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Everything posted by blackdragon

  1. Good God! I must be off the back, The only movie that you guys have listed that I have seen is Boogie Nights.... Sheeesh Ivan
  2. Oh sure too lazy to list them all? Ivan
  3. OK Rub it in! Riddle me this Batman? What Movies? Ivan
  4. One thing that has just accured to me. Some chicken companys will " pump " their chickens with water and or a water based liquid. Possibly Tripolyphosphate. They do this to make them look bigger and to increase the sale weight. Have you tried "Free Range" Birds? Just an Idea. Ivan
  5. Who? I guess I'm out of the Seinfeld loop. Ivan
  6. Fear factor is for chumps! Ivan
  7. Hey Brian, Ask Freddy if my steel gun is done yet? He will get a laugh out of that! Ivan PS If you get a chance send him my e-mail! Thanks Ivan
  8. Had to dig this one up! It's even a lot more funny if it's in the other side of the truck bed! My buddy still doesn't get any slack and this was 20yrs ago! Ivan
  9. Give Bob Marvel a call! He does a killer job! 402-826-3679. Ivan
  10. Man you got me! I think we need a botanist to splain this! I feel for you! There is not a food that I won't try at least once. I Know that Egg plant makes my tonge tingle, But I still eat it. Ivan
  11. It is sounding like a pesticide or maybe a wax that they are using on the produce? Does washing it help? This is going to sound gross, But how many porta potties do you see in the fields? Dude! I always wash my produce and fruit! Ivan
  12. It is my opinon that, If your pistol is built right you don't need a slide racker. having said that I don't see anything wrong with them. As far as grabing your gun off a table, you will be just as fast with out one if you practice that way and it's the only way that you know how to do it. Ivan
  13. Yep, Home boy ( Girl ) on the right looks like he ( She ) is ready to throw some lead! Ivan
  14. Good lord! What does that space aged pigeon killer cost? Ivan
  15. RED! But I can see either color well ( Brown Eyes), Just prefer red because of my open gun. Ivan
  16. Nuts seem to be the worst, followed by shellfish. I have a buddy that has fits with fruit, only soft fruit, He says its a texture thing. If he eats a Kiwi it's barf o rama. Thats where I get the mind thing from. One of the coolest customers that I had, She had business cards printed with what she was allergic to. She would have the waiter bring it back to the kitchen and I would put it on the line for my cooks to see. I thought that was a cool idea. That way we wouldn't have to remember all the things that would make her do the " Tuna ". Ivan
  17. Oh Man! That makes me feel old! Ivan
  18. Having been an Executive Chef for 15yrs. I think someone needs to see a shrink I have always maintained that most food alergies are in the brain pan and not physical, Thats my story and I'm sticking to it! Ivan
  19. Yea MerlinD, Thats kind of what I am up against, my practice is the matches that I shoot! Ivan
  20. I'm surprised you credit cards weren't smokin Ivan
  21. Freddy Craig is gone again!, Went back to the big sand box. He should be back in Feb 2005 tho- I home he is working on my steel gun! Ivan
  22. It's all gaming until someone is bleeding and the ambulance shows up! Ivan
  23. I have used Winchester Super Field for about 12 yrs now. I don't see anything wrong with it. Unique does seem a bit dirty. Haven't used that powder in 20 yrs or so. I'm not worried about the deviation on my loads as long as they make major. Ivan
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