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Everything posted by sinnsyk

  1. If you're getting the Limited length in a Stock II setup you are in my opinion getting a better shooter. Minor doesn't kick like a major of course, but I'd take the longer, heavier gun either way. Should be a kick ass setup. Since Stock II in large frame will be coming to the US shortly I will be making a grip for these guns too. These grips will be suited for Large Frame versions of Stock II, Limited Pro, Hunter (6") and Gold Match (6") models. I'll probably do a camo color pattern for the Hunter... Also making short grips for the competition frame in small frame w/ magwell for Europeans who get the small frame Gold Teams, Limiteds and Limited Customs.
  2. I had one of those "extended" ones which all they do is go back. Never liked it, very easy to bump it. I've always welded on mine to make it bigger. btw. I'm considering making a 40% lighter mag release spring which will help a lot.
  3. Looks good Peder Leo/John had their fingers on this one and opened the ejection port, removed the front and rear checkering and polished this little sucker. Then I sent it to Rich before a single shot was fired. He went over the barrel fitting and relieved the lug so that it'll unlock differently. This is what Eric Grauffel does as well. Since even the factory is re-doing the barrel fitting on these V12's these days, we are hoping (and Peder knows) what Rich did will be a sustainable solution.
  4. Hey Rusty I cut you a deal on your 2nd iFiber. Do as Charlie says. The first three batches of the iFibers were everything from tight to loose in various slides it was installed in. We tried to make an absolute perfect fit and I used 5 slides that I had to determine what the width/dimensions should be. The slides are too different to be able to do this unfortunately. The factory approached things differently. Obviously, the factory is a much sloppier product and they put a different angle on their sights resulting in a definite metal-shave on every install. Based on feedback on the first batches we did this... believe it or not... but we made the width 1/2 thousand thicker... that is 0.0005" !!! And on these tolerances that is quite a bit. It makes some sights tight to fit and some perfect. What is important is that you have the sight absolutely perfectly lined up at the bottom of the slide. If you are slightly off, which is easy to do and can be hard to see.. you'll see the sight go in with metal-shavings. From what I've installed so far, if you've got the sight lined up perfectly... you can use a hammer and tap it in even if it's tight. If you think it's too tight, use a file very very carefully. But my guess is that it wasn't lined up 100%. If your experience is different, please call or email me. I cannot control what the factory does, but I can control the products I make. ;-)
  5. I will let you know Charlie. You could put the 105 on your 117 and see how that works for you as well. When I get the 110's, if I were you, I'd use the factory LPA and slowly open it up to where you like it. For the 105, anything from 110 - 125 can be the right thing. If you want, come up to Longmont and I'll try to tear myself away from the computer and phone and go to the range with you. When determining what works best I wouldn't jump to conclusions. Shoot one setup for a while, switch back and repeat the process. Shoot in practice and in matches to see what works the best. One setup works great for one scenario, but what works best for 'most' scenarios is the determining factor. Double Tap's coming up and it's mostly close-range hosing with high hit factors. US Nationals is typically the hardest match of the year with low to mid hit factors, aka precise shooting / aiming. I would lean towards a sight setup geared for US Nationals because there are more skilled shooters and you'll see how a 'great performance/competitor at double tap' may not keep up with the skills needed at the more precise shooting at USN. On a side-topic of stage design: Flat out and point shooting is definitely more fun as long as the stages are diverse and targets not stacked in rows and we're just pumping out rounds. Nationals has the most amount of resources put into stage designs so it's hard for local matches to compare. But I think it is important for any match to offer a high quality level for the far-away traveler. Desert Classic / Area 2 is on the top of my list of the perfect mix that suits my style and preferences. They never just throw something up to have enough stages, but build good, interesting stages with lots of movement. When determining a good sight setup, I'd put my results and feelings of how the sights gave me feedback at all these matches at the end of a year. I'd rate how I felt the sights worked for me at Nationals at the top, Desert Classic second, Area matches, sectionals/state matches, local matches. Unless you have a very creative local group, my feeling is that you can see the difference in overall stage quality from the level of match it is. At the practice range, trying to figure out a good sight setup for myself, this is what I do: 1) Shoot my standard exercise at 7, 15 and 25 yards, score and log both points and time. Two full targets next to each other. 1a. draw, one shot on each. 1b. draw, two shot on each. 1c. draw, two shot on each, reload, two shot on each. 1d. draw, two shot on each, strong hand. 1e. draw, two shot on each, weak hand. 1f. draw, one shot on each, in the head. 2) Shoot 3 targets, one located at 7 yards, the other at 15 and the third at 25 yards. Shoot left to right, right to left, far to close, close to far. I shoot these exercises over and over and over when I'm working on sight tracking and pure shooting skills. My recommendation is to shoot these exercises over and over and on different days. I leave my preference to one over the other at home and shoot, log and look at the results to see what I shoot better. Then try my 'favorite' in a few local matches. Shoot it for a while, go back to the other setup and do the same. Not surrender to 'hating it' once I switch back due to heavy preference-thoughts. Give both some time and at some point test what I think is better at a major match such as an area match. If you can stomach it, do the same testing at area matches and eventually at nationals over several national championships. A match that is very important to you, say Nationals, changes everything. If a local match isn't important then the results you had at this match doesn't really compare to the complexity of what's going on when you are scared, nervous, excited and full of hopes and dreams. Nationals and Worlds are the ultimate testing grounds. It would be nice to 'know' that you've got your best setup at your first Nationals. But to know this I think you have to find out when the conditions are tough - and know there is a difference from your playing in your local sandbox! My bottom line experience is, not to try to jump to any conclusions. You can shoot great with anything on any given day. Figuring out what really makes a difference is important. Your preferences change over time and doing all this - not getting stuck on one idea - makes you a better shooter.
  6. Yeah, the Factory LPA sights I'm not too impressed with. They do look good, but they aren't very consistent nor hold up under fire. I've got a Supersight that measure 0.116 and another that measure 0.120. A 90 on a 120 is a lot of light and too much light as you experienced too isn't the best. It just gets to be too loose. Our eyes can't quickly determine if the left and right "light" is equal. There's definitely a lot to be said about rear/front combinations. I've deliberately held off on getting too in-depth on it until I also have a rear sight that is consistent from sight to sight. I've got a few other things up my sleeve on sights, but until I've investigated enough on my own with the factors I can control it'll stay in my head. I encourage anyone having something to contribute to post. I listen to input and tend not to make a decision too quickly. And never hesitate to call me on my phone to talk about these things. From time to time I have products in the prototype stage or in the pre-introduction stage which may be what you - in particular - are looking for. I'm experimenting with sights at the moment and waiting on the new rear sights to get ready. When they do there should be a significant improvement in sight pictures for both Limited and Match guns.
  7. Hey cas You'll be pleased to see that I just finished making a wider sight; it is 0.105" W x 0.165 H. I've only had them for about a week. I saw your post so I made sure it's now available online. I've had a few people ask for wider sights. In respect to your experience with the front sight; There are several lines of thought on front/rear combination. A 90 front with a 110 rear is a classic setup widely used among competition shooters. For some, like yourself, it is too narrow and a wider front sight will be easier to see, but also cover more of the target. To truly figure out what front/rear combination you like it is necessary to try different combinations for oneself. Once I get some time, I plan to write an article with pictures of both widths. The factory measures 0.125" W x 0.150" H iFiber 105 : 0.105" W x 0.165" H iFiber 90 : 0.090" W x 0.165" H For those looking for a width somewhere in between the 90 and the factory, the iFiber 105 is now available in the store: http://www.henningshootsguns.com/shop/sights.html if you don't see it, refresh your browser. ;-) ps. The new rear sight is in the works and will measure 0.110" width. It will be a higher quality sight than the factory and fall in line with the 90/110 line of thought. 90/110 The 90/110 gives you about half a front sight of light on each side of it. For fast IPSC style shooting this is a very quick sight picture. 105/110 The 105/110 is another combination that should be considered. There will be less light between the front and the rear, but gives the shooter a tighter sight picture. For more precise shooting this is a good way to go. 105/120 Using the 105 and the factory Supersight you'll get something like this and will be another fast solution. The factory rear sights seem to vary from 115 to 120. 105/125 If I were to switch to a 105 front sight I'd consider opening my rear sight to 125. Once I get my rear 110's made up I will setup a couple of guns differently. Using the 110 as a base you can open the rear yourself to 125 if you prefer a bigger front sight. I'll have my machinist run an end-mill to make sure the rear is exactly 125 and cut straight.
  8. Looks good. I've always like the red anodized color. Makes it a true Italian too ;-)
  9. Regarding Australia barrel length. Just got an email from the factory: "In Australia we are sending the Stock II with the same slide/barrel of the Limited Custom (121mm)."
  10. Hey Ando I apologize, I had a great meeting with the factory and asked them a lot of questions. I did forget to ask them about it. I've sent him an email so we'll see what he says.
  11. Hey I have two Hunters as Leo said. One was built by Leo's friend John Sandlin with all the cool slide cuts. Making the 6" slide the same weight as a factory 5" slide. It looks really cool and it's different from anything else I've seen done. Definitely one of a kind. When Leo and John get together cool things happen.. The other 6" I have is built by Canyon Creek / Rich Dettelhouser. Lot of weight take out and looks like the Limited Custom (sort of) or a V8 slide lightening cuts. This also has a 1911 bushing installed to make it more accurate. USPSA Legal The Hunter 6" is legal as per end of 2008. I had Tanfoglio and John Amidon get together and all the paper work is done so it's processed and good to go. Yes, only the 10mm and 45ACP is sold here in the US, but a 40 S&W barrel could be put in it. Not sure if EAA have any, I've had a 40 6" barrel on b/o for quite a while. A few options here.. Briley makes a 6" 40S&W barrel that I believe could be installed successfully by a gunsmith. Use CanyonCreek, Rich knows what he's doing and he can put a barrel bushing in it as well to give you that extra custom look. Have him lighten the slide at the same time and probably put my iFiber on it to get a good sight picture. Will come out with a 0.105" wide front sight here as soon as I can upload it (I do have them) which will give you a nice size front sight for the 6" slide. Both my Hunters have SuperSight, but I've heard some of them come with the Novak. And at the show I heard they are switching them back to the Novak again. If the one you're getting doesn't have a Novak I'd have the slide re-cut for Bomar and go that route. I have PLENTY of 10mm/40S&W magazines in stock as of today, just received hundreds of them and you can load to 21 rounds with my mag setup. As soon as I can get a quality 40 S&W barrel I'll put one in my gun and plan to shoot it at a few matches this year. I have never compared 5" to 6" before so I'm not switching 100% yet. I'm out of the country 21 - 27, but available on cell today and of course after I get back.
  12. Rob, So after talking with Vince, only metal plates and rubber pads glued on are legal? The small frame aluminium, even if they are not hollow are not allowed? btw i'm sending your package today. Priority will make it there on Thursday, or do you want Express?
  13. AZSA at Shot Show.... Zoot Shooters at Shot Show We also just uploaded the rules and the store page with our t-shirts now available!
  14. "Wallgrens Prescription" t-shirts are the currently available shirt here: http://www.henningshootsguns.com/shop/apparel.html. That shirt has been getting quite a few comments. Seriously most people think it's Walgreens and are shocked to see them on the range. Pretty fun to wear. I've also been offered discounts at the Walgreens stores. Guess it's getting the attention it was created to do, he he. I hope to make a shooting shirt with EAA or Tanfoglio soon. I'm working out some details with both which should open the possibilities for cool clothing. V8 and V12's are both available in large or small frames. Small frame 9x19 open guns in either V8 or V12 is almost exclusively found in Italy and somewhat spread in other countries. But the modern small frame V8 or V12 are not available in the US. The V8 was named after it's V-angled porting and 8 ports in the barrel. The V12 has a similar V8 in the barrel and additional V4 in the comp. A little known fact is that the V-hybrid for Tanfoglio is something that myself and my buddy Eddie were cooking up over beer on a piece of paper after the 1998 European Championships. I ended up making a V12 ported slide in 1998-9 for myself that I never finished. But the idea was passed along to the factory and many years later it suddenly re-appeared as Eric's design. Imagine that, ha ha. The magazine bodies upper halves are completely re-designed, meaning they have changed the angles to ensure proper support of the top round. This is a typical problem if you do not follow mine and others guidelines posted in these forums. EGW undersized dies, new brass, resizing using gizmo or casepro are some of the key words. If you can't find it, just contact me through my website: henningshootsguns.com. 9mm large frame mags have been a problem for most. Some seem to not have much issues with them, but the majority are suffering from nosedives if you load your mags over 12 rounds. The new mags are said to have a spacer in the back of the magazine which will put the 9mm round to the front and it should help. Factory says new magbodies are ready end of this month and we'll hopefully see them delivered in a few months. I had a serious talk with the factory and eaa about these issues at last years shot show and even though it took a year it seems as it's paid off. Given the mags are working right, it may put the Tanfoglio 9mm on the map big time. Not sure when Stock II will be coming in, but a rough guess; March maybe? According to the factory, only the plastic pads are legal for production. But it'll be a question for Vince. Production seems to be highly confusing to what is and is not legal. If anyone has his email, please give it to me and I'll write him an email with all possible pad solutions to figure out what can be used. The waterproof pads were invented in 1920's and been growing in popularity because of the military. It may be the same ones, but you can use regular lead pencils even under water. I thought about and discussed making a Trubor barrel, but... 1) the cost of this would of course be much higher to make 2) california will still require drop testing etc so newer EAA's are still illegal 3) comp design will be limited to the one comp I design and why limit ourselves 4) a threaded barrel can also be cut to be used for other purposes After the first barrel is made I will go onto making a 40/10 barrel if the demand is there. Currently I'd like to put a 40S&W barrel in my Hunter and have an oversized barrel alternative to factory. However the factory 40 bull barrels kick ass so I'm not sure if the need is as high as fitting a 38super or 9mm barrel in our open guns. A correctly fitted barrel is key and having a fast solution over waiting on a factory fix like we're doing right now. I may make a standard length barrel as well which is what the V12 / Stock, Stock II uses. Personally I like the recoil of the V8 long slide better and I'm waiting to see the outcome of the factory's barrel re-design. Before investing in two different custom barrel lengths I'd like to see if the short V12 will take over from the longer V8 slide design. We'll know this soon. At the Orlando airport typing this. I've got some serious packing to do when I get home. Heading overseas on Wednesday for a quick trip to Norway. Teaching a class over there, helping my mom with wood flooring, meeting up with my buddies in Oslo. We'll be at "Palace Grill" in downtown Oslo on Friday night having a few pilsners.. Supposedly they have snow and cold weather right now. Quite the change from the sunny shorts weather we had at Cocoa Beach, Florida yesterday.
  15. First of all, had a great show and accomplished everything I wanted. Stock II will be imported into the US in 2009 !! (Large frame, but read good news about mags below..) A new magazine-body for 9mm, 38 super and 40 S&W is in the works from the factory. They are re-doing the upper top to ensure the 1st and 2nd round doesn't create a "gap" which causes nose-dive issues. We had a talk with LPA who makes the rear sight for Limited. All issues with pins walking, front blade breaking and coming loose were conveyed. The newest model they make has the elevation spring located on the blade-side of the elevation screw which puts more upward tension and may also prevent the elevation screw from coming loose. The factory have some of these new sights and will send them to me. How good they are, I don't know. There are a lot of inventory in the system so it will be impossible for me to say what sight you'll be getting with a new gun. I am going forward with my own rear sights which I still believe will be of a higher quality and have less chances of problems during competition. Plus I will offer more choices, including a fiber rear sight, dog earred sights etc. I will attack the Limited "Supersight" first, but then move on to the Match "Novak" sight. I'll work on it this month and probably have the first sights available in March is my goal. The factory have had problems with the V12 because of the current barrel unlocking geometry. The factory have been working on many different solutions and talking to them on Friday, given good results from their testing, a changed geometry in the barrel lower lug will be ready at the end of the month. For those waiting on replacement barrels or uppers, remember they still have to be shipped from the factory to the US. From the sound of it, I am hoping replacements/repairs will be handled by end of February. On my own, I am working on a gunsmith-fit barrel replacement for the V8 models. The V8 doesn't have the same problems the 2008 models of the V12 have had. But, a gunsmith-fitted barrel will offer what these guns deserve. And it will offer choices in compensators. My barrel will fit the cone long slides which are used in Gold Team V8's and Limited pistols. It will be a short-chambered 9mm barrel so either 9x19, 9x21, 9x23 or 38 super can be chambered using this barrel. It will be over-sized, not drop-in, so a knowledgable gunsmith like Canyon Creek (Rich Dettelhouser) need to install it. The first barrel offered will be a threaded, cone-barrel so you can fit a 1911-style comp to your gun. It will have .575x40tpi thread. A custom comp can easily be made up to your own design or start with a 1911 blank comp etc. I suggest using a titanium comp to reduce the weight which also helps the barrel system on these guns. One custom titanium comp system is already been made for the Tanfoglio V8 and being used in Arizona today. Once I get these barrels I will have Rich replace the barrels in both of my open guns and put a Henning 4 port comp on them. Rich makes these based on my design. New products will be added to the store shortly like custom thumb rests and water-proof notepads which will be great for range use. I often hesitate to bring my notepad to the range because it often gets ruined because of humidity or light rain. We found the perfect solution for it. I was able to have a very good meeting with EAA and the factory. We have more to discuss, but there may be some very interesting news shortly. That's all I can say for now until we got things figured out, but my relationship with EAA and Tanfoglio is very good and some very good things is about to come of it. Stay tuned.
  16. We could try putting a 40 follower in your mag. I've noticed that the 45 follower have a tendency to pop up on one side. btw an aftermarket follower for 45 may see daylight this spring. If it will provide a solution for this as well remains to be seen, but higher capacity will be the goal. I don't use the factory slide stop for partially the problem you're having. I had a 38 super which worked flawlessly locking back on the last round for year. Then one day it decided it wanted to lock back before it was empty. And it cost me valuable time on a stage. I put replaced the slide stop with a pin to ensure I know exactly what happens every time. Works wonders for me and I count bullets when I shoot so I hope to reload before I run out.
  17. Ando Are you sure it's the same frame? Often words are mis-used and easily mis-referenced. The Stock II, by design IS 10mm shorter dustcover/frame. The Stock II uses the "Stock" slide which is ALWAYS 10mm (0.400") shorter slide than for instance the Limited model. On the Stock II, they cut the Limited dustcover by 10mm / .400" to match this slide and created a production legal gun. It doesn't have a magwell, it doesn't have any frame holes for a scope mount. And it's DA. My guess is that the importer says it's the same frame, which you may say it technically is, but the dust-cover is shorter. Let me know. I'll see the factory on Thursday so any confusion can be cleared up in a quick conversion with the factory owner.
  18. If you're shooting 40 S&W factory I'd get the factory mags with my H-400 pads. You'll have no problem with factory 40 and 10 rounds with this setup. The mags will hold more than 10 rounds, but you just load them to 10. If you're reloading and making your rounds LONGER than factory (OAL 1.135") then get the 10mm mags or the 40 competition mags from me. You'll find everything on this page; http://henningshootsguns.com/shop/magazines.html Or you can call me (720) 352 1080 and we'll figure everything out together.
  19. I carry the Safariland 771 magpouches which fit Caspian and EAA / Tanfoglio large frame. I've used this kind since about '93-94? They're adjustable and quick. I'm also going to start carrying Blade-Tech's and may have some of these up in my shop within a week. My magpouch page: http://henningshootsguns.com/shop/magpouches.html
  20. Sandro, you coming to Shot show? We'll be there for sure all day Thursday and Friday. Friday, wearing our zoots.. Call me if you go.
  21. We had over 2,000 pictures taken and of course it's hard to choose sometimes and you don't always get the pictures you really wanted. But this should give you a pretty good idea about what the North Island of New Zealand has to offer. Filtered through our eyes and far from giving New Zealand justice, here's what we experienced: 2008 New Zealand Trip
  22. they're really nicely packaged guns. Beautiful to look at if you don' t even wanna shoot them. If you do shoot them and make some loads in 40 for major ipsc they've got a light slide which reduces the recoil and cycles fast. Easy to track your sights and 21 + 1 rounds..
  23. From EAA, no. I have some 40 S&W factory bull barrels for the Limited so if you get a 10mm I can get you one. Just call me; (720) 352 1080. Everything else in 10mm and 40S&W is exactly the same. 10mm mags works great for 40 S&W. Extractor's the same also. ;-)
  24. We're "zootin'" for a match in the fall in Colorado. Reason is we'll have more time to organize and get everyone ready to get the zoots and gear. Jason and I have been on this idea for almost a year and a half, but now we've dropped the ball and it's moving forward quickly. We've been working on the website, ironing out the rules and we'll soon have more info. What I can say is that if you do think it's cool, get a tommy or a 1911 as authentic as possible. We're going to be very open-minded to any kind of tommy and 1911 as we want everyone to join us to have fun. After a while I'm sure things might tighten up with rules and shit, but we're out for fun not to kill initiative. Jason is super laid back and we're having a ball with it so far. Guarantee it'll be cool and we'll try to get some veteran car enthusiasts to show up and hopefully put on a 1920's galla dinner with a swing band / dancing. Maybe have to try doing charleston dance. At minimum dress up, get some cool 1920's clothing for yourself and your partner. Show up, we'll lend you guns if you want. Shoulder rigs will be allowed. At least one full auto Tommy will be available either to borrow or rent, depending on Alan. We got our clothes for about $180 for a complete zoot suit. Plus shoes and hat. I think it'll be a riot for the entire family if you so wish. We've gotten lots of emails already and we'll try to get tv out there. It'll be a spectacle for sure. We've also got a movie set designer that'll help us build a "town".
  25. I mean... I was very impressed with what Steven Welsh came up with for stage designs for this match. He did 17 out of 18 and it was the biggest match they've ever done in NZ. Normally it's a local clubs job and they came together with the association and put together something that was way beyond what I and Eddie expected. You know, just great country side with spectacular views, easy going / flexible people that was fun to hang out with. Everything low key so problems of any sort could be solved in a common sense manner. Just things you don't see in an overly organized match. Shooters come together to shoot, have a good time and they delivered. I thought about moving to New Zealand while I was there and who knows, I could be tempted to do it some day. I think everyone I've talked to who have visited are in awe of the beauty and it is a spectacular country well worth of a trip. Bring your buddy, friend, wife, girlfriend and go if you have a chance. And there are plenty of people within this sport to help you make your trip figured out. IPSC = Friends across the world.
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