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Chriss Grube

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Posts posted by Chriss Grube

  1. Beats the hell out of me, all I know is it now works. If it dies after a while....well at least I got a few good months out of it rather than looking at it every time I reloaded and wanting to use it as a target for the 338LM!

    Like I said before MAYBE somebody from DILLON will revamp it to the way it should have been made in the first place with variable speed and timer control. HINT HINT HINT!!!!!!!!!

  2. yeah but when you sold it you still had enough value in it to buy 2 or 3 of the japs bikes! You ride the jap crap off the lot and its worth what 99 cents? Seems to be the harley drag bikes are winning just about everything so I doubt the japs are any faster.

  3. If the ejector is tuned properly you can run a normal mount. I've been running the major 9 since 2002 brass differences mean squat. I run mixed brass all the time. Run an Aftec, a properly tuned ejector and you should have no problems.

  4. The only way to really determine if SS or L-10 is really pulling in new shooters or just regular guys screwing around in a new division is to look at the individuals. I see a few new faces but they seem to be shooting production. I have seen and actually heard guys state that they are shooting l-10 becaused they are classed lower and they have a better chance of winning. Easiest fix for that is one classifiction for everything or an open and an iron sighted for those inclined to whine.

  5. Well shipped the timer back on Tuesday. New one arrived on Thursday with a letter stating they tested it and it was good to go. Really cool features. Only thing they didn't think of was the use of the skins and the external battery...it is a no go there. Other than that seems to be just about the perfect timer.

  6. Well after a couple years of what i thought was the bigeest waste of money POS that i had ever bought I read on here to try a light dimmer switch to slow the speed down. Damn what do you know it now works great. Maybe somebody from Dillon will get the bright idea to revamp this thing with a better timer and a variable speed control?

  7. Well mine came to day....going back tomorrow. Works great as long as it is plugged in or the external battery pack is plugged in. The internal battery apparently won't take or hold a charge.

  8. Fixing the handle bars is about as hard as field stripping a 1911....not very. So the dealership is an hour away you gonna ride the thing or just look at it and bitch? Sounds like a good excuse to put a few miles in it. Buy the service manual and fix it...you might actually find that there is very little that you can't do yourself.

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