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Posts posted by short_round

  1. There is that experiment I read about here somewhere that was started by TGO, I think (I'm too sleepy to do a search right now) . With the iron sights you would set a sight picture with the post aligned with the left of the rear notch shoot then same with the right of the rear notch. Then same thing for elevation. You would then see where the gun shoots when the sights are in those positions rather than in the "perfect alignment." I bet you could do the same with the dot and try it from various distances. The might help get rid of your "fear" because you'll have a better idea of what you can and can't get away with.

    I wouldn't worry about losing the dot for the second shot. I bet your muscle memory will bring the dot right back where you need it to be. I wonder if sometimes it would be faster to fire the gun and have your body take over to bring the dot back rather than keep hunting for it. Eitherway, you'll see what the dot does during the experiment.

  2. Short, is the here a physical location, mental thought, or state of being? Or everything yet nothing? Why?

    Here is the culmination of all things. Here is an instantaneous physical location resulting from all the physical locations passed to be where I am, where you are, where we all are. Here is the instantaneous state of being resulting from all the thoughts and feelings we've had so far combined with our openess to be here. We are all here but may not be here. Everything, but not one thing. Why not?

    Where and when is your "here" and are you ever really there?

    Here is now for all of us and we were all there a moment ago.

  3. <temporary hijack in progress>

    jesusmaryandjoseph, don't get me started on pizza with pineapple!!! Same as chocolate syrup on steak.  Maybe worse. [insert barfing emoticon here]

    <temporary hijack concluded>

    <temporary hijack continued>

    How about french fries dipped in a strawberry shake? :wub:

    <temporary hijack concluded ... again>

  4. Unfortunately volunteering seems to be a past time for the older generation. If you have the time make it part of your life.

    I don't think I'm part of the older generation yet but I get out and volunteer whenever I can. I prefer the Habitat for Humanity type projects. I had to skip shooting one saturday to work on one project with my alumni association. Another shooter of my generation asked what I was doing instead of shooting that day. When I told him "community service" he asked what I had gotten in trouble for. :huh:

  5. I am here which is hard to understand as I am not where your "here" would be but rather where mine is.

    "No matter where you go, there you are."

  6. I was practicing indoors today and got mixed in with the normal people since there was a class on the other bay. It was fun to watch the new people. They are so intent on shooting the gun rather than hitting the target.

    As I "slowly" shot (I couldn't rattle off rapid splits because it causes too much trouble with the "normal people") it occured to me. There isn't a difference between shooting fast and shooting slow. Shooting fast is just shooting slow but faster.

  7. I have some -hmm, how shall I say this- "first hand experience" that proves that shorts can fail too :( !

    Not if you're wearing your Tactical Camouflage Suspenders. No one should see you while you're wearing them, but if they do you'll look good!

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