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Everything posted by freeidaho

  1. Good news, the Radians don't seem to be as expensive as the others. Specifically which brand of Radians? Thanks ! ! ! Ken Reed
  2. Can you share the type of equipment used to make these videos. I have wanted to put together a system for some time, to take first person video of shoots. Thanks ! ! ! Ken Reed
  3. If your barrel meets the criteria. Then yes. Is it factory installed? Is it a cone style barrel? Is it the right length? Ken Reed
  4. From page 22 of the rulebook, concerning ESP modifications. 10. Factory installed cone style barrels on pistols with a barrel length of 4.2” or less. Ken Reed
  5. Now that is good, I'm stealing it.... Ken Reed
  6. Yes, we do at our club and at our state match. I believe it changes the game quite a bit. The shooter can no longer see his/her holes in the target. Additionally, I find that many shooter's groups are not centered on the down zero area when the target is covered. In general, I think it causes people to work harder at getting good hits. I suspect that is why some shooters do not like it. As for taking longer to score, there is a way around that. Put the t-shirt in front of the target, not on the target. We cut a t-shirt in half, and seperate the front from the back. This gives us two t-shirts if you will. Then we staple a half in front of the target, by stapling it to the lath sticks at the shoulders. That way we just lift the t-shrit and see the holes, and tape the holes. Very quick that way. Hope this helps.... Ken Reed
  7. Yes similar, I started carrying with a P12-45, an officer's model sized 1911 gun, albeit a double stack. After a couple IDPA matches, seeing how much easier it was to make fast hits with a full sized, I bought and started carrying a P14-45 alloy. It has been with me ever since, where ever not prohibited. I still shoot all my carry gear, every match. I remove my self defense loads, and add another mag pouch to my belt, but that is it. I use the same kydex IWB holster and mag pouches and 195,000 pf ammo. Leather IWB is more comfortable, but soaks up in the summer so I switched to kydex. My carry gear is not the limiting factor in me scoring better in gun games. To me it makes no sense at all to shoot something less capable to save my life, than when I am shooting for grins.... but that is just me. Ken Reed
  8. Duane, everyone; At the risk of answering a rhetorical question asked by a moderator, here goes. Most labels are at least a bit accurate. I will answer in general with what I see at matches. Imagine someone with a funeral like demeanor, that asks the SO dozens of questions before shooting, disecting every aspect of the COF for a loophole, evaluating the knowledge of the SO, and even asking the same question over and over again to see if they can get some wiggle room. That leaves an impression. All perfectly legal within the rules, but probably not needed if one just shoots the COF as intended, and competes purely on their accuracy and speed. Ken Reed
  9. I thought people stopped using the "but everyone else is doing it" rhetoric about the time they left junior high. Ken Reed
  10. Mark, and 00bullitt; I like what you are saying and substantially agree. Everyone; I carry in a Concealed Carrier Clothier vest, untucked shirt, Carhart canvas shirt over a shirt, leather jacket and other various coats to match the weather. Depends on the weather, and how I need to dress for that day. I generally shoot IDPA in the same gear as the weather dictates with my carry gear. My carry gear happens to be a P14-45, and an IWB homemade holster. So I guess I don't get $1K. As a general compromise, I believe IDPA rules are pretty good. No sport has a perfect set of rules. If you follow a golf forum, there are rule bashers there too, or just checkout NASCAR for a second, or whaterer sport. Pretty much every sport has those than know better than the ruling body. I am amazed that so many self appointed experts just know that IDPA rules are poor. However very few of these self appointed experts agree with each other, and many of them don't carry anyway. Mostly these folks just want it their way. That is part of human nature. Another observation is that some answer rules questions based on what they personally want to do, and others answer rules questions based on having to run matches, and what is best for the sport. Again human nature I suppose. As a last observation there are some folks that have read and understand Bill's purpose section of the rulebook, and realize the owner of the sport wants it to be about concealed carry and shooting the CsOF challenge as designed, not about disecting the COF so that you can shoot an easier COF than everyone else. Let me say that again. The sport is about improving ones shooting skills, not about improving one ability to range lawyer every stage, and rule. As Matt Burkett has said on the record, "Just ask the SO how he wants the stage shot, then shoot it faster and more accurately than everyone else." Works for me.... unless of course you can't do that, then I guess finding a loop hole in the stage or rules is your only recourse. Guess I'm a simple guy. Shoot IDPA, 3-Gun, USPSA, man on man, etc., just follow the rules, and the intent of the sport, and don't argue with anyone. Be safe, shoot straight, have fun.... repeat. Life is too short to stress over ones hobby. Ken Reed IDPA the sport that many love and others love to hate.
  11. KD, I can see a difference between buying a Monopoly game and changing the rules for private games, vs publicly using almost all of IDPA, charging shooters to shoot, just not paying IDPA HQ. Most outlaw clubs are making money on there outlaw IDPA games, yet not paying IDPA HQ. Big difference from your example. In fact it may actually be illegal. Dunno I haven't stayed at Holiday Inn for a while. YMMV, Ken Reed
  12. Mark, et. al; I don't get to travel much to other IDPA matches, except for a couple sanctioned matches. At our club we sometimes have someone come up with a stage that "is fun to shoot" that doesn't meet IDPA rules. That is because the designer doesn''t really know what the rules are. They learned about IDPA rules by shooting IDPA because the SO and MD know the rules, not by studying the rulebook. There are two people in our club that really know the rules, the rest get by. So I can understand where the issue comes from. I usually take the designer aside and thank them for their hard work and suggest improvements. It usually works great, but at my own club. At another club, I just have fun and shoot, which is why I got into this sport in the first place. I shoot USPSA that way a few times a year. I have never read a single rule there, but get by because the staff and RO know the rules. I just have fun and shoot. Life is too short to stress over shooting games. Ken Reed
  13. Mark, Initially I thought this was a troll's question, stirring the pot as it were. Since I know you not to be a troll, here goes. I think there are a lot of clubs making a good faith effort to follow the IDPA rules. I wish that were your number one bucket, instead of the extremely hard wording you have. Our club is making a good faith effort to follow all the IDPA rules at club matches. We have our CsOF reviewed by our AC for sanctioned matches, so maybe we are doing even better there. On the other point, if some of you or your club is shooting IDPA like matches because you don't like the organization or the rulebook, but haven't written your own rulebook, then you are basically stealing from IDPA. I guess some can justify this lack of integrity, with their anger toward IDPA. Still seems intellectuallly dishonest to me. Ken Reed
  14. Seems like the solution to your problem is to use buckshot. It has to be cheaper than slugs, at least any of it I bought was cheaper than slugs, even the 3" 12 pellet is cheaper than slugs. Unless you have a free supply of slugs somehow. Ken Reed
  15. Similar problem, and a similar solution. In my case, I could not shoot the low-buck walmart ammo. See the link at the top, [benelli_Throat] at freeidaho website Hope this helps.... Ken Reed
  16. Pix posted at Parma Rod & Gun Club, then click on [Photos]. Ken Reed
  17. It is not an IDPA rule. Ken Reed
  18. You can only wear two mags on your belt, no need spending money for enough pouches for 4 mags. Ken Reed
  19. Just in case someone wants to make their own drop turner targets, I have plans. This one has three speeds. Approximately 1 second, 1.5 seconds, and 2 seconds. We have never had a reshoot due to this target. FreeIdaho web page Ken Reed
  20. #5: from page 12: CoF 7. Any CoF that requires the shooter to re-engage a target in two (2) or more strings of fire MUST be scored Limited Vickers or scored and taped between strings. You can get your own copy of the rulebook by becoming a member of IDPA, or by going to http://www.idpa.com. Ken Reed
  21. Another option is to change your carry gun to the 35. Do you really want to be less fast and accurate if you your life depends on it? I don't mean to start a "thing" but that is the question I asked myself. I went the same route back in 2000. Carried an officers model until I started shooting IDPA. Found out how much easier it is to shoot faster and more accurately with a full sized. So I made changes to my wardrobe and holster and started carrying the full sized IWB winter and summer. The officers model has hardly been out of the safe since then, but I'm going to get to use it this month in a BUG match. Just a thought.... Ken Reed
  22. Tom, Our club has lots of traditional plywood walls. Truth is they are hard to transport around the range, heavy, and hard to store. Here are a couple of other thoughts. Our club made up about a dozen Bianchi barricades, and we use them together to form walls, halls, corners, etc. They are light, and easier to store. We will make more this year too, I am sure. This year I am also going to weld some 2"x2" square tubing to a bunch of old steel car wheels. Then 2"x2"s can be put into each piece of square tubing to form wall corners. These corners can then be used to hold up that orange construction fence, black plastic, or whatever. Hope this helps. Ken Reed
  23. Morning, Personally I believe the Tac Journal article in question has a flawed arguement from the start. Reloading is cheaper if you shoot very many rounds per year. Not more expensive as the fellow wrote in the Tac Journal. Thus the arguement he made is somewhat flawed. I suppose if you only shoot a few hundred rounds a year, that reloading would be more expensive, counting the intital investment. Dunno what the fellow was thinking. Either way, it is just the musing of one fellow, not a pending rule change from the BoD. I'm thinking the sky is not falling. Interesting thread. Lots of gnashing of teeth over one man's opinion, and of course the inevitable Bill and IDPA bashing that seems to be in most every thread here. I have often wondered why this forum's rules on politeness and respect for posters doesn't apply to the sport, the BoD, and the HQ staff. It certainly isn't allowed in other parts of this forum..... but I digress. Be safe, shoot straight, have fun, repeat. Ken Reed "You are what you do, everything else is just talk."
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