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  1. Maybe it was your partner in the US that used an inferior coating after they stopped getting coating, it is confusing with all the names being the same. It is unfortunate you could not sell your product in the US, coated bullets don't last a day on the shelf here in the US. They shoot great out of Glocks, HKs and even Open guns.
  2. The gun was designed to be fast. Jerry said it was the fastest shot gun he ever shot, he didn't just slap his name on it, he helped design it. I remember him talking about auto shotguns not cycling as fast as he could shoot, not that anyone else would have that problem... I hope to check it out when I go see his brother again, he was suppose to get one from Jerry last time I was at the shop which was a couple of weeks ago. Isaac has delayed my traveling somewhat. It is on my to pick up list, hopefully I wrangle a deal.
  3. Anyone with an address foe Westcasting USA?

  4. I stock W231 and HST. Never needed anything else for pistol.
  5. The moly used is MoS2! It has all the same problems the rifle guys had, anyone who has handled black Moly Bullets knows it doesn't bond with its carrier very well at all. Donnie's Bayou Bullet is not a Moly bullet! It is better than the black bullets, and you are right about Donnie, he is a great guy. The truth about Moly was it was chosen because it was CHEAP not because it was the best lubricant for the job, now that the price of Moly has increased it doesn't make sense to continue to use it. This is not my opinion, but what a chemist that worked for DOW and helped develop the black Talon Coating for Winchester has told me.
  6. Care to expand on that? It leaves a mess in your barrel, on your hands, in your press, and potentially could attract moisture if left uncleaned after firing. There are much better options out there than Moly, it was used over other lubricants at first because it was cheaper than other dry lubricants. Now that Moly prices are just as high as other quality dry lubricants there really is no reason to use it over other dry lubricants out there. Biggest issue with using other dry lubricants is there is only one company in the US that makes a non moly bullet coating, and their consistency is poor from batch to batch due to the consistency of their raw materials. I am sure there are places you could have coatings mixed to your specifications, but it would probably be cost prohibitive, and you might not get enough of what you need when you need it if you aren't ordering enough. Too bad that the coating on black talons got bad press as a cop killer bullet, it was made with PTFE suspended in alcohol that made a very consistent coating from batch to batch. Moly does lubricate,there are just better options out there now. New coatings are coming to the US from other countries that will far out perform Molybdenum disulfide and leave a clean barrel. I personally don't want to have heavy deposits of Moly in my barrel I have to clean after a match, not to mention,the deposits will effect accuracy, even though we probably won't see a difference at the distances we shoot.
  7. Moly is a poor choice for bullet lubricant. Bayou bullets are great, I prefer them over jacketed. They do both look like the 147 magma beveled base bullet. The Bayou bullet does not use Moly as the lubricant.
  8. Soylent Green:) Bayou bullets are great, much better than Berry's Donnie is just about to the point where he can double production. The smell is the carrier for the lubricant. The smell should be reduced or eliminated in the near future.
  9. Shooting lead actually causes hire pressures than FMJ with the same powder charge.
  10. I just got some more info about Westcastings. They use to use the coating I am importing from Australia on their bullets sold in the US, but when the US dollar strengthened against the AUD they had the coating color matched using a two part auto paint. The new coating they use is not the coating I am importing. I have heard reports that the coating they use now will crack, I haven't seen that first hand, but I was sent pictures of a fired bullet, and the rifling cuts into the coating where as the original coating stays bonded to the bullet when fired.
  11. My 650 runs perfect on every caliber except for 9mm, I have to watch the ejector wire when loading 9mm and make sure the case drops, but all other calibers it runs flawlessly. It pumps out .45 at an insane rate and at not much more expense than 9mm.
  12. Just curious, why go with 135 over 124RN or 147FP. It seems like an intermediate bullet without much load data available, and I am wondering what the advantage is?
  13. Bayou bullets are much better than precision bullets and much more user friendly, besides Donnie is a great guy if you ever get a chance to meet him. I would stay away from any moly coated bullet (lubricant precision uses), Bayou doesn't use moly and the smell is actually the carrier, not the lubricant, and I have only smelled it with hot, high pressure loads. Moly has all kinds of issues, from attracting moisture to leaving excessive deposits, to coming off on your hands, coating not bonding to the bullet (Probably has more to due with the carrier used rather than dry moly lubricant).
  14. I just imported enough coating to coat 12 million bullets with a partner. We ordered the Metallic Green, what they are calling 'Gold Match' and are starting with bullets for 9mm,38super,.40 and .45 to start. If all goes well we will add the gold coating for magnum loads and rifle loads, no need for all the other colors though, they are all the same lubricant and carrier, just different color additives. I have the MSDS and technical data on all the coatings, and the only one different is the Gold metallic color. All the coatings are good for pistol loads, even magnum loads, but the gold I guess is technically better, but cost about 25% more to use. Much cheaper to import the coating then coated projectiles... First bullets with be from standard magma molds, but I am working with Ballisti cast to make some custom molds without lube grooves since I don't need them, looking to get some heavier bullets and some designs at weights not possible with conventional lube.
  15. Be kind in October, I can't keep up with the score keepers now at the local match, I can't imagine what it is going to be like at my first major match. I hate when they tape the targets before I can look at them, I want to know what I shot! I don't care if the call is double alpha, I want to see where I hit! I also hate when they say alpha,mike or charlie mike and tape before I can look at the target, I know I have lots of room for improvement, but usually I can hit the two shots close together. My big issue is time, 28 seconds is probably right for me on an 18 second stage though... Longer if there is a polish plate rack or texas star, but I have only shot each one once.
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