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Posts posted by rvb

  1. 2 Qs:

    So I see a lot of talk that makes good sense for the triangle and estimating hold-over, but what about the dot? I like the small size of the dot, but I like the idea of estimating hold-over with the triangle. What do the dot/crosshair users do for holdover? Educated guessing? spin the turrets?

    Also, on the triangle, is the tip still zero'd at both 1x and 4x? Since it appears bigger at 1x, I wouldn't want to have to learn two hold-overs.

    I really appreciate the pictures above of the different reticles.



  2. well, I haven't touched a [competition] gun since my last post. mostly due to schedule. work was crazy nuts and all last week I was on VACATION to the beautiful Smokey Mountains. Next match is the MI section match. I don't think I'm going to get the chance to pull a trigger till then. So this week I want to get back into the dryfire routine.

    I decided not to buy a new production gun. Seeming like a waste of $. I think I'm basically taking next year off. Kid # 2 is due in March! :goof: So that means if I go off to a bunch of matches, leaving the wife at home w/ a 2 year old and a new-born, she will go major on me! So unless some random luck happens (aka babysitting by grandparents), I'm limiting my schedule to Angola. I hate only shooting one club, I like to mix it up, but since I do the scores there, and design/build/RO a stage every month, I hate to be random to them. Hope to also shoot the IN Section match next year. I figure all the money I save in match fees and hotels I'll put aside for a new PD gun in '12.

    So next year, my goal won't be to shoot a certain % at majors, or achieve some classification %, or shoot a certain time/HF on drills, but rather to enjoy my limited time on the range. It's a different mindset for me, but after no practice at all for the last 2 weeks, I'm settling in to it.

    In other news, Zero shipped my bullets. Should be 6k in this batch, giving my about 15k on hand. At my current rate, I should be good for ~3 years. So if I backorder more now, I should be ok for when these run out! :lol: Only took a year. Post man was too lazy to deliver them, or even ring the doorbell and ask for help (was home all day Sat but got one of those "we missed you" cards), so now I have to get to the post office to pick them up. :angry:

    finished reading Inner Game of Tennis while on vacation. Of particular significance, given my last post, is Chapter 8, the section on aims and motives. "Main Game 1: Good-o; Subgame A: Perfect-o" reflects me perfectly. I won't quote the whole thing here, but the obstacles he describes nail me to a tee: External: The never-closing gap between one's idea of perfection and one's apparent abilities. Internal: Self-criticism for not being as close to perfection as one would like, leading to discouragement, compulsively trying too hard, and the self-doubt that made you think you had anything to prove in the first place.


  3. For kicks tonight, I put a stopwatch on 100 rounds of 9mm through my 550. Looked in every case for proper powder level. one 'crunchy' primer I had to pull out and inspect before sending it to the powder station, one spent primer got in the way of the primer slide, and I dropped a piece of brass under the ram and had to remove it.

    7 min 32 sec.

    I've done 600 in well under an hour before (have 5 tubes, so 600 is all I could do w/o repicking primers). I can't go that fast on 38 super, the cases are too full and powder spills. And setting the bullet slows me down on .45 and .223. The zero 147gr 9mms have a smaller diameter base, and they really just drop right in the belled case, I think that really helps. Any more I never do more than 2-300 per sitting.


  4. I'm pretty sure this gun is built on a 90-two frame, so it won't fit regular 92 holsters.

    I -think- it would fit holsters for any older models w/ a rail, such as the vertecs or Elite 1A. While I haven't seen an A1 yet, and it's been years since I've looked at a 90-two, I think the A1 is a merger of the 90-two and 92FS frame (it has the front-half rail/takedown/buffer from the 90-two, but rear-half is non-modular with regular grip pannels from the FS). Word is that modular grips didn't hold up well to high round-count abuse. I'm not sure what the actual problem was.


  5. I wish they'd bring back Brigadier slides.

    A G would be nice like RVB said - do you think Beretta will do the paperwork to get it Production approved?

    They still have not submitted paperwork for the "90-two," and that was how many years ago?


  6. Miserable day shooting today. And I don't make a statement like that often. Usually I enjoy it no matter what. Shot production at Atlanta. The match was good, the problem is ALL with me.

    I swear I keep sucking worse and worse. My confidence is in the toilet. I actually caught myself checking the targets for holes on 3 stages, not trusting my calls. I was hurrying and shot WAY too many Cs and Ds. Mikes and Noshoots everywhere. I'm not spending enough time ingraining my plans.

    I wasn't feeling too great most of the morning. All stuffed up and couldn't breath, and just felt... off. After stage 5 I thought we were done, and I was honestly disappointed to hear we had another stage to go. Almost took the dnf and went home. I've NEVER thought like that before. I went to the truck to get some more water and something to eat, and tried to clear the sinuses and completely missed the stage 6 walk through. The plan I made from behind the line was a very poor one. To make it worse, dead noshoots littered the bay.

    Stage 7 I took too long making a decision on a plan, and never settled a single plan in. I was the first shooter. Hunt'n'peck. sucked. 1st stage was a standard, freestyle/reload/SHO. I had a miss on paper freestyle. Rocked the steel and SHO. WTF.

    classifier was 09-14, Eye of the Tiger. Shot this so-so, 3.5x, 1A/5B. Probably only be a ~70%. A few of those Bs were just outside the A...

    Stage 4 I shot pretty well, all As and 1 C, then a prop failed... reshoot. Following run was decent, but a couple Ds hurt.

    Stage 5, plan was good. Several Ds. And I almost over-ran a target on the move after my first shot, had to backup a step for the 2nd shot.

    I'm kinda glad the season is winding down. Next year I don't think I'm going to shoot much. I was going to buy a new production gun, but I now think I'll save my $. Starting to seem like a waste.

    I was looking back through my journal here... 4 practices this year. Each a month apart. What's the point?


  7. meh. No G, no well bevel, no extended mag release, no front serrations. Pretty ho-hum, IMO.

    They needed the buffer to get the .40s to last longer, but should have kept it out of the 9mm. About the only thing they got right is the removable FS.

    just my 2c on the A1.


  8. Interesting, I expected the bell to curve the other way. I figured a few people with one, more with ~3 due to using the same gun in a couple of divisions, and a few with 5 (6 is where I figured it would be thanks to the REV-headed stepchild division).

    3 here, Prod, Open, and as of this month, SS.


  9. guys I could routinely beat 3 years ago I can't really touch anymore due to my lay off.

    They were practicing and shooting while you were away [presuming you weren't]. You have to expect they have improved. Make it your goal to hang w/ them, but don't expect it. Shoot your game.


  10. No practice for me for almost the past week... been under the weather. Started feeling better over the weekend. It was the kid's 2nd b-day on Sunday, so with family in town and all the b-day fun, no practice happened.

    W/ the August classifier updates, I made A in SS. ... with a 58%!

    Let's see, 4 classifiers in the book, totalling 6 malfunctions. Guess that's why the system only lets you sandbag one class down. :) I think the gun is running 100% now. But it'll be a couple months before I start running it again. I put the PD gear back on the belt since I signed up for the MI match.


    maybe one day, il be up to an A and we can have a ss battle, haha. I think im gonna try to shoot the MI match too, maybe even try to jump on yoru squad

    Your A isn't too far off. And we can still battle it out regardless, last I saw the scores were only sorted by division, not class. ;) Don't forget Angola has their SS match in October (regular 1st Sunday match, all divisions recognized, but they try to get as many SS'ers as they can).

    Feel free to squad up w/ us at MI. Should be a fun match.


  11. No practice for me for almost the past week... been under the weather. Started feeling better over the weekend. It was the kid's 2nd b-day on Sunday, so with family in town and all the b-day fun, no practice happened.

    W/ the August classifier updates, I made A in SS. ... with a 58%!

    Let's see, 4 classifiers in the book, totalling 6 malfunctions. Guess that's why the system only lets you sandbag one class down. :) I think the gun is running 100% now. But it'll be a couple months before I start running it again. I put the PD gear back on the belt since I signed up for the MI match.


  12. for me it kinda depends...

    if it's just a failure to execute perfectly, like getting a bad grip on a draw, I push through it and adjust like I'd have to on match day. If something is just plain wrong, I stop and figure out why. A good example is a missed reload, was it just imperfect execution? or was it failure to perform some fundamental like failure to look the mag in or maybe I wasn't holding the gun in a way that lets the mag line up with the well. I might stop and analyze where my eyes were looking, where my attention was placed, where I was holding the gun, etc. Practicing wrong technique is not good, either. This is especially true for me if I "miss" something more than a couple times in a row. I might push through the first 1 or two, but then I have to figure out what's going on. This lets me fix any problems before they become rutted in so that I can continue practicing "perfectly."


  13. Take an AKM, an AR, a Sig 556, and a SCAR, field strip them all, throw the parts together in a bucket, shake it a bit. Fastest to assemble a gun and shoot it wins.

    Field strip an AR and put it in a box covered with a blanket. Shooting competition starts by assembling by feel only.

    Make 4 shooting stations, each out to 200 yards. Put them on a 2 mile course. Score is half shooting, half run time.

    and in similar tests of shooting ability, they could bake a cake, tie a sheepshank, and knit mittens. oh and when they are done with each they could shoot a gun.



  14. I have around 45,000 rds through my beretta and have gone through 4 or 5 lock-blocks.


    Holy crap.

    I sure hope those are the original design locking blocks. Averaging ~10k per blocks SUCKS.

    I've replaced a couple of blocks on mine and other's guns. Never did any fitting on them. And they lasted MUCH longer than that (that I know of, none have broken since). My practice gun went in excess of 120k after dropping in a new block. It was still going when the lugs on the barrel began to shear off.

    If those are first-gen blocks, personally I wouldn't care if they were free. I'd toss 'em and pony up the $35 for a new-design block and gain a ton of confidence in your pistol, imo.


  15. Wasn't able to do a lot of dryfire over the weekend, but I did some experimenting w/ my 1911 grip. If I rotate the gun counter clockwise in my grip a bit, and get the bottom knuckle of the thumb more beside the grip safety [compared to slightly behind it like it was], then the heal of my thumb moves forward a bit which seems to keep the WH away from the thumb safety. It was really a small change, but seems to help. Need to see how that carries over to the 92. This requires me to move the trigger out just a little on the trigger finger. now almost dead center of the pad seems to work.

    My father in law got a Henry rifle, in 44 mag. Shot that at some bowling pins this weekend. That was fun, but didn't put too many rounds through it. At ~30 yds, I was able to hit the pins better w/ my .45 than with that rifle, but I think we need to sight in the gun a bit, and get it on paper to better learn the sights.

    Put about 75 rounds through the .45, just working with the grip changes and a chance to work on my shot calling. Nearly all the rounds were on pins at 30 yds.


  16. A lot of people don't know what those shiney things on their doors are for... :angry2:

    or the blinky lights on the corners of their vehicles...

    or that the shiney things and the blinky lights can be used simultaneously.


  17. yea, it was definitely a trick of the day moment.

    I see Jake DiVita will be at the MI Section... now that's someone you should be comparing yourself against, not me! Set that bar a little higher!


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