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Everything posted by Akkid17

  1. Did we just become best friends? If you're going to be looking sell off one of those chunks I'd be very interested. Also, I'm a big fan of your signature, one of my favorite sayings!
  2. Well, I got impatient and bought the 327, it's awesome! I loaded some 38 super that I had laying around and went out to shoot a little. Fantastic, is all I have to say! Although I'm starting to crumble on the 9mm conversion since I actually have the gun in my hands and I just want to shoot it. Luckily I have a buddy that's willing to lend me some 38 special stuff til I pony up and get it sent off to get sliced and diced.
  3. I run bladetech for everything except the open gun. I'm a fan
  4. Any place you all would reccomend for such a process? I'm having a hard time turning down the new gun even of it isn't perfect for what I want to do. And are we talking new gun "not cheap" or more expensive than a new barrel "not cheap".
  5. It's more of whether or not its capable of being changed over at a later date or do they attach the barrel differently. I can manage with some 356 plated for a little bit until I can find a barrel I want to go with
  6. I just got a call from my gun guy and he is able to get a 327 scandium trr 8. Would this work, or should I hold off for a stainless? Not sure if the barrel set up is different or worth changing over.
  7. Gotcha. Shortening cylinder = unnecessary (aside from the hey look at me factor)
  8. Yes! New name is: Tacticool OMG! With the caps and the exclamation point.
  9. What is the purpose of shortening the cylinder? Is it along the lines of I wrote earlier, to have less free cylinder for the bullet to travel before reaching the bore? And how much does this help, since I will be mainly shooting 9mm and occasionally shooting 38 super, I'm wondering if this may be something to consider.
  10. It looks like most people don't like the idea of altering capacity for tac optics (terribly named division) but are in favor of altering the equipment and/or capacity for limited (also a terribly named division) to make it a more stand alone division that is actually different than tac. I hope that if something like this were to occur it would be done so with the hopes that it would increase participation by current shooters as well as encourage new people to join in the fun. I like being able to shoot in several different divisions and I like to be able to use different gear. It seems like right now that limited is just tac jr and worthless as far as I see it and I think that participation at most matches reflects that. But, like some people have said about revolver and also I've heard said about limited in 3-gun, if its going to die, let it die. Is that the right way to go? Would it be better to make some changes to the division to possibly generate more interest? Would it help if there were better sponsor support and prize tables for the division? I don't know but I would like to see something happen. Just my thoughts
  11. Update: I got an email from TK and he informed me that the extractor groove is narrower on 38 supercomp compared to 38 super so it would be necessary to purchase separate moon clips specifically for that case. He has them and all you have to do it order the SS 38 super clips and specify in the notes that they are for 38 supercomp
  12. Aaaahh... I see, I misread what was posted earlier. I thought someone was talking about shortening their cylander to make the free space from the end of the bullet to the end of the cylinder shorter and in doing so increasing the gap. My bad. I'm getting the feeling that to be able to shoot the bullets that I want to out of a 627 I'll be needing to get a new barrel for it that is .355". Someone already mentioned walther making blanks, are there any others out there? I'm not against walther I just like having options. Thanks again everyone
  13. If you were to cut back the cylinder to minimize the amount of free bore ( cylinder?) before it reaches the barrel/rifling wouldn't you also chase threads on the barrel to extend the barrel further toward the cylinder to accomodate for the extended flash gap? Short cylinder = long barrel extension? Or is that not the case.
  14. That would be awesome! I already bought the 625 JM so it would make sense to have a 627 to go with it!
  15. What primers were you using? I got close to 160 pf and had serious primer flow with fed small pistol
  16. Another question I have is; would this only be a viable option on a 627 stainless steel model or could I do this in a 327 or trr8 scandium? Since the entire purpose for this gun would be plinking, steel challenge and knockdown steel. Maybe some uspsa minor, but it will likely never see a full power major load in its life with me and I am liking the idea of the scandium for a really quick handling gun. Not sure if it was entirely apparent from the first posts but I am entirely out of my depth with regards to revolvers I only recently realized how fun they are and now I'm hooked and can't get enough. So, all of your help and input is greatly appreciated. Thanks
  17. Also, with potentially shooting .355" bullets out of a .357" barrel would it be better to shoot lead or will jacketed be fine? Just thinking that the lead could conform better to the rifling and overcome more of the diameter difference than a solid walled jacketed bullet could
  18. Did you have the barrel put on or did come to you with it? Who made the barrel?
  19. This topic is hilarious, tons of people all saying 'I don't care I can run whatever... But... I don't know why we should' sounds like you care. If no one else will say it, I will. I would be pissed if tac got neutered, I don't shoot it that often I'm one of the guys that Pat was talking about that likes to shoot our version of limited, production, up here. But when I do shoot it and 10 shot tubes are perfect especially with mainly 8-9 shot arrays then reloading to get another array or slug shot or two and being able to pick and choose 20-48 rd mags is nice to tailor to a stage (I will concede the 60 and 100rd surefires are probably a little much) and 140mm mags seem to fit most stages with only needing one mag change (two if their are some makeups/screwups). I believe the tac division is misnamed, its not tactical, as many people have said it is no longer the "tactical" community driving this sport/division there are more and more hobbyists/enthusiasts participating, to be honest I thought this division name was weird since I started shooting 3-gun it doesn't fit with what the division actually is now, heavy metal is probably more suited to the name than tac is . Furthermore; if I were told that open is the only place I can have some freedom in gear whoring it would be aggrevating. I wish I could make a comparison chart to show how absurd further changing tac would be. Open and tac are really far apart already with respect to gear and heavy/heavy optics are in their own arena and seem appropriately different to not need any alterations. The only one I can see that could use a revamp is limited, this seems like a kid brother to tac where everything is the same but the optic magnification. How is that a different division? In a match that's quite close it can actually be an advantage because of the speed of target aquisition. This topic brought a lot of memories back from when I started shooting 3-gun. I'm just getting into my 3rd year and I look back and think about how I felt about the gear and divisions and how intimidating it was to get into. I had a cylander bore 870, 4" 1911 and a barebones iron sighted AR. I was directly competing with guys using way better gear and it was frustrating so I pretty much immediately bought an 1100 with an extension tube, a leupold scope and an fnx-40 (not the wisest decision I've ever made) so I wouldn't feel so hindered. I knew I wasn't in the same league as the other more experienced shooters before I bought the gear but I didn't like the percieved handicap of the gear since all we had going was tac and open. When we started having production division I was stoked I finally felt like I actually had a division where I could be competitive (even with much better shooters) so I brought the 870 back out along with the 1911 and had a great time. I wish that division would have been around when I first started showing up it would have eased the frustration and I probably would have been more likely to be more thoughtful and intentional in my future gear and division choices. I'm sure there is a little rambling in there, but hopefully the intent gets through.
  20. I'm fairly certain the extractor groove is the same diameter but not sure on the height or if that has anything to do with it. I'll send an email out to hearthco to find out. I shoot .355 bullets out of my 38 supercomp open gun so that's what I have for bullets. I was planning on using the 357 sig bullets (Montana gold 357 sig 125 gr JHP) since they are more rounded for loading quicker and I have a case that is just sitting around but those are also .355 diameter. Thanks for the info on the walther barrel I'd like to have a little better bullet to barrel fit if possible but, if I'm not mistaken, it sounded like you were saying it would be possible to shoot the 9mm bullets out of a 357 barrel, would this hurt the barrel or forcing come? I'm assuming that along with accuracy, speed would diminish due to the gap. Thanks again
  21. I am wanting to get a 627 or 327 or another s&w 8 shot revolver and I was wanting to use the same 38 super and 9mm loads I have worked up or at least the same brass and bullets and I have seen several topics on shooting 9mm and 38 super but it looks like people are using .357-.358 bullets. So my question is, can I shoot 355 bullets out of a 357 barrel or would I pretty much have to get it rebarreled for the different diameter? If that's the case who/where would I be able to have this work done? I haven't seen any place that advertises this practice (probably because most people don't want the hassle/cost) Also, if 38 super cases will work would 38 super comp work as well with the moon clips? I don't need that, but I already have the brass so it'd be nice to consolidate. I have no desire to buy another complete set up just for this gun (brass bullets dies especially since I have lots of 9mm/38super stuff already) plus I like the the idea of being able to buy bulk 9mm from the store and going to a match, unlikely to find the same for 38/357 in the quantity need for a 2 day match.
  22. Cost + reliability = nova, I've seen several shooters do better than 50% or more of the tac field with one. 400 for the gun and 75 for a tube and hollow out the loading port if you want, a jm can't compete with than price or reliability.
  23. I haven't had problems, but as it is now there are no viable options for getting replacement internal parts for the versa if something does come up
  24. What does shortening the action bars do? Just move the pump further back?
  25. Just wait til you need parts for a versamax. Hopefully it runs long enough to get the parts market a little better supplied.
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