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Posts posted by BSeevers

  1. Tough love here I never give advice with a filter. Very dangerous since clarity and honesty are blocked when you do. Your personal goals determine what you want and need to hear but since you posted I think you wanna improve

    You are doing a common error of shooting with expectations. You post seems to have that theme all through it. If you are cussing at early development of shooting skills I think this kinda points to that.

    I would also dry fire a lot. It only costs time and will fix those draws, reloads and help you see the sights properly. Your saying that you see the sights but you are not. Sorry to be so blunt but unless your gun is broke you are not seeing the sights and you will struggle especially later because you won't be calling your shots. That is the biggest secret to shooting hyper fast.

    Don't be so rigid in stage breakdown and visualization. Maybe try seeing 'pictures" of target arrays instead of the entire run.

    Relax and just shoot.

    Quit trying and start doing.

  2. To All

    This facility might be one of the nicest place in the US. Its definitely in top 5. It's so big I got lost in it. I mean in my car driving 40 mph. This place is hugh. It looks like our state parks in Ohio and our state parks are very nice.

    It's primary function is trap but pistol doesn't suffer. 11 bays, I think, with 11 more on the way. Many nice buildings(15+) including an onsite restaurant/bar. The only negative is it's way out there with hotels being a longer drive but I see Area Championships and more like matches being held at the range.

    People went out of their way to be friendly and laid back. Hey I shot 227 rds and ten stages in 3.5 hours, $50 with a free lunch and skipped the free dinner to hot foot it home

    Match had minor growing pains but I'll take enthusiastic over almost anything.

    I hope this place grows to where I see it going.

  3. If I knew a decent welder I would do that since it would be faster.

    Barrel had prob round 50K rds Its just plain fatigue. The ramp hits the frame every time like a small ball peen hammer and it broke from repetition. I shoot light bullets and light springs so it can happen even a little easier and faster.. Kind of a bummer because new one was sent UPS I forgot to upgrade to overnight. Well its up to my smith after he gets it like Tuesday.

  4. In my match director days I often had a surprise chrono. Usually 40-60% didn't make power.

    Now if somebody chronos 163 they are probably not cheating but say 149? uh yea that aint a mistake

    Mirrors my MD days!

    I would have a couple of guy steaming mad because they got... Caught! The nerve of me. Hahaha

    I forgot to say that was in the good old 175 PF days too Probably had something to do with fail rates

  5. I always relate getting better at something to a couple times I got good at something one time

    People laughed at me in college when they looked in our suite and they were accomplishing getting drunk and I was practicing my keyboard. I didn't like it one bit (practicing or in a way Dry Firing) but I knew that if I held in there I would be a good player. In a way this made my shooting development easier also. It helps with everything actually.

    I was a kinda non athlete in high school but came out of my shell in basketball later.I didn't practice much but went with my friend who was a great player to the inner city courts a lot. Usually they wouldn't let me play but when my buddy said I play with him they wanted him so bad they would often accept me. We usually held the court for hours. In other words, Won. I learned heart, competition and drive there.

    Returning home a few years later it was way fun taking it to the starting point guard in high school and after scoring on him he said, what got into you?

    Two very different lessons but kinda toward the same goal.

  6. Without sounding like a D doesn't all practice involve that?

    If its eye speed there are a bunch of drills to speed that up. I sometimes just go back and forth from the taillights of the car in front of me.

    Dry fire will help with acquistion and driving to next spot and shot.

    Back to my first comment I think people usually need to see more than they are used to so if you are practicing the right things it all comes together.

  7. Look at my Sunday performance by the results I didn't win but I did because I shot like a Champion. Mega jams on a 8 sec 90 pt stage cost me and made me 2nd overall but I came to win and inside I did because I shot fast and accurate and won most of the stages. I have great confidence going into the next match because of it. I can fix a gun but I can't fix bad shooting that quickly.

    Artist if you look at the results I have to say that you are part Champion

    Many are afraid when I say something like I shot like a Champion. They interpret that as arrogance. I don't get that at all but it is a free country for at least 40 more days. I see arrogance as saying something like I am the greatest shooter ever born. Only people like Max TGO TJ etc can say that and not really after the next competition

    I started this sport considering myself a Martial Artist who likes to win competitions. Now it's my one of my social outlets but I still like to win.In fact if I didn't think I could anymore I am not sure what I would do.

  8. Current gun won't run a 7 it uses an 8 but I ran a 7 in last gun. The only real difference was the old gun had a hybrid current gun is hole less

    I think you might look at loading to a 172 PF area to gather more data

  9. I was at a match a couple of years ago, and a competitors gun failed. The RM told him that the replacement gun had to be the same make and model.

    IMO, the RM was wrong, but since the RM has the final call, you are always at the mercy of his knowledge of the rules.

    As stated you could arb but it would not go that far for me. The RM was 100% wrong and a quick reading of the rulebook would point this out. If he persisted in bad calls I would get NROI involved too cause I have no idea where that thinking is coming from.

  10. For those interested from the MD

    Match is on but we only have 29 shooters at this time plus around 15 RO's shooting. RO's will shoot on Friday and rest of field on Saturday. Arrive by 7:00am shooters meeting at 7:30am first shot by 8:00am. Ten stages round count 227, lunch will be served at the range for $5-$6 range. Dinner will be included with your $50.00 entry fee at 17Th Street, which is on the grounds.

    Thanks Dave

  11. All the matches I've run, and most that I've gone to, had a No Shoot Target with "Safety Area" on it, or at least the No Shoot.

    And the idea for that is that target is the safe area to point at. Going beyond, to the side, above or at yourself/others is asking to be DQ'd.

    If the match forgets, or just don't take the time, then it's only common sense to keep the firearm pointed in a safe direction.

    Now if the Safety Area is in an enclosed bunker with only 1 at a time in it, never seen it but guess it could?, then the 180 wouldn't apply.

    The thing I don't like is NO SAFETY AREA, I've run into that at some clubs and it really bugs me. Guess I've been spoiled by USPSA's procedures.

    I do this all the time. I do not point the muzzle in an unsafe direction, at a person or myself. I use the safe area to warm up a little. If I am breaking a rule I would like to know which one. Of course I don't break the 180 either and a lot of safe areas are oriented so I dont break the 47 if that makes sense.

    Now to point your gun at someone from any area is unsafe and the person who did this should be DQ'ed and "talked to" about if they are a match for the sport.That kind of stupid thinking and unsafe gun handling will get somebody killed.

    I subscribe to the idea that if you point your gun at me I get to return the favor. Just kidding. Kinda.

  12. My first Open gun was my SS .45 with a Metal Grip with a scope mount attached and I can't remember what scope. I had heard about some guys using red dots and back then it was heads up so I was racing and developing tech at the same time. I also added a bushing comp. What a time. We all shot 185 PF so that cast Al mount broke and made my forehead bleed.

    My point is if budget is a concern shoot what you got with a red dot. The comp doesnt matter as much but human nature says most people want to have the latest and greatest. I know that its the shooter not the gun and I could pick up a gun like old faithful and beat 90% of people I usually do. Lower capacity would hurt more than bullet type and caliber.

    If budget is not a concern then buy the 5K Open gun. You can probably sell it for 75% but hey that's how anything works.

  13. This is the worst rule in USPSA. It reminds me of FTDR. Why are we requiring a RO opinion if something is an advantage? Many ROs do not have the experience to determine if something is an advantage because of their skill level and experience.

    I will tell you I have seen many bad calls using this rule. Realize that to an Open M/GM practically everything is an advantage. When you give them one penalty sometimes you are pushing them to a false placement in the results. You could make a case that to a D its true too. Its a bad rule.

    Isnt easier to say you get 1 Prod for each shot? Its just like that stupid rule when you could only get 2 No shoots for your 6 hits. Hey you shot em you earned em. Isnt that easier and fair?

  14. I check to see if a bullet will seatback by holding on the brass, place bullet against bench and lean into it. If it can handle that it can handle a slide.

    Be careful as you use the fast powders like titegroup. You could blow a 45 case with bullet seatback or too small OAL. When I loaded and shot 45 i used 1.250 for everything and that was with the crappy powders we had in 80's My first year I kept track I shot 57,000 of 200 H&G SWC lead 1.250 with 5.7 grains of 231 if I remember right. It was power factor of 180 plus. I never use a reloading manual since your average M on here has loaded 100,000 plus plus of the loads I that I would use and be.com is a better source of information.

    . If I was a more of a casual or shot a lot of different loads and guns that would be different and the manual would be my best friend, to start.

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