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Posts posted by BSeevers

  1. I noticed the only GM said you can do it

    So does this M

    I helped a few get to GM and they don't usually do it with negativity and frankly forum surfing.:) yes I am the Pot calling Kettle. I practiced last night Did you?

    Almost all classifiers are a variation of Draw and shoot 6 reload and shoot 6 in A Stationary Position. You need good reflexes, eyes and all but I don't think you need to be a superman or woman. Now to win GM at the Open Nationals? Just a little bit more skills (sarcasm)

    what most people miss is what comes after "I want to be a GM" I don't think people grasp what work it takes, put the work in, and are willing to commit to what it takes.

  2. BSeevers - you should pick on me even though I am a "dudette," otherwise I will never get good! I realize my trigger press is absurdly slow and am working on it! I want to make M/GM and have to start somewhere. When I get really good it will make a better story how slow I was at the start.

    So it sounds like I should focus on smooth form, do tons of reps, and allow the speed to come as I become more familiar with the movement?

    I did more reloads last night and found that if I focused on getting my support hand down to my mag pouch as quickly as possible, I had less trouble hitting the mag release. Eventually I want it to become all one programmed sequence in my brain (i.e., "Change mag!"), but right now I need to consciously learn the motions.

    Thanks so much for all the suggestions. Y'all are so helpful! :-)

    Well I was so bad when I started I was scary and a little dangerous. As in any sport learn proper technique and then "work" it into the subconscious with reps and plain old work. Fundamentals are always the core of any high performance.

    Dry fire with par times is one of secrets to getting there.

    So you want M/GM? Learn the right stuff cause its a road that requires commitment,time and work. Don't waste time and energy on detours and backtracking.

    Now that I know I will pick on you relentlessly. You are right on with the rapid movement to the mag. Its one of the secrets and thats why you can't be pushing release with your weak hand

    Hang around the best shooters you can. There are a few M/GMs that couldn't teach someone how to walk to the shooting bay (just not good teachers) but the majority know a bit about shooting

    Shameless plug for my buddy Steve Anderson. His stuff will help a lot at this point in your career.

  3. What are your goals?

    If its to just increase speed then follow the advice of using weak hand or other fingers, etc.......

    If you wanna be a M/GM and win you might wanna follow what all of them do. They don't do the above.

    Ok you might find one than doesn't, follow that pied piper too ;0

    I once knew a M that shot barefoot too. I'll keep my Salomon's which are a genuine equipment advantage

    PS .40 to pull the trigger? I'm gonna pick on you. Dude I can shoot 2 shots in that time in any division, Ok maybe not Revo, you got me. Oh I am adding something here after reading responses again, I see your a Dudette Well all still applies. I guess that you probably have smaller hands. So do a ton of GM's. Jerry B used to shift his grip even with an extended button. If you are shooting a division that allows it, get a extended button. Remember you might have to train with it to get it to work.

    Seriously get some training before you decide to win your Area cause it will take 3 times effort to Train Out incorrect technique

    As to your question 2

    Eight Thousand Reps for each technique

    Google it if you have never heard of it

  4. Anyone notice a significant difference in 147s knocking down / moving steel better? I have shot a-lot of 9 and haven't seen the difference myself, just curious if anyone else has. I think the only time I have seen it possibly help is on an MGM Spinner....

    If you can get creative with the search function you can find plenty of discussion on the subject in here somewhere. I used to sit and read all the debates and wonder myself. But once I started shooting Open and watching how easy a 121 @ 1450 can knock down steel.....

    Why are you guys watching? For real speed call the shot.

    I know you mean momentum

    I like light bullets cause they cycle faster and get the 'event" over with quicker

    Pick one, practice and order at least 6-12 months of powder at a time

  5. How do you know the call is bad....

    Then let me ask you this on top of that. If you have to make a make up shot, wouldn't it have been faster to see the sights in the right spot the first time?

    If these questions are pointed at me:

    It's not the call which is bad, if it was I wouldn't know the shot was bad; I know a bad shot when I shoot it because the call is good.

    I wouldn't know about shooting make up shots as I have yet to shoot one in my short, five month USPSA career.

    This calling shots then reshooting bad shots seems like more thinking than I've been doing; do good shooters think while they're shooting, or let their training take over?

    It seems I've hyjacked this thread. moonshoxx, are these questions valuable to you? if not, I'll take them elsewhere.

    Never think, all fast and accurate shooting is done in the subconscious but of course you need training and practice to get there.

    Oh and "ripping shots off automatically" sounds like a version of point shooting. If you are truly calling your shot you make it up, in less than .20 sec and while it may appear "automatic" that word seems like the wrong one.

    I will say that true shot calling is probabaly practiced by less than 10% of shooters.

  6. I paid some of my own money to work the Nationals. I believe that should not ever happen. I can see a point of not profiting but a $300 air allowance and $15? food is a joke. In addition, I was so beat up it affected my first day of shooting, very much. I will never do that again,I might consider shooting first or do a separate stand alone one.

    We had 4 RO's one day and 3 the next two and frankly it was working straight, dawn to dusk with no break. This is outta control I think. Two RO's on a 32 rounds long course? no way.

    Oh yea, you rude or stupid shooters, get your own freaking chair and don't sit in the RO area since he is working on scores/prepping and might also be trying to steal a 30 second sit down break.

  7. I think shooting a iron sight in Open is the perfect way to not win. I also can't figure out why anybody would encourage this idea. Check out ANY big match, ok almost Every small match too, and I don't think you will find one iron in Open, much less one that wins. That is because the dot is the biggest advantage in Open.

    You can't find the dot? Pony up like everybody else did and practice.

    Unless you don't care which is fine too.

    I don't have trouble finding nor do I lose the dot. I also can pick up any gun and find the iron sight. You would be surprised what mastering the dot gun will do for all aspects of shooting.

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