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Posts posted by rvb

  1. Definately a good match.

    My complaints about the match all come my own performance. I only really had it come together on a couple stages. A couple stages were par, and the rest could have been vastly better. I was close to hitting stage 8 perfectly, but those little poppers were going all matrix on my bullets. I'm trying to chalk if off to early-season cobwebs...

    Thanks to the squad. it was a very fun, hard working, and talented crew....

    Good stages that a) tested a variety of skills and b ) had many options in ways to shoot them. Those are the keys for good stages.

    Thanks especially to Jake, Aron, and Brent and the rest of the crew that put on the event.

    Congrats to Matt and PB! :)


  2. :ph34r:


    depends on context I guess. In some contexts it might be a great quote. In others, it might be horrible. Considering where it came from, and how that philosophy has been used recently, I'm leaning towards not-so-great.


    Hope I kept it non-political enough....


  3. Frustrated.

    My left arm really started hurting again. I could barely grip the gun last night. only about 15 minutes of dryfire, which was pretty much useless.

    Doesn't give me very high hopes for the IN SS/PD match this weekend...

    oh well....


  4. After a year on backorder, my 15k WSR's from PV are on their way...

    Down to about 12k FSPs, might need to see about bolstering that...

    Been hitting the DF hard this week... 60-90 minutes a night. Really pushing my par times. 6-R-6 in 3.8, 2-R-2 in 2.2, prez in 4.2. Really focused on calling the last "shot" before transitions or reloads.

    Tuesday was the better night, more relaxed and consitently hitting those times. Last night was tense... maybe some self-induced pressure to repeat. I could hit the times but the sight jerky/shakey. that tension in the shoulders especially kept me from hitting the RL's 100% of the time.

    Been working on those first step out of a position, especially while doing a RL. More smooth, less explosive. Been experimenting with the fastest way out of a box. we read about doing the RL in the "first step," but how's that work when you're starting to move before the last shot... that "first step" can be nearly complete just after the last shot, so step 2 for the RL?

    speaking of RL, really focusing on getting that WH moving. shaved off another tenth of my peak par (~1.2).

    Going back to basics on draws, esp surrender. I've always sucked at them, figuring they were such a small % of time in a match, but I think I need to clean up those fundamentals to advance. Finally started hitting 0.8 w/ some consistency (~75%). (that's dropping the hammer DA, not just getting to index). Bringing the hands back a few inches (more even w/ the eyes than the brim of a ball cap) and bringing the elbows out to about 45-degrees seemed to really eliminate a lot of motion and let me bring my hands more straight down on the gun.

    Intend to spend the next couple nights on more stage-focused DF to prep for the IN SS/PD match...


  5. Maybe, but joining GSSF also gets you 1 cert/year for a Glock at LE prices, the annual, and a bunch of other cool stuff.

    Interesting. I am considering switching to glock for PD at the end of this season.

    Is the LE discount significant? (ie typically worth more than the GSSF membership and hassle?)

    I can see me buying a new gun this winter, and then another the year after so I can have a back-up/practice gun.

    Do you have to have a glock to join and get the certificate or can you join, then buy your first glock?

    Thanks! :)


  6. I have a 650, I would love to try a LNL. Not one single shooter that I know has the LNL, everyone has a Dillon. I have tested the NO B.S. warranty and yes, it is exactly that. I read this whole thread and it is a little reminiscent of some threads that get locked. I'm glad this one didn't, as it does have good points. Sounds like both presses are good.

    Corey, if you buy any color other than blue, I'll never talk to you about your gun or gear again, might be a plus :surprise: ! :sight:


    hmmmm, peace and quiet at local matches? add a point for the red machine, haha

    you can still get a Dillon ... :roflol:


  7. well I heard back from the score keeper on my 03-11 run. 5.20 and 5.53. w/ 108 points.

    I can sorta believe it after dryfiring it out... I was dryfiring roughly 5.5x and 6.2x, but that was on an el-prez setup w/ bigger transitions (and I was in socks, no traction for the turn). I remember calling the shots perfectly and the FS tracking perfectly on that run... but regardless, don't ask me to repeat that performance on demand :P , that had to be the hairy-edge. ... and it wasn't cold, it was a re-shoot (well, it was cold and rainy, but I mean I had warmed up)

    bottom line is there is GOBS of time on that stage for a clean run. No excuse to hit the NS or mike. My spreadsheet shows 20+ seconds to shoot all the points...

    I was also thinking about 99-39, Off Balance Blast. Never having shot that one before I really should have taken my time to walk through and read the WSB. Seems the smart thing to do would be to take a knee WHILE DRAWING, then just shoot above and below the bar. ... I'll know next time, and knowing is half the battle! (G.I. Joe!)


  8. Ryan, looks like they didn't add both strings together. Pretty good stage for cold and rainy.


    That was my thought, too. I vaguely recall 5.9x on string 1, which would be reasonable. 10.73 for the reload to WH seems reasonable, too...

    That would still be > 100%

    If I do post my first 100% classifier, I want it to be legit... :)


  9. Got to do some shooting this weekend, all production. Friday I went to the range by myself to get in some practice.

    Was trying to work on draws w/ my .22 top end, but wasted way too much time w/ too many light hits. I need a stronger spring for the DA to work. I think I'll just make my old busted practice gun a dedicated dryfire/22 gun since I've got a heavier springi n there.

    My draws and reloads are still my weak link in standards. But I was hitting 0.9 at 10 yds pretty consistent when I left (from relaxed). I could only consistently get about 1.0 from surrender. Turn/draws were around 1.2. I also worked on reloads. Whether shot-reload-shot or as part of an el-prez, I couldn't get my reloads under ~1.3 and make hits. I really gotta hammer on these. How folks hit <1 second reloads is mind blowing. I just can't get there. Not even in dryfire (I can maybe get 1.1 in DF, but that's pushing it). But to get to the next level I have to improve the fundamentals...

    I also did some accuracy shooting. At 10 yds I was able to keep all 5 rounds touching each other pretty consistently.

    I got my El Prez times down to 4.5-4.7. But that was with probably 12-15 points down. But all the hits were there... consistently.

    I found my shots on the center target seem to center on the right section of C-zone. I need to settle the sights on that target a little more. My goal is to get it to 4.0 by the end of the year... and I need to do it by cutting a few tenths off the draw and reload, not splits.

    The good thing was that through the whole practice session, I think I only missed 1 reload, and that was a bad button press. So while I may not be cutting tenths off my times like I'd hope, I am getting much more consistent.


    On to Sunday, classifier at Angola. In the rain.

    Shooting was not what I hoped. I felt rushed. I hate no-squad stage hopping. Didn't get any real walkthrough time. Hurried the whole match since my Dad was there and figured he wanted to get going out of the rain.

    The worst was Merle's Standards. 4 Ms. Hurried the shots. Called the mikes at least...

    Did Bang and Clang in 3.6x... had to make up a steel. nothing stellar there.

    Off-Ballance Blast... should have done a walk through. Took the wrong knee on the left side. Went to right knee out of habbit and had no room to lean.

    Thought I shot Front Sight well. 2.6x and 2.1x strings. 2 Ds really hurt. Only gonna come in about 72%. I have to remember that I'm not shooting major any more....

    3-V... hurried the whole stage. No real walk through. M/NS.

    Only real good one was 03-11, El Strong & Weak Prez. I actually had to re-shoot this one because RO forgot to record times. First string on first run I hit the NS. Shot clean the second run through, and was very happy w/ hit and reloads, and my SH/WH control.

    The down side is I still don't think the times were recorded right. Scores show 10.73 for both strings. w/ 108 points, that's like 170%. Considering GMs on benos-land are reporting mid-teens, <11 doesn't sound right. I've emailed the score-keeper to double check. I know I shot it quite well, but not 170%......

    My left arm is getting better. I may get back in dryfire this week...


  10. It should work. one note is that the brig slides are wider, and the slide stop will rub the slide. You need a slide stop from a gun w/ a brig slide.

    I -think- in later years beretta started using the same slide stop on all guns, but I'm not 100% certain and I couldn't tell you when such a change was made.


  11. No practice again the last couple nights... trying to let me arm recover from whatever strain or pulled muscle or whatever the hell is going on. I can make a fist now but it still hurts if I make a fist and bend my elbow. I can hold onto the gun better, but not as strong as I'd like.

    Still planning on hitting the range tomorrow... I NEED some live fire time. Will take the .22 top-end...

    Gun room is almost done... putting the door on this weekend, finishing staining the ammo cabinet, and the shelves are almost all up. Gonna be one sweet man cave...


  12. Believe me, it's very weird, and kinda frustrating, to be on a squad with 2 Production, 1 L10, 2 Limited, 1 Open, 1 Revo, and 3 Single Stackers! :goof::rolleyes:

    Agreed, especially on a very complicated stage that you have to spend some time visuallizing where all the targets are... some of those stages where you can see the same targets from 5 places take a bit to figure out and program in, and when you're watching everyone on your squad do it differently, it can scramble your brains. it plants seeds in your subconscious that you don't want to be there...

    It's bad enough when your squad is all in the same division and still have different plans....


  13. Shot a Steel Challenge match at ACC (atlantacc.net) on Saturday. Only 4 stages, but it was a lot of fun. I haven't shot steel in a while.

    My left arm has been bothering me, I guess you could call it tennis elbow, but those arm bands things aren't helpding. If I make a fist an extend my arm, pain shoots all up and down my arm. It's better today than it had been, but I think it affected my shooting just a bit. The sight seemed to lift more than usual cause I wasn't gripping as hard and when I told myself to crank down more w/ the WH, the tracking got inconsistant... I think 'cause it hurt.

    So long story short, I haven't been practicing to give my arm a break. Although doing some moderate/heavy lifting working on the basement isn't helping...

    Anyway: I shot by production rig, and my MkII .22 pistol (irons). .22s are fun. :) I had the best over-all score w/ my .22 and the best time from the holstered divisions w/ the beretta.

    2 stages were made up, the other 2 were Speed Option and Roundabout. They shot SpdOpt old-school were you got 2 seconds off for hitting the option plate.

    Speed Option:

    .22: 5.85, 1.47 ave. (13.85 under new scoring, or 3.47 ave)

    PD: 7.43, 1.85 ave. (15.43 under new scoring, or 3.86 ave)


    .22: 11.72, 2.93 ave.

    PD: 13.83, 3.46 ave.

    Referencing my scores from the last time I shot those stages, (May '08), I was .69 faster on Roundabout and 2.44 faster on Speed Option.

    The first shot gave me fits on Roundabout for some reason... back to practicing surrender draws I guess. Although on averaage, I'm only ~.5 slower from the holster than from low ready w/ the .22... so that's a good sign.

    The weather looks good for some live-fire practice on Friday. :)


  14. SLOW THE F' DOWN!!!!!! ... Remember, Fast, Accurate hits.

    Corey, I haven't seen you shoot, but taking a quick glance at the scores, it looks like you shot just under 90% of the points, which isn't horrible at all, but I like to be ~93-95% for major scoring.

    What really killed you is the penalties! 11 of them? That brings your points % down to 74%. Were those procedural things (that you can chalk off to lessons learned) or misses and no-shoots? Make it your goal to be penalty free. You can't go "faster enough" to make up for 11 penaltiess.

    Introduce yourself to the guy in the Sig hat (who's not shooting a Sig) at Angola this weekend. :)

    My Dad will be with me, so I'm not sure if I'll be working or not (depends how short handed they are).


  15. something else you can do is weigh ea loaded round. If they are all w/in a couple grains of each other (to allow for a few tenths grain variation in case/powder/bullet weight), then they are probably ok. If you find some rounds that are significantly different, then be affraid.

    just a thought, and probably what I'd do.


  16. I thought I read that people were unable to get their cars into neutral, like the computer wouldn't let the car go out of gear under WOT (or at least that's what people were claiming)? Neutral was my fist thought, too, until I read that somewhere...


  17. That's quite a story. Hope you have a full recovery.

    Something I do as a final "sanity check" is to look at the powder hop and make sure the new stuff I am pouring on top looks like the stuff that's already in the hop. Those two powders look very different and it would be obvious through the clear sides of the hopper that something is wrong.

    It's not a fool proof method, but after double checking the container label is what I want, it's something proactive I can do...

    just a thought.


  18. And M9A1's aren't production legal otherwise I'd have one.

    Hopefully with the new Beretta pistols coming out - IPSC will approved railed Berettas.

    Then, I will buy one. :D

    Beretta is not getting another dime off me until they bring back the G!

    The 92A1 they are supposedly coming out with is almost worth looking at... all but for that darn safety.


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