st.

    I don't see how that interpretation can be 100% true. CERTAINLY guns that are now being disallowed have 12 months before they become illegal... that's why my question was for clarity about guns that are becomming legal regarding the stability rule. Again, I guess I'll move this to the idpaforum for an, um, official[?] interpretation...


  5. So regarding the new gun rules (was specifically thinking about the 42oz change), does this go into effect now, or in 12 months?

    Stability of Firearm Criteria Rule

    This rule applies to firearms only; specifically any rule change that would disallow a firearm previously approved for IDPA competition. Firearm criteria changes will only be reviewed every two (2) years. Any firearm criteria changes will go into effect twelve (12) months after approval.

    So, since this rule would allow more guns instead of disallow guns, does that means it goes into effect now?

    It says "any criteria changes... 12 months after," but I'm reading this that a gun that's 41.5oz is now legal immediately, since it's allowed vs disallowed?

    Gheesh. Can simple things be made any more confusing?


  6. They made a few good changes.

    Again very equipment focused. seemed a lot of the "hot topics" were ignored.

    Addition to C 15. page 10

    A. Pistols may only be loaded...

    They could have also cleared up the wording about mag capacity (pg 19). Seems to always be confusion among some SOs and new members about really requiring mags to be of same capacity as worded, or loaded to same capacity.

    Tactical Sequence may not be combined with Tactical Priority

    ...retrieves and properly stows the device before the last shot of the string is fired. The prior sentence does not include devices dislodged from a carrier which ALWAYS receives a PE.

    The use of the word “Modifications” also includes any factory standard features.

    At least one full ha[n]d must be visible

    Blind stages are not allowed for use in sanctioned matches.

    Typically steel is considered engaged when the required number of rounds has been fired

    VERY glad to see those.

    Competitors may NOT cross any opening (doorways, windows, open spaces, etc) without engaging targets.

    This is both good and bad. Good that they tried to clear it up... but what if all targets are engaged, or none visible to engage from the opening? This reads as I have to be in the act of engaging. This affects course designers as well as competitors. maybe they mean to imply "if un-engaged targets are visible?" ... So does this mean I can leave cover as long as I'm shooting?

    And regarding the forum, it seems for years it's been the "un-official/official" place for rule interpretations. For years I've been hoping they would put an official interpretation repository on their website and update the wording on page 9 about the official version of the rulebook. So what now? Nothing in their letter says the forum is a place for official interpretations, just "discussion." It would be WONDERFUL if they would give someone a title such as uspsa's Director/NROI to get OFFICIAL rule interpretations published. The forum still seems like a place people's ideas, nothing more.

    Guess I'll go post these thoughts on the new official forum.....


  7. I was putting some rounds through my 9mm AR this weekend. After the first couple of rounds it got even quieter (common), but then after a few rounds it got louder again, then quieter, and so on ever 5-7 rounds. Other people noticed it too, and asked about it.

    Using an AAC "Phantom" silencer (aluminum, non-boosted, sealed, thread-on). It is a "wet" can, but I've never shot it wet, only "dry."

    The load was my production load, 147gr zero jhp over 3.4gr titegroup, 905 fps.

    I'm wondering if I need to back the load off, if perhaps not all of the powder is getting burned in the barrel (5-inch barrel!), and if after a few rounds enough un-burned powder builds up in the can causing it to burn off, maybe that's the reason?

    < 1k rounds through the silencer, but never cleaned. could that be it?

    anyone with a similar experience?



  8. Angola on Sunday..

    working the match caised me to not get to shoot all the stages. I got 3 in before the match started, 2 stand-n-shoots and a 28 round field course I designed.

    I shot 97.3% of the available points between those stages (only 1C on one stage, and 1D on the field course). Was very happy about the points, I've been working on pulling my points % up. I did have a couple makeups on steel. Didn't prep properly on the field course so I was kinda "hunting" targets, and I blew a reload (actual reload was ok, re-grip sucked and I pulled a couple shots off steel). Did not get the classifier in.

    Almost no dryfire this week.

    I did get a new hammer/sear in my single-stack over the long weekend. Followed the guide on brownells site, finally using my jig I got for Christmas. Came in @ 2lb 6oz. Got 50 rounds through it after the match, no sign of hammer following no matter how hard or wimpy I gripped it. Just used the wilson "value" line of sear/hammer since I figured I ruin a couple. Under magnification I'm not 100% happy w/ this set, so I may do a couple more before cutting into some expensive parts... but first I'd like to put a couple k through the gun as is to see if it holds up...


  9. A couple years ago I couldn't get my head around this, and also was convinced it became 50/50. So I wrote a python script with randomize functions to take on the roll of the contestant and host. It then played the came a few thousand times with the contestant keeping his original choice and then a few thousand times w/ the contestant changing his choice. I was surprised when, in fact, the contestant won 1/3 of the time staying with the original, and 2/3 of the time switching...

    What I figured out, thanks to coding it up making me look at it closer, was that by switching you only lost if you picked the car the on your first guess, which is a 1/3 chance... hence the 2/3 chance of winning....


  10. I would dare say no observer gets the enjoyment the shooter does.

    Isn't this true for... everything?

    Can't you replace "shooter" with "golfer," "baseball player," "football player", "poker player," "runner," "woodworker," whatever?

    But then, I'm a "do-er," not a "watch-er." Guess that's why I never really got into pro sports. I sure wouldn't be watching top shooters on TV when I can be out shooting. If I were into golf, I wouldn't be watching people golfing on TV when I could be out golfing.

    But as others have said, with proper editing and commentary, anything can attract viewers. Hell, people watch actually watch golf! :ph34r::roflol: If stuck out of prime-time on package-filler channels like "Outdoor channel" it will never gain any traction. Until the masses flipping through ESPN while waiting on sports center to come on catch a few minutes of this, it'll be stagnant. And that's chicken/egg. Major networks won't pick it up until it has caught on and is made entertaining, and no-one is going to invest in making it entertaining and doing all that production work (say 9 times/year to cover Areas and Nats) unless they can be sure they'll get a return on that investment...


  11. not because of arches, but another condition, but I've worn custom orthotics since 5th or 6th grade. In fact, I need new ones again (can tell because heals and arches begin hurting after standing for a long time, and chronic lower back and hips ache). Even though it was like 20 years ago and I was young, I remember pain relief was almost instant when I started wearing them. Since I have a desk job, I can go ~3 yrs on a pair.

    Now they do those foam molds you step in, and the custom casting takes seconds. It's great compared to years ago when they had to do plaster casts. (man does that make me sound old... gheesh, I'm only 32. "back in MY DAY...." haha)


  12. Firearms can not erase morality, nor can they create it.


    That is out-freaking-standing.

    My wife and I once hosted a cookout for a group of friends, which includes lots of political/philosophical differences.... carnivores to vegans, left-wing to right-wing, 'urbain' to rednecks, whatever. Everyone knew I shot, and a couple of my gun buddies and their spouses/girlfriends were there, too. I'm quite certain EVERYONE at that party had been around at some point when I had a gun out, even if just stopping by while I was dryfiring. Well I was in the middle of building my 9mm SBR'd AR. I bring it out to show a couple folks who I knew would be interested. The wife of a fella I had shot with, even taken to matches, SCREAMS bloody murder, like I had actually just shot someone. [Yes, all safe gun handling rules were followed]. She insisted I get that thing out of her sight. I tried to explain that it was no more dangerous than the handguns she had been around (and I seem to recall it didn't even have a bolt), but she wouldn't hear it. so those interested went back to my office to look it over. It was a very weird situation. (this was back when I was in central MD).


  13. Matt, if you'll be at the FWAPS Thursday again this week, say Hi to the looser shooting the beretta. I think I'll be there [the boss lady didn't exactly say "yes" when I asked for permission, but she didn't exatly say "no," either. :ph34r: but she did say I'm on my own for food. :(]. I've never actually made one of the weekly practices before...


  14. I'm seeing some primers show up in local shops recently. Buckeye Outdoors near Columbus OH had Fed and CCI primers the other day and Hidden Valley near St Clairsville OH had Fed and CCI. Price is $34.95 or so which is gun shop prices from before the shortage.

    I also saw many kinds of ammo in stock there.

    I was in OH over the weekend and stopped into Black Wing in Delaware. They had a good supply of primers, incl some Fed #100s. I picked up 5k and was heading to the register until I saw the $40/k price...


  15. If you are free next Sunday morning (yea, the 4th of July), come on up to Angola. It's a great club for new shooters because of the "shotgun start" vs squadding, so we usually have time for some advice and chatting. Introduce yourself, always good to meet new shooters and BE'ers.




    Angola, In

    Matches are conducted the first Sunday of each month from April through October. Matches are held at the Angola Conservation Club, which is located on Hwy 20 about 3/4 of a mile east of exit 148 on Interstate Hwy 69. Matches consist of 5 stages, including a classifier stage. Shooters can enjoy a random start at any time between 9:00 AM and 10:30 AM.

    note: it's behind the American Legion, and they've added a bay, so depending on staff availability, it may be 6 stages now, incl classifier.

  16. From pg 51 of the rule book:

    One of the most commonly heard statements about poor course

    design is “Well, it is the same for everyone”.

    I could right [write?] this as, “The situations you put yourself, or find yourself in, in life are not predictable but we cannot expect everyone that plays IDPA to adapt to the challenge.

    I don't follow, are you saying you would reword the rule book to make people adapt to the stage challenge regardless? We can only work under the book we have now. If you can honestly justify it as "practical and realistic" [also from the rule book], then ok. If it can only be justified as "it's the same for everyone," then that is not ok.

    I find it hard to believe that there are people that find loading a firearm “impractical”. I have never went to any store and purchased ammunition already in the magazine.

    So where do we draw that line? You could set up a dillon on a stage, too, with a similar scenario. You don't own enough ammo to keep a gun loaded until you go back to the store?

    Have any of you guys ever shot 3 gun, where you had to eject shot rounds out of the gun and reload with slugs “on the clock”?

    when legal idpa targets require different ammo to score, and handgun ammo is available in such a wide variety of vastly different types of "full charge service ammunition" [also from the rule book], then that will become a valid comparison.

    look, please don't take it personal. I don't. I just disagree that loading mags is "practical." Like I said, you might as well time me putting on my belt how I see it.

    we'll just have to agree to disagree. if I ever shoot one of your mag loading stages, I promise to take my FTDR like a man.


  17. If you can chew gum and load mags at the same time, what's the problem? Everybody else is shooting the same COF under the same rules.

    From pg 51 of the rule book:

    One of the most commonly heard statements about poor course

    design is “Well, it is the same for everyone”. Please do not use the

    phrase “it is the same for everyone,” to use stages that trivialize the

    purpose of IDPA or that are not really practical. Claiming that it

    will be the same for everyone is a lame way of rationalizing a poor

    stage or course of fire. Anyone using the line “it is the same for

    everyone” to justify a tactically unsound stage should not be

    allowed to run or design any stages of fire in IDPA. Mistakes will

    be made in IDPA, but allowing poor course designs to flourish will

    lead to the demise of IDPA quicker than any other factor.

    ...there will always be a whiner, or two. I think we've met some here.

    sticks and stones.... :rolleyes:


  18. I don't get the game A vs game B stuff... I had just as many unloaded gun starts in both. So I don't think the game bashing was necessary, or correct. Thankfully, I've never had an unloaded mag start.

    As for thinking... how much thinking is required to load mags? I'm sorry, I don't follow. Even I can chew gum and load mags at the same time, so it can't be that hard.

    edit: re. thinking... well, an FTDR is 20 seconds. I think I'd be timing how long it took me to load 2 mags. that'd be close.


  19. got new mag springs from brownells, but they do not fit in the beretta 10-round mags.. too wide. Will have to return and get some factory or wolfs. the brownells springs didn't appear to bend up enough to keep the nose of the follower up anyway. found 6 lightly used 10-rounders w/ bumpers online for ~$13 ea (incl shipping) so those are on the way...

    took the production gun w/ me to the in-laws this weekend. father-in-law put 10 rounds through it then we decided to be done. In that 10 rounds I lost a pint of blood to skeeters.

    couldn't really do any DF on vacation, so I took a book. I got 3/4 through Inner Game of Tennis... Some new ideas I've picked up on...

    1) Learn from watching better shooters... not to pick up technique, but to pick up attitude and flow and "rhythm." Let the subconscious learn, don't analize.

    2) When trying new techiques, expect a loss of results elsewhere. This is an idea I've "lost"... any more when I try something different or to increase speed on a drill, I still expect As.

    3) Tension leads to unnecessary muscles working against you. Tension leads to tennis elbow. Tennis elbow is a sign that you are holding the racket [gun] with too much tension in your wrist/arm/shoulders. You can grip it firmly and powerfully enough with just the grip, and have better control with other muscles relaxed. [duh, but hearing it from a different source/context makes an impression].

    I've already applied 1 and 2 while home mid-week. I watched some vids of a GM PD shooter doing 4 sec El Prez's. I just watched his rhythm, without trying to study technique, and tried to mimic his rhythm w/o even a gun in my hand. I then DF'd the drill, but w/o regard to points... if I even paid any attention to the FS, I let the shot break wherever it was. I was ahead of the 4.0s par every time. Interestingly, after 1/2 dozen I decided to see what I could do going for all As, and I was able to either just beat the 4.0 par, or finish during the beep (<4.3). Considering just last week I could only hit 4.7, and that was inconsistent/tense, that's >10% improvement over-night....

    Also interestingly, I felt almost no unneeded tension doing this, and my elbow didn't bother me when I was done. I stopped the practice when I felt the "trying" to go fast creeping in, since I wanted to end positively. I'll be curious to try this in live fire to see if I can go <4.5. I've never done that w/ the PD gear, only w/ the open rig.


  20. I think starting with an empty gun sucks bad enough. Loading mags is rediculous, imo. Might as well time me to put on my belt and eyes and ears, too. I'm all for distractions from the shooting, but I consider that just a waste of everyone's time...

    my 2c.


  21. I've found my malfunction clearing depends on the situation. I used to think "do it the same every time" was the way to go but over the last couple of years I know that's no longer what I do. For instance, if I've just seated a reload and the round doesn't go off, I'll do the typical tap/rack. If I'm several rounds into a mag, I'll just rack since I have no reason to think the mag released itself. If I have a recurring problem such as a round not fully chambering (as happened at Area 5 this year due to a bad mag), I'll skip the rack and just bump the back of the slide.

    At Area 5, I even have on vid on the same stage with the same mag where I both tap/racked (round didn't feed on 1st cycle after a reload, the tap was enough to cause the round to chamber anyway), and then later into the mag I just racked it on a similar jam. On a later stage I just bumped the back of the slide because I recognized it as the same problem...

    I think the "always tap rack" is good advice for new shooters or shooters who aren't going to shoot enough to recognize on the fly different sources of malfunctions, but with experience, extra steps become time wasters.

    As for the squib, I've never had one (yet!?). Stopped a few shooters with squibs as RO though. but I did have one hangfire with factory ammo several years back at an IDPA match. It went click, I tapped, and was reaching for the slide when it went off. Scared the hell outta me. Luckily the backstop caught it. SO confirmed he saw my finger out of the trigger guard and the hammer was down (although it was a DA P220). I was shaky the rest of the match...


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