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Everything posted by cautery

  1. Carina, That'd be great... I'd love to take a look at whatever you have... Thanks!
  2. itchy - It makes it an act subject to felony prosecution. However, you are only a felon IF you are apprehended and convicted. CA weapons code is simply a cryin' shame... Take a CVC sometime and compare it to the TPL in thickness... Shoot, just the section(s) on weapons in the CVC is thicker than the entire Texas Penal Code... One (of many) of the reasons I left CA... Too bad so many nice folks are stuck living there.
  3. Yep... still have the stock barrel... Plan to compare them on the next trip to the range. Yep, the wrong combination of "loose' tolerances can make a huge difference... I'm still toying around with various ideas to mitigate/fix the tolerance issue on the external barrel dimensions and the the barrel to slide fitment. I'm pretty stinckin' sure the slide is OK... The weapon only has about 1000 rounds through it, and I've examined it very closely... I'm gonna "play" with it some more this afternoon. Maybe I'll have time to jig it up and check various dimensions for consistency et al.
  4. AustinMike - Couple of things going on here actually... First, let me address the barrel fitment deal I briefly touched on above. The first time I reasoned out the Tangent formula was back when I was playing with my G22 and first started playing around with barrel chamber design. I was trying to find a way to make sure the barrel was laterally stable at lockup and found that in a G22 a mere 0.006" of lateral pivot can make a significant difference in POI from round to round. Without going into that in any depth, suffice to say that the same trig/geo. formula works in the vertical plane too... BUT, in a G35, the magnitude of the POI change is LESS per given change in vertical pivot due to the nature of the Tangent function (opposite over adjacent). The opposite measurement in this case is the vertical displacement/variance. The adjacent measurement is the barrel length, thus a LONGER barrel reduces the tangent value of the displacement angle, thus reducing the resulting angle... Smaller angle equals smaller POI delta downrange... On this specific barrel, the top flat face that locates the barrel vertically in the slide at lockup (in battery) is slightly above the plane of the top of the barrel tube proper. By examining the metal wear pattern on this face and the barrel hood face, it APPEARS that the barrelis slightly tilted up when in battery, thus moving the POI up for a given POA. Milling this face down should make the lie closer to the same plane as the slide, thus bringing the POI/POA closer together. NOW... as to why longer slide Glocks manifest this behavior in the first place, I am not completely sure... The only difference is the sight radius. I suspect that REALLY all that is happening is that the longer sight radius is magnifying a condition that exists already in the sight pairing to begin with... I'd have to draw/graph it out to know for sure.
  5. It would appear so... I have only found G34 and G35 instances for the most part... Can't imagine why frankly... I'm going to keep at it though... Too bad Dawson is closed on the weekends...
  6. OK, I found the page with the Glock site height options: http://www3.mailordercentral.com/shootings...aitem=4&mitem=5 Here's the new wrinkle... I HAVE the 0.285" front post already... So, I'm taking my pistol apart to clean it... Looking at barrel.... Hmmm... How would you go about lowering POI by modding barrel.... Looks like a simple stone job on the top flat in front of the chamber block... Run finger down barrel to chamber block.... A DEFINITE step there... Measure it... At least 0.006" and more like 0.012" K... do math: assuming minimum 0.006"; a 5.312" barrel; Let "X" be the POI change at 25 yards; and using a little trig. and geometry voodoo: Pivot Angle(P) = arctan(0.006"/5.3125") = 0.06471050 degrees X=900" tan P = 900"(0.00112941) = 1.01647059 = 1.016" So, I can drop the POI a minimum of 1" if I stone the slide contact face. Might get 2". OK, that helps.... Still would have 3" to go and still no additional sight authority.
  7. I will.... Sorry... didn't mean to gripe.
  8. So.... this is not an unknown occurrence then. Why... If you KNOW there is a problem like this would you not find a way to tell customers about it... or better yet make sure they get the right parts the first time... So, there is a taller version of the FO blade they sell for Glocks? Sure didn't see it on the website anywhere... I looked too. That's the other thing... It's not a particularly easy site on which to find specific items...
  9. Thanks Eric... Already ditched the stock sight. Hate 'em. Yep... I just dropped Dawson a message. Wish I would have done so earlier in the day... Now it'll be Monday. If I didn't have to do without my pistol for so long, I'd send it in for the Bomars... I'll wait to see what Dawson says. I should probably slap my stock barrel in the gun and see if it might just happen to be a barrel fitment problem...
  10. OK... I just tried to zero my new Dawson (FO front/target rear) sights today on my G35... At 25 yards and the rear sight ALL the way down, POI is still about 5" above POA... and that's with a 6 o'clock hold... Add about 1.5" for center hold... At 15 yards it's only a couple of inches high... Now... I love the sights, though I had to relieve the inside corner after sacrificing two polo shirts this past weekend, and.. I could probably learn to use them as is... Hold low at 25, and 6 oclock at 15... Hell, at 50, they are probably on, who knows... I need to run the ballistics table... BUT, I don't like the idea of having zero rear sight authority left... Frankly, I'd LIKE to have the POI/POA at approximately the same place for center hold when the rear sight is NEAR mechanical zero (middle of click range)... So... if my geometry is correct... I need: 1) A somewhat taller front post... and the Dawson is already pretty stinkin' tall. 2) Somehow get the Dawson rear lower into the slide (melt it in... yikes) 3) Ditch the Dawson rear and get Bomars melted in... 4) Suck it up and drive on... Any suggestions? As an aside... Last night I dropped another $100+ on a spare set of Dawsons for my range box in case of probs at a match... Thanks,
  11. The whole "less than lethal" weapon thing ticks me off... If the bad guys KNOW you have so many steps to go thru before you can off his butt, he'll be less likely to cooperate... What it SHOULD be: Less lethal = Saying Yes Sir to the policeman with the pistol... Assault a police officer = early admittance to the afterlife. Run from a cop and get caught = getting the living crap kicked out of you.
  12. I had an easy day compared to y'all, but... I hate ranges with a "no walk-up" policy restricting you to s hooting from a single firing line that is under a steel walled and ceilinged enclosure that rings your ears even with plugs and muffs... I hate cranky chronographs that give you "No start signal", "screens too close", and totally freaky returns like 700fps off, when you ABSOLUTELY know it's all setup properly... So, you set it aside and zero your new sights... I hate that after zeroing, the chrono inexplicably works perfectly despite the fact there were absolutely no changes in weather, light, positioning, et al... I hate that my brand new sights absolutely cannot be zeroed at 25 yds due to lack of elevation authority in the rear sight (or to long of a front post)... ESPECIALLY when the set was sold as a "Glock specific" pairing... I hate slide bites... In 30 years of shooting, I have NEVER had one... not one. And today, when I get a rare chance to practice without interruption, I get my first one... a DEEP one... a blood gushing slice that refuses to stop... from a Glock? I hate that "pushing" to improve my incredibly slow draw time caused my first slide bite... I hate that my lack of awareness made me incapable of recognizing my high grip PRIOR to the trigger break... I hate working in the gas fields with the current crop of idiots incorrectly referred to as "hands", who more appropriately should be referred to as "oxygen thieves"... resulting in such a high stress load on me that I hate my job. I hate that I am going to have to quit my job.... Monday. I hate that many of the folks I grew up with and have known all my life have no water or power tonight and in the immediate future, and are living with National Guard patrolling the streets... At least I got to shoot today, and I'm not patrolling the streets in BDUs!
  13. Shorter drive for me... Only 1250 miles now. Seriously, I am trying hard to work out being able to come down to this one. What's the latest I can send in my app and still shoot... Lot of stuff up in the air right now...
  14. Are we talking about a manual or electronic scale here? Are we averaging 4 charges just in case (on an electronic scale) the charge weight is teetering on going up or down a tick? I turn a flat (or half) at a time when I get close... I pull the button and throw 4 charges minimum into the same case, dumping each charge back in the top as I go... I CALIBRATE the scale each time I make a powder weight change... temp/humidity, etc may have changed. Then I tare the scale WITH the exact cartridge I'm using (tapping it out to make sure there isn't a grain stuck up by the primer). Then I throw and weigh five charges... Unless 4 of 5 hit my target, if any of the five is off by .2, or if the spread is .2gr or larger, I re-adjust or TS the reason. Once I get 4 of 5 charges or better on target, I continue... BTW, I have found that you NEED to have all stations populated to get the most consistent throws... You ALSO need to try and use your "production stroke" to get a true reading.... Meaning... same speed et al. as when you are cranking them out... Now I use VV N340 mostly, and it meters really well... so YMMV... I WILL however try the 4 charge averaging to see how much over or under the target weight the average is... Interesting. Thanks Brian!
  15. I bought 2000 of the 180gr Precision Delta bullets at Area 4 to try them out. First thing I did was weigh 100 of them to check the consistency. All 100 were 180gr or better, and not a single one in my sample was heavier than 180.6.... Pretty consistent if you ask me. I just finished (today in fact) off the first 1K in practice today (yeah, I know I should practice more, but I've been working too much), and all I can say is that PD will get my next order too... I'm sorry that you had a problem glock24man, but it appears that your experience is not the norm, and PD has taken steps to make sure it doesn't happen again anyway. I know I am the "weirdo" of the bunch, but for comp ammo, I always weigh ALL my bullets before loading them to make sure they are all within a couple of grain s of each other... Of course, I also make sure all the cases are sma eheadstamp and same lenght as well... (now using only new cases, sized, and trimmed to equal length). Anyway... Kevin - I' ve used BOTH MG and PD... I liked both. MG has a TMJ, which all things equal, I USED to prefer over an open base FMJ... HOWEVER, I definitely prefer the new profile on the Precision Delta 180gr. FMJ. It feeds better, and works better with my custom barrel specs. And after 1000 rounds downrange, I can't see any difference in leading/fouling/dirt when using the open base bullets... Actually, I had a few keyhole on me in my last batch of MG bullets... Nothing but nice round holes with the PD bullets... Anyway... you can feel comfortable in buying PD... And they have a great price... I like the shipping built in deal... Wish everyone did it that way.
  16. Thanks Kurt... I posted the info on the wrong one... Here's the info on the one you are saying is the best of the two: McBride's Land and Cattle 501 Scott Wichita Falls, Texas 940-322-2516 Here is the MapBlast Big Map of 501Scott Here is a cool map showing pointers to many Wichita Falls Steak Places. If you look on the left side, you can click to change the restaurant type by choosing a "Dining-<sub category>" link. The map that pops up has pointers to the locations. If you click the pointers, it pops up the name/addy of the place...
  17. cautery

    THE Accessories

    Here's some more info... It APPEARS that THE uses some sort of rounded or button head screw. I however discovered that a STANDARD #8-32 button head socket head cap screw's head diameter is considerably too large to work.... unless you machine it down of course. HOWEVER, I measured the spring retention portion of a stock Glock recoil spring assembly, and it came in right at 0.270".... So, I went back to McMaster's site and checked the drawings on all the socket head cap screw head types... BOTH the STANDARD and LOW head screws have diameters of 0.270".... imagine that. So, I have ordered a bag of low head screws in stainless to try out. I'll update when I get them.
  18. cautery

    THE Accessories

    OK y'all... I managed to figure out MOST of the screw specs: It is a socket head screw in #8-32 size and nominal 3/8" threaded portion. Could someone please look at theirs and AT LEAST tell me if it is a regular button head OR a FLANGED button head? Thanks,
  19. Anyone have any idea who won the raffles? Has it been posted anywhere yet?
  20. EDIT: I had the wrong place here... Go down 4 posts... http://wichita-falls.com/ http://wichita-falls.com/restaurants/ Clay
  21. I've got the CV-2001 and the big media separator.... Have had them running almost constantly for 3 years.... Love 'em... Wish I had 2 more vib cleaners to boot. dillon is (of course) right... The fuller it is, the better/faster it cleans... (can't have it over-filled with cases of course).
  22. Just like the picket fences, I would have rather been shooting my Dot Gun. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I would have been happy having zeroed my pistol's new sights. I'll be more prepared for the NTS... Not that it will help all that much.
  23. Thanks for the tip.... I'm not at the Holiday Inn, but I'll go anywhere to get a good steak.
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