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Everything posted by Clay1

  1. If money is tight and you want rifle cartridges a Dillon 450 on Ebay is selling for less really cheap. You manually index, drop powder and prime but it is a progressive that will handle rifle cartridges and they are very cheap. Beats a Square deal any day for your application. Dillon still covers them under warranty. Here is just one example for you to consider: http://cgi.ebay.com/Dillon-RL-450-Reloadin...bayphotohosting By the way, that is not my listing, I don't know the seller or anything about this particular machine. I do know Dillon though and they have the best lifetime warranty in the world. Rick
  2. Spook, why not buy one of those inexpensive M27s and cut it for moon clips and chamber it in .357 mag. You would have a gun with lots of power and could be downloaded and would be cheaper for the brass. The cost to convert the gun to this chambering $0 it's already chambered in this round I have a beautiful M27, that I have taken deer with and that my wife shot her very first deer with it. It came with a nice presentation case and has a 8 3/8" barrel. You could buy it over here for $200 - - - NOT! Some guys have all of the luck. Rick
  3. Ok, you can slap me anytime and tell me that I am crazy. I was given 2000 Sierra 125 grains JHP like this one: http://www.sierrabullets.com/index.cfm?sec...&stock_num=8320 Can I load and shoot these through my Glock 34? I have a Smith N frame model 27 wheel gun, but that gun doesn't get shot very much and I would never go through this many rounds through that gun. I did shoot 2000 rounds in January (147 gr Zero with 3.3 of V V N320) though and would love to run them through the Glock if it won't hurt anything. Call me a cheap bastid and I probably deserve that. But if they will run, why not. My Mitumoyo dial caliper has them at .3565; my 147 Zeros go .3555. I'm partially embarrassed to even ask a dumb question like this, but I am just cheap enough to get over it. Rick
  4. I don't think enough dry fire is done without the timer. Not just without the timer but literally in slow motion so that you can really break down the technique and program into your routine. Some slow, very slow movement without the timer is helpful to me. Then there is pushing yourself beyond your limits with the timer too. For me I try to do these in my training. Some very slow motion stuff, then with the timer shooting all As and then shove beyond my proficiency level. Lately, I do less balls to the wall practice because I feel that it induces a certain level of sloppiness that doesn't do my match scores any good. Why practice missing? I shoot production and have to actually hit what I am aiming at to finish well. Rick
  5. I thought that what I read on Glock Talk was that the reduced striker spring and the Ti striker don't go together very well. Reduced striking force coupled with a lighter than normal Ti unit equals inconsistant primer ignition. Would also be interested to hear from people with first hand experience. Al503, shoot that thing to begin with before you replace anything. Sounds like it is already nice and you might not need to do anything else to it. Rick
  6. I work nights, the family is gone during the day. I play with guns, talk about guns, think about guns, shoot guns and live on the internet to talk to others that do the same during the day. I am also fortunate enough to work 4, 10 hr days so that I have 3 day weekends. Life is good.
  7. I'm surprised that it wasn't mentioned earlier, but I really enjoyed Saul Kirsch's latest book: Thinking Practical Shooting. It expanded on many of the Lanny Bassham concepts. Rick
  8. I trust that your day will be a great one. Life is good - smile about it
  9. Sounds like you have a good business plan there Chuck. By the way so there is no confusion you had nothing to do with the subject of this thread but since you posted here I will take the time to thank you for a very prompt shipment that I received yesterday. I ordered 10,000 pasters from you on Friday and they came yesterday on Tuesday. Nice prompt service deserves recognition. Thanks for quick ship, Chuck. Rick Ingle
  10. I still find it interesting and suspect something else, but my vote is for reliability over trigger pull weight everytime. If Sevigney and kick Arse with a stock trigger, you can too Boo! I'm still puzzled over this but make it go bang every time you pull the trigger and you will be happier than a FTF even if it is one in 500. Rick
  11. I found the following information under the Wisconsin Dept. of Consumer Protection: "Mail and Telephone Shopping Many consumers enjoy the convenience of shopping by mail and telephone-overall, U.S. mail order sales exceed $229 billion. Merchants are required to ship mail-order merchandise within 30 days of receiving a completed order unless a longer time is clearly specified in ads or catalog listings. For orders that cannot be shipped on time, the merchant must: Notify the consumer of the new shipping date and give the consumer the option of canceling for a full refund. If the consumer does not respond to this notice, the merchant can presume the consumer has agreed to a delay of up to 30 days. If the company cannot meet the revised shipping date, it must: Send the consumer a second notice and, unless the consumer expressly consents to a second delay, cancel the order, and issue a prompt refund. If a consumer cancels the order, the merchant is required to: Make a full refund within seven days for cash, check or money-order sales, and within one billing cycle for charged sales. " I did get a response from the company and they did offer to refund my money and that I could order the bullets at a later date at the new price which will go up about 10%. I just don't like this way of doing business even though it is not illegal. I think that it is bad business. Just frustrated and I don't like it. I hate it as a matter of fact and that is why it is posted under the Hate heading!
  12. Fobus mag pouches are fine, I think Flex said that he uses them and he is a GM. It' s more the Indian than the arrow these days for me. On the glasses. If they are impact resistant - call the place that you bought them and ask if you don't know- and they are large enough, they will be OK. I say the part about large enough because these days it is fashionable to wear itty bitty small specs. The first time that you see someone else bleed from splatter off of steel you will think, man am I glad that I am wearing protective lenses. The first time the blood is yours from splatter you will think about wearing a full face shield - kidding. Don't wear small eye protection. Two good places for good shooting glasses are Randolff Ranger and Decot-Hywyd. I think Oakley also makes some perscription stuff. If you don't have large protective lenses wear a protective glasses over them. Then go have fun! Rick
  13. I buy some shooting accessories and they are on back order (on purpose vague at this point). No problem with them being on back order. Product won't ship for another 3 weeks or so. I put them on my debit card and I check in on my account today and they charged my account 3 weeks before the product is even scheduled to ship. I wrote the company and asked if this was an over sight of some kind and a computer system just did it automatically? I asked it that was their normal operating procedure. I could be wrong, but I thought it was illegal in many states to charge you for a product that wasn't shipped. Do find this acceptable? I don't! Even though the product is wonderful stuff, I'm considering just cancelling my order and finding another source of product (again vague at this point until I get a response from the company). I'll give them the chance to make it right because I really like the product, but if I get the wrong answer, I will be shopping elsewhere. Rick
  14. Use to be able to get it from Academy Sports for $3.86. I looked at their web site just now and it looks like they raised the price to $4.86 / box. http://www.academy-sports.com/index.php?pa...5-3509&start=12 They won't ship ammo. I tried to order from them and have it mailed to me. If you have an Academy Sports close to you, that would be your best bet. If not, Wal-mart and Blazer Brass can be had at $5.99 / box. Rick
  15. One of the things that has helped my when timing these simple drills is to make the shots easy. If the shots are easy I am timing my movement and not how long it takes me to aquire a difficult shot. I was at the club within the last week shooting with a master class open shooter and an A class limited shooter. We started to discuss movement. I spoke of crossing over and the A class shooter said that leading with your front foot is way faster as that is how they do it in baseball to steal a base. He said that my cross over was wrong. The real deal is what is faster for you. When I put a timer to it the cross over is the fastest for me. Like they say YMMV. I was justing running movement drills on Sunday. Went to the range at 9:00 am took off between 12:30 and 1:30 then returned and shot until 4 pm. Now that was a day at the range. By the way with all of the sprints my legs really felt it the next day. I put up one box and had a close 5 yard type of target then sat up another box with a seperate close target. At the beep I already had the gun up and broke the shot (no need to work on draw when I am trying to isolate a movement). Break the shot and move and shoot as soon as you enter the next box. This way I can just time the movement and see what works best for me. I'm too inconsistant with the stop watch, the timer works best for me.
  16. Ok guys thanks for the ideas. I have seen Heat and loved it. Sorry about killing Deniro's name the first time around - spelling isn't my strong suit and neither are names. So for the short list: The Professional Ronin Way of the gun I'll try these - thanks Rick
  17. This one??? http://movies.msn.com/movies/movie.aspx?m=93517
  18. I'm looking for a good gun flick. I don't want a comedy or a sci-fi. Would like some realistic gun handling in the move, blade work is always a bonus. It doesn't have to done in the last couple of years, I like some older movies. Love Paccino, Denero. The latest from Segal are just disappointing. Thanks for the pointers. Rick
  19. Put them back in the press and push them in to 1.140 nominal and then the longest ones won't be over 1.145 and then you can shoot them in the Glock or whatever you want. I couldn't get consistant feeding at 1.150 in Glock mags in my G34 and had to go shorter with the Zero 147 JHP. You might find that an STI or a P18 Para might feed them but someone else will have to confirm that as I am just guessing that the mags are longer. Rick
  20. Please do keep us informed when you are able to release more information. Thanks
  21. I've been shooting 4" paper plates lately to simulate steel plates. It has been an eye opener.
  22. I help out at the local club but I don't take their targets. I figure those are for our club to make money for the betterment of the club. I buy my own. I'm working a shoot this upcoming weekend. I'll help with setting the course on Friday night and RO on Saturday and Sunday. Looking forward to a great weekend. Rick
  23. I just bought 10,000 pasters from Target Barn http://www.targetbarn.com/ I have bought targets from them too but just ordered 100 IPSC targets from http://www.mgmtargets.com/paper_targets.htm These were the best prices that I could find. The targets after shipping costs were included were $50 and some pennys. I copied this from the USPSA website: USPSA Licensed Target Suppliers Alco Target Co. American Target Co. Ammo Loaders AZ Shooters, LLC Harvard Action Shooters HSSH Swartout Inc. Law Enforcement Targets, Inc. MGM Target Manufacturing National Target Co. Pathfinder Fish and Game Club Qualification Targets Rockwood Corp. Shooters Connection Target Barn, Inc. The Gun Collector The Target Shop Rick
  24. I don't own a 1050 so no I didn't even call on the price. I'm sure the thing is expensive, but man just pulling the handle and CRANKIN' ammo out looks spectacular. I received an email from Angus about bullet pricing going up on the Zero bullets that I buy from him on Feb 1st so I was ordering some more 147 JHP Zeros and was investigating his site when I found these videos. That bullet feeder does look like the next best thing to having a sponsorship for free ammo from one of the ammo manufacturers though doesn't it? Rick
  25. Well if you having the same problem with WW white box you know that it wasn't your reloading technique and that is good to know. "I reinstalled the gray OEM spring, and zero problems." That's interesting and points to the problem for sure. Sometimes you just get a fluke bad part. Make sure to follow up and let us know what happens when you get the new reduced striker spring installed. Glad that you are moving forward with resolving the problem. Take care Boo. Rick
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