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Posts posted by rvb

  1. 7/25/10: Shot Production at the IN Section match.

    This was a very fun match, well set up and organized, and great stages. It was HOT. I drank ~ 14 bottles of water and a coke and after 10am never pissed.

    This was the WORST match I have shot in a long time.

    Came in 7th in PD, last master.

    Only shot 83.3% of the points, which is HORRIBLE. I had 5 misses when I was done with my first 3 stages. 6 misses total. I did clean it up for most of the rest of the match, but blew my last stage. WAY too many Ds for the match.

    Dr Jackle (the good): Stages 4-9, I averaged a finish of 4.8.

    Mr. Hyde (the bad): Stages 1-3 and 10, I averaged a finish of 16.25.

    (I started on stage 1.)

    Lately I've been watching videos of top shooters and working to emulate how explosive they are. They often take 1-2 steps between positions where I take 4-5. I think I let that carry over to my frontsite, not just my footwork. I did not call my misses! I called most of my shots. Even made up a few, but it's obvious why I missed when I did. I shot those first 3 stages with a speed focus, and the kick in the rear is the speed wasn't there either.

    Stage 1 (and my first stage) Not only did I have the 2 un-called misses, I completely forgot my game plan. It was truely "as and when visible."

    Stage 2 my high grip problem bit me (slide not locking back). I needed the 11th round for a makeup on steel and realized I was empty and reloaded, but didn't rack the round in and that threw off my timing, and caused me to be slide down after teh next 10-round array.

    On stage 5, the slide did lock back for me, so my grip position is improving, but not consistantly.

    Stage 10 I'm not sure what happened. I intended to hit the mag release while putting the ammo can in the hole, then reload. When I brought the new mag up the old was still in the way. At first I thought I forgot to hit the release, but on vid I see I had to really shake the gun to get the mag out, so I'm thinking it didn't fall (maybe I didn't hold the button long enough for it to fall?). That good plus a crap load of Ds wrecked that stage for me.

    Bottom line... my agressiveness and movement was where I want it, but regardless, I HAVE to get back to getting As.


  2. The forum owner told me that ...

    So if people ask me as an SO why I rule a certain way, I say "Some guy on the internet [steve] told me that some guy on a forum [Ted] said that it's an official interpretation...."

    I would just like IDPA to assign a job title or board title to make rulings official, and have rulings in an official place, and publish in the rules where that is... make it seem just a shade professional. They were oh so close to doing that in their announcement. Currently, the only thing official is the online rulebook...

    "NOTE: The rulebook posted on the IDPA website

    (www.idpa.com) will be the most current issue."


  3. and you may NOT cross any opening (read: without having shot from cover first).

    You're right, it does seem really obvious [when you leave out part of the rule and replace it with your own words].

    As for the 2A relation, well, the 2A clauses clarify, not contradict. Maybe if the 2A said "... shall NOT be infringed. Private arms may not be confiscated unless during the occurrence of a National emergency." See how I put NOT in all caps? See how it doesn't matter?

    Steve, I agree with you. Im not trying to be arguementative. I'm sure that's what is "intended." I'm sure that's how I'd have to shoot it at a match. My beef isn't with how people are interpreting it, because, well, that's how IDPA works. I just wish HQ put 2 minutes into proofreading stuff they publish, and maybe get some 3rd party input (ie from people who don't know their intent).

    Had I not expected the application to be different than the true words and sought out internet chatter on it, I'd have gone to some major and eaten a pile of PEs after crossing an opening while engaging targets. That's wrong.


  4. That would be a change ... a BIG departure from the status quo, and I do not believe that is what was meant. .... Do we really need a clarification of something this basic to IDPA shooting? I think not.

    I was not reading this with pre-conceived interpretations, status-quo or otherwise. I thought this WAS the clarification.

    You're trying to read in X when it would be much more logical to read it as Y"

    I'm just reading what's there and trying to understand it; not assuming any other words are there.

    You're trying to make the last sentence contradict the first sentence with emphasis on MUST. You're reading it wrong.

    The writers of the rule added the contradiction, not me... that's why I can't figure it out on my own, w/o searching out third party interpretations.

    You're reading it wrong.

    That much I've figured out. haha.



    And I still don't see how to differentiate what interpretations on idpaforum are "official." No one's answered that for me yet. It's a discussion forum, but just for "discussing rules" according to the announcement. So who's interpretation is right, officially? They missed a great opportunity to define an official rule-clarification repository, imo.


  5. in the last sentence the way I interpret it means that I CAN cross a door, etc if I AM engaging targets.

    That was how I read the update, too...

    My first thought was "COOL, options on how to shoot stages!" I figured it might force some decisions on when to reload vs leaving cover while engaging, etc. Then I did some reading at idpaforum and see I'm way off how most of the ACs and HQ interpret that rule.

    I can't fathom showing up at a major right now. I read the rules and the updates. I was sure I understoond them. I'm now sure I'm wrong. I have no idea what the cover rules are anymore.


  6. Skipped the FWAPS match to get in some practice with the PD gun.

    Started off with some timing drills. Groups were improved. I did an extra 20 round set at ~.17s and the group was about the size of my usual .25s (all but 3 inside an idpa -0 [using up some old targets]).

    Went down hill from there.

    Double-Draw Master...

    Relaxed: 40, 48, 44

    Surrender: 34, 47, 40

    I got in fewer shots, and more Cs. Only 1 set got in 11 and one set got in 12 shots. Most were 10. That was disappointing. I wasn't starting the DA stroke on extension. I was extending and the pressing. Couldn't seem to do it right.

    El Prez:

    I think my worst runs in a long time. I was pushing speed (looks like around 0.4s faster than last practice), but man did the points pay the price. Ave HF is only ~85% of last practice.

    1)5.01 4A/1B/5C/2D HF = 7.984

    2)4.57 6A/0B/5C/1D HF = 10.066

    3)4.60 4A/0B/5C/3D HF = 8.261

    4)5.04 4A/0B/8C/0D HF = 8.73

    5)4.84 7A/1B/4C/0D HF = 10.33

    Draws were ~1.25. Reloads ~1.35.

    Assuming a 4.75 string, that leaves splits of ~.21. Based on the timing drills, I have NO excuse for shooting points that crappy. This is your brain. This is your brain on TENSION.

    I tried Enos' transition drill. I forgot to print up the drill, so I was going by memory. I did set it up and shoot it correctly, but had I remembered how it was scored, I might have been a little more careful for As. ;)

    setup is 9 shots on an el-prez setup. I drew facing downrange, surrender. 0.5s added for each non-A.

    Baseline average: 5.46

    That was with an average of 1.3 Cs per string.

    Side note: I upped the recoil spring weight to 11lbs. I practiced some slide-lock reloads.


    Also put ~75 rounds through the 1911. Still no sign of trouble with the new trigger group. I think it's match ready. Dang that gun shoots... 4/5 rounds at 10 yds made a single ob-long hole (called 3-rd round flier about 1" out). Need to get it on sandbags at 50...


  7. Don't know what I did but my back is out! Got to work yesterday with a nagging little tight feeling low and right just off my spine. After several hours it just kept getting tighter. By 9am, I knew I was in trouble. I managed to hobble to the chiropractor at 11am and had a massage at 8pm. Today I am as sore as I can be. I really wanted to blast away some good practice this weekend and hit the Ft. Wayne match, but that is not going to be possible. I'm sitting on a bag of frozen peas and hoping for the best.

    Got the state match on Friday and I'm hoping for the best. This sucks!!!! :angry2:

    Bummer! Hope you are well by the match (actually, the sooner the better)...


  8. Wow...you mean you guys don't know this stuff? I have always carried a cheap-o- lighter (the good ones like Bic have to clean a gas in them)for glare days. Smoke the front and use a good cover and you are good for days and days, smoke the rear and be careful and the same result. Matter of fact the cheap-o- lighter is the very first item in the Red Neck Tactical catalog. Happy shooting.

    Good tip on the cheap-o. I think mine's a Bic, and I have to hold the flame under the sight for several seconds to soot it up good. I wondered why it didn't seem like it worked as good as I remembered. I'll have to do a product comparison. haha. Also an important tool for installing fresh fiber-optics on the pistola.


  9. Chrono sure ain't a "stage" if I ain't pullin the trigger. [...]


    Actually ... It is. Appendix C2, #43.

    Yes, technically, it's a stage, why I used "".

    considered a "stage" for match administration (ie squad rotation) purposes, but I've never seen it show up in the stage scores.

    you could also include officiating purposes, safety rules apply, arbitration, etc etc.

    So if we can apply VC scoring concepts, I'll take the PE from an extra shot then.

  10. Chrono sure ain't a "stage" if I ain't pullin the trigger. It's usually considered a "stage" for match administration (ie squad rotation) purposes, but I've never seen it show up in the stage scores. So to treat it like a stage score "as fired" seems like a big stretch.

    If the RM doesn't declare it unsafe (which would be a harsh call, assuming the only squib of the match, but could be considered reasonable), then the book says, "may collect further samples as necessary."

    I would hate to have my match ruined because of a 7th round squib, and I would hate even more to win because my competition had a 7th round squib.

    And as far as not being able to go "up" in declared pf, well, it's not a re-test, it IS the test. Collecting another round just completes the test.

    However, if a bullet does get a reading, even 10fps, that's gotta count.

    Some harsh folks on here.


  11. I use 3.4gr TG under 147gr Zero jhps, 1.150", mixed brass. Gets 905-910 fps and very consistent (single-digit SD), and very accurate.


    Ryan, any pressure problems with that? I have been a solo1000 user and have been considering the switch but I generally shoot closer to 138pf and I use montanna gold which usually takes a bit more powder to make the same pf.

    No pressure signs at all.

    I also use the load in my 9mm AR, which is direct blowback vs delayed, so I would expect if I were to see any warning signs (other than via primers), it would be with bulged bases out of that gun, but I have not seen any.

    I've been using this load since 2005. Probably 75k of 'em.

    With the various matches/chronos/temps etc, the min I've seen is ~131, max was this years Area 5 at 134.5. On my chrono, it's ALWAYS between 900-910, regardless if it's been sitting in the 95 degree sun, or I just pulled the ammo out of the cooler at 32 degrees.

    And TG is inexpensive compared to many common 147gr powders out there! :)


  12. I'll be curious to see points % from the match. I recall a few more Cs than I'd have liked, but very good over all... and best of all, VERY few makeup shots. A couple on steel, and 1 on a turtle target.

    Hoping Friday to get to the range for some practice...


    I remembered correctly, a few too many Cs, but still an improvement over a couple months ago. tossing out the all-steel stage, I turned out 90% of the points. only 2 Ds, 23 Cs. Now that I'm consistently at the 90% point, I need to set my sights a little higher, make 93% my goal...

    And Friday practice is out... looks like I get to earn some OT.


  13. I didn't think you were mad but I was worried you would run out of ammo !!!

    I never go anywhere w/o at least 2x what I think I'll need... sometimes I need extra, sometimes someone else needs extra... I had another box of 250 in the truck. :D I could have shot the whole stage like 8 more times.

    We are all a little smarter now!!

    And knowing is half the battle .

    4 masters in one match. Thats rare in northern part of the state.

    Yea, that was impressive! And Drew who won Limited as an "A" is an "M" in Production. It was a virtual tie for Production, beating Dave by 4 match points or whatever... good times!


  14. First stage went REALLY well. 27 As and came in just a hair over 20 seconds. Should hopefully be a stage win at least for my division. (thanks for the target engagement tip Ryan ;))

    yup. looks like you won that stage in SS! Good run.


  15. I shot the match at Warsaw this weekend [production].

    What a great match. Drew 40+ shooters, which is very good for the N-IN clubs (like 2x). The guys there obviously put a lot of effort into setup. The field courses had walls everywhere! Lots of options, and while holding the timer on stage 3, I don't know that I saw the course run the same way twice. Keep it up, and you'll become one of the must-go matches in central IN.

    Brent/Chris, don't worry about the reshoots. I'm sure lessons were learned on the activator setup. That was truely an AWESOME stage design. I think people were afraid I was mad about having to shoot it several times, but I wasn't. I look at locals as a chance to develop the mental game for majors, and multiple reshoots happen at majors, too. I executed my plan perfectly each time, up until the final [5th!] run when I missed the activator, shot the array out of sequence [with a lot of waiting] as a result... that extra shot caused my gun to run dry, but dummy me didn't realize it, so I got a 'click' on the mover. I somehow managed to rack a round in and get two on the mover just before it disappeared. I should have been 3-4 seconds faster over all.

    Classifier was 09-13. Time was good, mid 4s, but got chicken-sh*t around the NS on the last target and hit 2 Ds. I'm sure those pulled the % into below-min range. Once I see the match results and can find some data on that classifier, I'll get a better idea.

    Overall, I'm very glad I got this match in before the IN section match. Yesterday is exactly where I want my shooting to be. I felt agressive behind the gun for the first time since leaving the open gun last fall. All season I've felt like I'm "shooting scared" behind the irons. Yesterday I felt like that FS WAS the dot. I felt like I could fine tune it's path mid-cycle and the instant the FS landed between the rears it was lifting again. I replayed that image/feeling over in my mind all evening. I'll be curious to see points % from the match. I recall a few more Cs than I'd have liked, but very good over all... and best of all, VERY few makeup shots. A couple on steel, and 1 on a turtle target.

    Hoping Friday to get to the range for some practice...


  16. Talent. I believe there are certain people that are born with it and are lucky enough to find out what they are good at and have the opportunity to excel at it. I can never be Michael Jordan or Tiger Woods or Dale Earnhardt.

    I've always thought the guys you mentioned would be terribly insulted to hear it's all some devinely inspired "talent," considering they all began WORKING at their respective games at an age most of us had just learned to tie our shoes...

    I'm just a mediocre master-class shooter, but I've had non-competitors toss the "lucky to be so talented" crap at me. um... no... most of a decade and a decent pile of ammo got me just this mediocre. If I wanted to be less mediocre, I would dedicate more time and work harder at it, it just happens shooting is about 5th on my priorities list. So I'm ok with letting those willing to sacrafice more and work harder pass me by as I keep marching along, improving at my pace. But those folks who I see clawing their way to the top, I don't assume it's talent, I assume it's sweat.

    What amazes me about guys like you mention are that they stuck with it from diapers through championships. That's determination.


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