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Everything posted by Richc2048

  1. ^^exactly. I don't know how many times people have said that to me. I do it in dry fire but I resort to comfort/habit at the range. It screw up even when I practice live fire. This is such a bad habit for me and I know that getting the gun up and stiffening upper body will fix so many things for me (transitions, reloads, movement) . I just haven't cemented it YET. My day will come I guess. I just have to keep practicing it and remind myself this at every stage.
  2. Thanks Charlie. Yes. That was awesome. The rest of the times we ran it I started on the right and went left. For some reason it felt natural to run forward then left so I was reloading awkwardly the rest of the way. I tried doing it engaging the left targets for kicks thinking starting on the open target at the draw would be better then the zebras. Lesson learned. Safety above all. I clearly wasn't comfortable enough or ready to do it the other way efficiently and safely. I'll definitely do a lot of that in dry fire before I try it without thinking of it. Haha I'll see you tomorrow.
  3. Perfect setup. I have a classic turret press on the right side so I can have bullets right next to it and scale and such left of that. Ps: I agree. That's way to clean.
  4. I had a chance to do some practice today at a range with access to props so we set up a stage and ran it a few times. Wow. That is an awesome way to practice! I normally can only do static training and I make the best of it but there is no thing like the real deal. I was able to shave 7 seconds off my first run the second time around. I was the "lowest shooter" there today so it was awesome chatting with everyone and hearing their comments. This sport has the best people around. Waaaay less jerks per capita than anything I've ever been involved in. I also did some experimenting with different bullets and found that I" think"did better with the snappier 115gr than the softer 124gr. I say "I think" because I cannot explain why. My scores and time were better with it. I'll have to explore this more. I was given advice that I should try a 124 with a higher HF. I'm definitely gonna try that because of his experience and everything he's told me so far has been very helpful. I also had an experience of being told I was very close to the 180 when I reloaded from left running right. (I'm a leftie). I think judging by the conversation I did break it they were telling me the nicest way possible So I gotta be super mindful of that. I've never been DQ'd before but I've never tried to be this aggressive before so.....yikes! I started this sport in May so this was this was my first experience in cold weather. I could not hit my mag release reliable. That's gonna be something I've got to do better. Overall I think my confidence may be holding me back some. I did the performance today just shooting very aggressive and taking chances and I had some of my best scores yet. 29 alphas and 3 Charlie. With a good time to boot! I'm going to area 2 in March so I've got to push it and be mindful to be ultra safe as well. This was the best training before a local match so I'll be very curious about my score tomorrow. Any and all tips/advice/comments will be welcomed.
  5. I'm glad they told us when the shooting days are. Flight and car booked. Hotel next. Wow. They are expensive that time of year compared to now. The match hotel is even expensive.
  6. Orange> I'm assuming that's 5:01 match time zone. You shoulda definitely made the cut. I heard they were having major server problems right at the start. A lot of people that tried to register right at the beginning were having all sorts of server and error issues. I hope you weren't caught up in that. You should have received an email from pistol-stats@rsscaz.com (match Director) almost immediately.
  7. Thanks Drew. I did make a Suck list and rated all the skills I thought I use during a match. Needless to say I feel they are low. I am making sure every live fire session is with purpose and my dry fire consists mainly working on reloads "correctly and consistent" I could not fix my blinking in one session but I think I can do that and start getting better, consistent shots. I'll keep working on this as this will help me on the steel targets the most. I'm trying to push it on time because I was consistently about 15%-20% slower than the ones winning. My scores went down a little but still doing better than scoring a few points more but losing the HF. thanks for the good news and I'll keep at it. I've never settled for good enough all my life but I'm also realistic so I just wanted to Make sure it's probable and possible.
  8. Love this idea. Being from Colorado I do not like this Idea Maybe if it wasn't such an awesome match I wouldn't register! It's your fault guys! Quit making it awesome.
  9. I have been reading a lot of range diaries lately and found something interesting. Maybe I'm wrong but all of your feedback would be appreciated. It seems that a lot of the GM's on here started shooting and was rewarded with B or A classifications early and then worked hard to get to M and GM. I started in D class and worked hard up to a Decent C class. My classifications are generally in the High C's. I haven't had one in the B class range but I'm working on it. So I guess my question is - Is GM really attainable if you start at D and had to work into C? Or is it you start shooting, find yourself as a B or A class shooter then work hard to GM? I just really can't see myself shooting that drastically better no matter how much I work. Self Image problem? Is me getting into B class the same as a naturally gifted shooter starting at B or A then making M or GM? I fear making B or even A class for me is the holy grail and GM is just not in the cards for me. I practice and I really want it but dang, you guys make it look so easy. Is hard work only good enough to bump a person 2-3 classifications realistically?
  10. I like how I am still getting deals on steel targets shared on their facebook. I can't believe they are still posting pictures and stuff like everything is normal. I would think they would want to be in the dark for a little while. At least until everything is fixed, classifiers from early November are entered, etc...
  11. I was in the process of registering, had to attend to my kiddos, when I came back match was full! Oh well more time to practice and actually get decent at shooting! There were a lot of people caught off guard by how early it filled up. I'm sorry to hear you didn't make it. There are members of the range that are very disappointed in how they didn't get in and are on the wait list. They had some server glitches I guess. I entered something wrong when I tried to submit and the site wouldn't let me re-apply. I had to go back to the page to register and enter everything in again (correctly this time) to register. I think a lot of people got hosed because they didn't manually hit the refresh button to gain access to the site. It pulled up the site from their cookies and the error was still in the memory of the page.
  12. I registered. I'll see you there.
  13. That's not a bad deal but it's not great either. I agree that you may find new for just a few bucks more. Black Friday is coming up too. I'd wait to see if there are any deals just in case. You may get a new one for sale this week that'll be a better deal.
  14. I just learned on this company in the last 8 month or so. I love their 124jhp. Do they do like a Black Friday kinda thing? I'm ready to order some more but didn't know if I should wait a week or not. Thank you!
  15. I have decided I'm going to try calling my sights (properly) I never thought it as possible but Cha-Lee told me many shooters have a tendency to blink when the shoot. I did not think I did but the more I thought of it and tried at a range... I think I do. I don't want to, but I am. I've searched to forum and learned that double plugging ears is a good start. I tried to consciously tell myself not to at my last range trip but I think I am. I still don't see my sights going up then down. It's just an explosion, then all of a sudden I see the sight again. I know it's a small fraction of a second but I think it would be nice to get this technique down. Anyone have any advice on what helped them not blink?
  16. I have a 2013 Taco and can't complain. I had a 2006 dodge Ram Laramie edition. My lesson from that was I bought it for 33k and it was worth 14k when I sold it with 100k on it. Same year Tacoma with 100k were selling for 18k easily. The kick in the teeth was tacomas were cheaper new then too. Resale is king. If you ever get in a wreck and insurance totals it, it'd be nice to have options again for a new vehicle.
  17. Nice job Wyatt. I got some time in with Tom Nelson in during the MAG 40 he was running in September. He got my draw time down to a sub second with a great sight picture. Best of luck to you. You have a great teacher and you look solid in you're video. (I hope it's the same Tom we are taking about. If not this whole entry doesn't make sense. Tom of the Gun Dudes.)
  18. There was a practice match tonight at CGC. I was allowed to design the stages tonight and I think it went well. We had two stages run 2 different ways and it was fun. Joey told me to really push the shooting on my last stage and I really stepped on the gas. I shaved 6 seconds of my time, threw one delta and got over a point rewarded in my hit factor. I found out tonight that I need to get out my comfort zone and push it. My accuracy has returned so its time to train in speed. I was shocked I was able to make the hits. When I pushed myself the sights returned faster, or maybe I noticed them faster? I don't know but it worked. There is a match this Saturday (weather permitting) so I'm stoked to see I'm out of my slump (mentally anyway) FUTURE RICHARD; Take advantage of this little boost I got tonight and make it stick!
  19. I'm using Lee. I wonder if I need to upgrade I rally like the sizer and LFC. Maybe I'll just change the bullet seating die. Even on a good day it varies by .010 all the time. I use precision delta 124 jhp. Anyone have issues with the bullet?
  20. Mine changed the powder station. It went from leaving a bell to not having one and the seating die changed from 1.135 I had originally set it go to 1.14~ to the extreme I found was 1.154 which touched the rifling on my glock 34.
  21. Awesome. Thank you Sarge. I just wanted to make sure having powder n such didn't have the same issue I was having not having a case in each station. I will definitely read the FAQ's. I skimmed it by using search functions but I obviously need to read everything to get the Dillon running top notch. Thanks for the info.
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