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Posts posted by rvb

  1. ...Production-15 would be too much like shooting Limited.

    The neat thing about raising the limit to 15 rounds is that you or anyone else could still load just 10 if they wanted to.

    Seriously? :huh: I guess it's "neat" that people can already do that currently in Lim and Open "if they want to." Not exactly competitive.


  2. Was at the local gun shop and an older fellow came in with a Remington 1100. He said that it must have been out of gas cause it won't ejaculate. Shop owner took the shotgun into the back room and started his air compressor, took gun down, changed the O-ring, oiled it, and came back out and charged the guy for a refill (price of O-ring). The old guy left happy as could be.

    If he was able to make it ejaculate, he should have charged more than the price of an o-ring! What a deal!

    Always good to hear a story with a happy ending.


  3. I liked the look of the vltor, but since the consensus seems to be that they are all good to go, I went with the Troy block at just $35, roughly 1/2 the cost.

    My WOA barrel is dimpled, so I guess I am confident enough in the set screw. Is one dimple enough, or should I toss it in the drill press and put in a second dimple for the forward screw? Leaning towards adding the second dimple, seems like that would make it more solid.

    Thanks for all the input.


  4. Re-looking at Firebird's smallest gas block after reading some posts in their subforum here (Get that website working!), it sounds like they don't just use a set screw for gas adjustment, but a bolt with a head that can be torqued down, and they include a short screw for "wide open" gas. I might re-think that one.

    Remember, that if the gas block is under the handguard, you may have to remove the guard to adjust it.

    well, it's only going to be partly under the handguard. the new rifle length vtac handguard covers up ~1/2" of the gas block on rifle-length gas setups, which I didn't realize when I ordered it. was planning on using a railed block incase someday I decide to add irons. but that wont work. hence the search for a low-pro'. But I still want something "set and forget."

    vltor looks good...


  5. Thanks for all the feedback!

    Regarding cutting down a standard sight base, it's a new barrel (18" WOA, rifle-length gas) without a base, and it's not cut for the standard cross pins. If it were an existing complete barrel, I would just go that route (in fact, I have a carbine I am thinking about doing that to). A FS base costs almost as much as some new blocks.

    Are the "clamp" style better than the "set screw" style? Seems like that would be more solid? I was even thinking of drilling through the block and into the barrel and pinning it in place so it couldn't rotate or move, but that may not be necessary or be overkill?

    Re-looking at Firebird's smallest gas block after reading some posts in their subforum here (Get that website working!), it sounds like they don't just use a set screw for gas adjustment, but a bolt with a head that can be torqued down, and they include a short screw for "wide open" gas. I might re-think that one.

    Thanks again,


  6. Hey all, I'm looking for some inputs on a gas block. I'm looking for low profile gas block, that's non adjustable. needs to fit inside VTAC's newest handguards, measured 1.3" inside dia. While it's going to be a dedicated game gun, I'm not a dedicated 3-gunner, so I want the reliability of a full-gas, non-adjustable block. Any suggestions? I've thought about taking JP's or Firebird's adjustable block and locktiting, staking, or even welding the screw in place, but if I can get one that has a reputation for being good to go w/o the hassle, I'm all for it.

    Searches all came up with info on adjustable blocks.



  7. It's more about the software than the hardware.

    there is little performance improvement gained between guns and divisions. Look at all the production legal guns used successfully in Limited. What I'm hearing here is that someone without enough mags for PD shouldn't be forced into limited because they then don't have the right gun? Great. Let's perpetuate the bull* that it's the gun that makes the shooter, or that you need specific equipment to be competitive.

    PD is what it is BECAUSE it's 10 rounds. I've shot open a fair bit, too, and there is a lot to be learned going balls out not worrying about reloads and making a plan the is about pure efficiency. But there's also something to be said about having to break down a stage for 10 rounds, and the risk vs reward that comes from your reload plan in that stage breakdown.

    IPSC Production is a joke with 15 rounds and race holsters. We have too many divisions that are too similar as it is. 15 rounds would make PD too similar to Lim.

    If a new shooter is not willing to commit to the game enough to buy a couple of mags, will they come back regardless what we do? If someone shows up with only an IWB carry holster, should we have a division for just that, too? Should golf have a division for someone that only shows up with a set of irons? There's basic minimum equipment for any hobby/sport. I don't buy that a few bucks for a couple of mags is a deal breaker. Sounds more like a convenient excuse. In 5 years I've never needed more than 5 mags, and needing 5 mags is rare. I do not believe that is an honest barrier to people participating.

    I, for one, would not shoot a 15 round production game.


    ps. as far as costing people $, I would have to buy new mags... most of mine are 10-rounders. Because I get them CHEAP. but that has nothing to do with my opinion on the matter, just another consideration in the "who do you want to force to buy new gear" question, the new guy or the involved guy?

  8. On the car stage, when loading the mags... you put ALL the mags on your belt when you could have taken the first reload off the table and not had to spend the time getting it in the pouch...

    Don't worry about how fast you move WHILE reloading... make it your goal to get the reloading done in that first step or so out of position (ie as soon as you are able). again, on the car stage, notice you had taken a couple steps to the door before even dropping the mag, so you got to the door quickly, but you had to stand there and finish the reload before opening the door, then re-accelerate. a momentum and time killer

    get those mags seated!! (aka ditch the big honkin mag well) ;) Only saw 2 in the MI vids, but I know you had 2 or 3 times at Ft W last week you didn't get them seated, too.

    On vid 96, watch the line you take weaving around the walls . The shortest distance is a straight line and you are making wide turns all the way out near the fault line. to the end of the walls is all the wider you needed to make those corners for the first 3 walls.

    ok, again on the car stage... crowding the line really bit you there. for your last 8 shots you actually set up on two positions in order to see the targets when if you had been back a few feet you could have taken the last 8 all from one spot. took me a minute to figure out how you shot it.

    agree about the flip you're sometimes doing to eject the old mag. Noticed that ROing you at the Ft Wayne match. If you're mags aren't wanting to drop free w/o a flick, there are cures for that.

    watching your head, and listening to the shots, I feel like you are tracking the site between targets rather than snapping your eyes to the next target and letting the gun catch up. Hard to guess what you are seeing, but that's the impression I get.

    All the nit picks in the world wont matter if you don't have the patience to watch the front site. :P about 18 seconds for 5 plates on the star. When you started watching the FS you cleared the last 4 plates in ~ 4 seconds! :o


  9. and even said "some people take advantage of the flat rate boxes".

    The USPS set the 70lb limit rule. Not anyone's fault but their own.

    I got grief last time because zero didn't tape it well enough, and the flaps weren't touching (even though I could push them together easily). USPS lady said it had to fit in the box "as designed" (not bulging out) and threatened to charge me extra next time. I almost started saying that obviuosly it was their poor handling that was causing the box to come apart, and how the post master would love to hear how I had to come pick up the box because they were too lazy to deliver it, but just shrugged and let it go. Almost hate to make waves cause I don't want them to lower their weight limit....


  10. Corey likes to give me crap about the pile of mags in my range bag, but I always have at least enough mags to shoot two field courses. For production that's at least 10 mags, for open that's 5 140s and two 170s. If I know on the following stage I'll be first, I can have mags ready for the stage I am on and that following stage. Pays off when ROing at locals, too, where I have less time to prep gear (I load my mags the night before the match, too)... That maximizes my time to plan, and eliminates a lot of that "hurrying" feeling.

    Expecting I'd end up ROing, I took 14 loaded mags to my last local match... I think I only had to actually load 4-5 mags during all 5 stages. In other words, maximize your time to plan and visualize, minimize the time futzing with gear.


  11. fourtrax,

    I think the biggest hurdle with these types of matches being adopted by either uspsa or idpa rests in the safety and liability concern these national organizations share. It is hard to have a match open to "whatever" people use for carry, and then have a lot of restrictions on equipment, even if those restrictions are strictly based on safety. Would USPSA allow an organization under its umbrella to use cross-draw holsters? Shoulder holsters? Pocket holsters? No holsters? Would there be ammo requirements? A vast majority of carry guns on the streets would never make power factor (.380s, .32s, 38 spl, etc). In very short order, with just those considerations, you've created an "ipsc-lite" or "idpa-lite" that will force people to get new equipment just to compete in a game, and we're right back where we started. These defensive "outlaw" matches are much more suited to giving someone using that type of gear a place to shoot.

    just a thought...


    ps. my "6 shot" 642 would never go over well at any match... "(1)Bang (2)Bang (3)Bang (4)Bang (5)Bang (6)THROW"



  12. USPSA has been updated classifications for Oct. What happened to the classifier for this match?

    i noticed this one was missing too. :huh: not like it'll help me much with the way i shot it, but it'd be nice to see it there.

    I looked up the MI Section classifier scores last night... I don't care if it never gets posted. :ph34r: I won the stage in PD, and shot it just well enough to be valid, but poor enough it's going to be a drag on my % for a LONG time (81%). :o



  13. I often see what looks like the enso in your avatar, only negative (bright white ring, black everything else). doesn't just happen when i first wake up, but often when really tired before going to bed (an insomniac who is often up way too late).

    and it's more than a couple tenths of a second... but several seconds...


  14. USPSA has been updated classifications for Oct. What happened to the classifier for this match?

    i noticed this one was missing too. :huh: not like it'll help me much with the way i shot it, but it'd be nice to see it there.

    give it till next month... especially at major matches the person doing the scoring and the person doing the paying and uploading the classifier reports is not always the same, or it may take a bit for the person with the $ from entry fees to get the $ to the person with the scores. Just because scores are posted doesn't mean the classifiers are uploaded, it's not the same step.

    They only had 2 wks from last shot to the 10th when classifers had to be uploaded.


  15. ...your nickname.

    I've been called worse! If it wasn't for the 180 I would have done a pirouette.

    Machine Gun was my nickname among the idpa crowd in southern MD...

    I bet you won that stage overall!!!!!

    Hmmm... looks like I did.

    My HF = 5.22 (143/27.39). Looks like Machine Gun Brent had the next highest in Limited at 4.89 (155/31.65). Looks like there was one other sub-30s run, but he had 7 mikes.


  16. I didn't get a stage burned in properly. .... I could see so much I think I get a kind of sensory overload.

    I think wide-open stages require even more burn-in, so that you transition to the right targets in the right order w/o relying on your eyes, and this is especially true if you skip over some targets, and then come back and get them later...

    RVB(Twinkle Toes), talked to me after the match ...

    Forget all that advise. Here is what I should have said...

    1. Lock your holster.

    2. untie your shoes.

    3. use tape on your glasses like Enos... duct tape.

    I never thought it would be good to practice Classifiers..

    if a classifier addresses something I'm struggling with, then they are a great tool. For instance, instead of always doing El Prez, you could try Front Sight, or Front Sight 2. That's a good way to break out the turn/draw + 6 shots part of the El Prez, and the HHF is crazy high compared to El Prez.


  17. let see who ... slips one in the back.


    Some where expected others were a surprise.

    Hmmm... not sure if this has taken a serious tone or not. I'll say right now that no "Stabbing in the back" was intended. I made an assumption that since you made the option available it was a lighthearted second option for saying "no."

    I don't think you are actually being a whiner.

    I also don't think your intent is misguided. I just brought up a couple of issues to consider with more frequent updates. As I said earlier, I'm all for instant updates given some considerations from HQ.

    I hope you didn't take it personal. I appologize if that's how any of this was taken.

    Just conversatin'.


  18. Shot production today at FtW.

    I just simply had a great match [and a great squad to shoot with!]

    I'll start off w/ 03-02, Six Chickens: 8A, 2B, 2C for 52 points in 8.97, HF = 5.7971. Looks like it should come in ~96.5% nationally. I needed a good one to finish up the year.

    There was an all steel stage that I could have done better... it was mostly small (8"?) plates and I didn't give them the patience and trigger control they deserved. There were 33 pieces of steel and I think I fired 40 rounds, give or take a round. 5 of those were on a long plate, maybe 35 yds. Those extra rounds threw my reload plan out the window and the stage was just taking me along for the ride from there. Based on too many rounds on that one plate an empty-gun "click," I'd say I should have finished that stage around 7 seconds faster.

    My only penalties were ones I opted to take... It was a carry-the-bucket deal where you had to put candy in the bucket at each array, and there were stipulations on the kind and quantity of candy. It seemed the time saved not hassling with it was worth the penalties. On that stage I put two on a turtle at the closest to a full run I've ever shot... I basically took a long stride to smooth things out while putting two on it. It scored A/D IIRC.

    I engaged a couple of targets from the air.... There was a ~3' fence roughly parallel to the 180 w/ targets down low behind it. My plan was to run along the fence and rather than stop and reach over it to extend up and bring the gun above my line of site to shoot down... well that extending sorta became a leap. There was much laughter from the peanut gallery. I'm sure it looked comical. White men can't jump... especially big white dudes like me. :) But I ended up with a smokin' fast time on the stage (and good hits!).

    I shot 90.5% of the points total.

    interestingly, I went to slide lock once and rather than use my strong hand thumb to release the slide, I tried using my WH thumb like I was shooting my .45... weird since I've shot my .45 only for one match this fall...


  19. Hey, thanks for the pointers at FWAPS today. I will go over them and post to my range diary.

    No problem... use what works, ignore the rest.

    Just mix it up a little...

    and PUSH your limits!


  20. Ryan, I think im going to have my rifle at the FW match this weekend. I can let you take a peak at the burris scope if you still need to :)

    That would be great! The more I can look through before spending the coin the better. I've been all around town and can't find anyplace w/ an accupoint in stock.

    My big concern w/ the burris is the brightness of the reticle. One thing I learned shooting open division is that bright=fast! I can always tell when the batts in my c-more are getting weak as I feel like I'm looking for the dot vs just being aware of it, and even then the dot is still quite bright, just not WOW bright. Considering most 3-gunning I do is gonna be relatively close (<200yds), with occasional stretches to probably no more than 4-450, I'm giving that a higher priority than drop marks.



    ps. It occurred to me the other day that we could meet at H&H for lunch-time shooting over the winter as a way to keep in tune....

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