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Panic Flinch

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Everything posted by Panic Flinch

  1. Thanks for the info guys....saved me some research. Regards, Gavin
  2. That's awesome. I really like to see folks who truly build something. It is like nails down a chalkboard when I hear someone say they "just built an AR" ...when actually they only assembled it!! In my mind there is a definite distinction between the two....and you can now properly claim to have actually buit your accomplishments. I'm envious and watch from the outside looking in.
  3. Just curious if anyone knows if a Dillon Super 1050 through Brian has a backlog? What is the approximate wait time? Thanks for your assistance.....
  4. Just curious if anyone knows if a Dillon Super 1050 through Brian has a backlog? What is the approximate wait time? Thanks for your assistance.....
  5. Gotcha...90 degrees left...90 degrees right... But not 180. Ummm ok.
  6. As the designer of the stage I'm the COP. As the law enforcement and safety officer I know it's very dangerous to go 181 miles an hour. So I set the speed limit at 180 and watch people go to jail. This can be very frustrating especially when the Law says you were going 181 mph and the competitor says no I wasn't I was going 179 mph. Have people been sent home for doing 179 mph? Probably... And that's just plain bad for the sport! HOWEVER, if you have opportunities in the stage to drive 80 mph and it was not necessary to go 180... and you go 181...then you own it. If there are areas of the stage where I can ONLY drive 180 mph...and 181 is a lock up...well...you get the picture. As s designer... I would never put a target past 170°. That way if the line is broken I would be SURE about it...as would the shooter, and there would be no arguments/hard feelings to be had. The competitor might actually come back to shoot again another day.... .02 G
  7. Gotcha... Thanks for the replies, I'm going to purchase one and I'll let you know how it works. G
  8. Hi everyone. Hopefully someone has an answer to this question. Is the Dawson Precision tool less guide rod compatible with my STI 2011 Brazos Pro SX 38 Supercomp racegun. Looks to be a 4 1/4" barrel including the chamber and is currently using the guide rod that needs to be taken out with paperclip. If you are familiar...which spring should I purchase with it...they don't sell them with springs and I noticed they have various types of recoil springs. I will be shooting 170 power factor. I just don't want to purchase the wrong items. Thanks for any advice and sorry for the noob question. Regards, G
  9. Hi everyone...got in a discussion with a fellow shooter recently and he suggested that accidents happen all the time at shooting competitions throughout the USA. I didn't want to get into a huge debate with him, but it did get me thinking....are accidents happening at these sanctioned/formal competitions? Has anyone every been killed or injured? I have never seen or heard of anyone getting injured from a gun during a competition...other than the occasional thumbnail in the shotgun loading gate. It just really threw me off guard to hear him state such a thing when I have NEVER heard of anything like it happening. I'm not asking for specific occasions...or to dig up unpleasant memories...but just curious on the stats. I'd be grateful for your insight if you have any facts. Thanks, Panic Flinch
  10. Just thought I'd add a short .02 on the question of which gun to buy. I had this exact scenario with both guns on a table in front of me at the range...the M2 and the M4. I shot about 10 full power slugs through the M2 and was cursing the darn thing while massaging my shoulder. I was flinching and having a tough time holding slugs in the bullseye at 25 yards because of the...ouch this is gonna hurt factor. Yeah, I'm a girl. Picked up the M4 and could shoot slugs with that all day long! Literally, I would have no problems shooting 100 slugs in a row out of it. It was just the perfect amount of "softer" recoil that allowed me to get a good pull of the trigger without flinching like a schoolgirl. My accuracy with slugs was much better with the M4, and to me, the trigger felt much better. I also liked the pistol grip and collapsible stock and the ghost ring sights were very accurate at 100 yards. Furthermore, it will ghost load to 8 rounds and 9 if allowed to have one in the chamber. (My career allows possession so parts compliance was not an issue). I know this goes against the general consensus of the thread, but just from a plain shooting standpoint...the M4 was a hands down winner for me and I bought it on the spot even though it was way more expensive than the M2. I did that before reading or researching ANYTHING about the two systems so my testing and evaluation was based solely on impressions, feel and performance. I did not have anyone standing next to me trying to sway me either direction either...my decision was completely untainted. Now that I have done some research, I see that the M2 may not have been a bad choice after all. I may actually purchase the M2 3-gun as well and give them a further work out. But I must say, I've become quite accustomed to the M4 and really like how it shoots. It has never malfunctioned, even with a variety of shells...but I take it completely apart...even down to the gas pistons...and clean it every time I shoot it. It hurts me to see there is no love for the M4 in 3 gun...I've had such a great time shooting it at competitions and it has never let me down. But it is true...the best will run what works best...they can not afford not to. And from what I've read, it is not taking home any gold, so there in lies the truth. But if the zombies were coming...I would have no problem 3 point slinging this rig as my Go To Shotgun! .02 Happy shooting...G
  11. Thanks again everyone for the replies. I did get an e mail from him today and he is sending out the item as well as a few other odds and ends I needed as soon as he can.. I was not expecting a reply so fast...I'm impressed. And please Jax...let me know how you like the racker with the Quinn II. Thanks, Gavin
  12. Purchased a used c more with a fancy paint job on it. Well the "artist" managed to get some paint on the glass...and I had a foggy ring around the entire perimeter of the glass...both sides. (Rant...I hate home made paint jobs on guns...Rant off) Used everything to try to get it off...Hopes, glass cleaner, alcohol, water, soap, etc...and nothing. Then saw a post about "Lime Away" from Walmart stating it was great (of course with the usual disclaimer about being careful...its on you..etc). I gave it a try with a soaked q tip...let it sit for a few minutes and wiped away. And wow...yes it was the miracle cleaner. Was very impressed. It was the only thing that worked for me. Also...dot was dim...hmmm...maybe paint on the module? Yep...ugg. Used Hopes and clean cloth and bingo...all better now. New C More with bright dot again. Also...sidenote. Off name batteries from ummm "the shack" sucked, and they were 14 bucks a piece too(needed them in a hurry). Dot was still dim so I got a new Duracell, and you guessed it, they were twice as bright! I'm learning the hard way. YMMV. Hope this helps...Good luck...Gavin
  13. Hi all...quick question. Does Limcat make a racker compatible with the Quinn II mount? (I have the Razorcat in 9) My stock/original racker is in the way! I wrote the question to him on his web site, but I'm sure he is pretty busy for such a simple question. I'd be grateful if someone here knows. Also...his cuts in the slide for the racker are somewhat different (dovetailed with a step)...so I don't think many rackers are compatible with his slots...otherwise I would have just gone with the Quinn II racker. Thanks for any knowledge you may have. Regards, Gavin
  14. Wow! Great contest! Fantastic stages! Lots of guns on the prize table! Well run...results posted quickly and accurately. Not a lot of walking between stages. Well marked targets...if you missed it, probably your fault. Half day format was a success! I liked the choice between shotgun or pistol on some of the steel... and at a perfect distance that it gets in your head to make you think about which weapon to use. Shooting with some of the best in the world...trying to keep up with double their time. What a gas! Shooting the FNs...great to experience new weapons...the Barrett .338 with 18 ounce trigger..(keep your bogger hookers out of the banger hanger). They warned me..I didn't listen. I touched the trigger a milisecond before the buzzer..and what a surprise...hit target...but shot prior to buzzer. 20 Second procedural penalty and 10 second bonus taken away..arrrrggg. That cost me a pistol. After the last pistol was taken from the table they called my name...Gavin Morrison....arrrggg. I know it has happened to all of us. Ha ha...Ya know, I was wondering if that shot before the buzzer was gonna cost me...it did. But I must say I loved that Barrett!!!...just wisper on that trigger and it is sent. Lightest trigger I have ever touched. Learning experience there....but totally loved it. I want one! I have a new found a new found admiration, respect and honor for FN. I will purchase their products and recommend them to others. They really invested a lot in this competition and I would like to do my part to re-imburse their generousity...they have my vote in any conversations I get in about firearms and weapon systems. Hats off to the RO's running that hill on Stage 3. I don't know if I could do that hill a hundred plus times. Whew! I'm fairly new to three gun and just want to thank everyone who helped put this together...I'm hooked. Displaying profeciency with three guns during a competition is so far ahead and above other formats in my opinion...but I do love them all...and its just so much fun! Regards, Panic Flinch
  15. I know a lot of very good shooters who would be MUCH better if they didn't have a 42" belt. In my opinion it helps to be light on your feet, flexible, in shape, and ninja fast. A resting heart rate of below 50 beats per minute would be nice too. It's not the fun part of the game...but diet and exercise can play a huge role with this semi athletic sport. It is part of being the Indian...and not the bow. Yes..I'm a fat slob that can't run a mile...ha ha. I REALLY envy you guys that had a 5 minute mile when you started the sport!!! Regards, Gavin Morrison
  16. Ok...tried it again with the Glock 34/fiber optic/winchester ranger 124gr +p. A little better this time with a score of 58.06 with 5.9 seconds in penalties: 2 misses, 6 d's, lots of c's and a's. Total time of 63.96. Tried to push the envelope for my skill level with the speed and still trying to keep them on paper. Very tough, but after a few more attempts and gaming it a little, I think I could shoot in the low 50's. As I was walking back and forth all over the range shooting at different distances...I was pondering why the stages are not completed for that distance before moving to another. No biggie though....a lot of fun all in all and a great way to practice. Panic Flinch
  17. Wow...this was tough. First run was with a Glock 34/fiber optic front sight/Winchester Ranger 124 +P/from Safariland duty holster. Time cold was 79.50 with 33A/12C/5D. 2.2 seconds in penalties if my math is right gives me a 81.72. Yuk. I shot way toooo slow for this scoring method wherein a fast miss whould have gained way more ground then a slow hit. I'm gonna try some aimed first shots...then leap of faith...leap of faith..leap of faith...see what happens. On the range now...will post again in a couple hours. Regards, Panic Flinch
  18. Tell me how I can get it for $1700 to $1800 new in the box? It shows on SWFA for over $2400.00. Surely you read my post...."I will buy used for $1700 and it is money in the bank". I did not state you could purchase new in the box for this price. I accept your apology.
  19. Hi...At the last three gun I attended (Blue Ridge Mountain 3 Gun) in KY, I stopped by the Swarovski Display and looked through the Z6i 1-6x24 with BRTi reticle. All I could say is WOW....I will have this scope. And here is where the magic begins.... I see this scope selling in ONE day all the time for $1700-1800. I will buy it used...for $1700 and it is money in the bank. Any day of the week, if I want my $1700 back...I got it...no problem...case closed. I don't think this is quite as easy with a low end piece of glass. You may actually lose MORE money with a low end optic! By the way...I am a firm believer in the phrase "it is the Indian and NOT the bow" when it comes to comparing skill vs equipment. But in terms of a high end optic...it really can be a sound investment. Get the best stuff you can afford and eliminate the tons of negative variables that come with cheap stuff...then you can truly concentrate on perfecting and honing your skills and abilities. Plus, all your friends will be envious of your equipment. Need to sell it???...money in the bank. Just my .02
  20. Hi...At the last three gun I attended (Blue Ridge Mountain 3 Gun) in KY, I stopped by the Swarovski Display and looked through the Z6i 1-6x24 with BRTi reticle. All I could say is WOW....I will have this scope. And here is where the magic begins.... I see this scope selling in ONE day all the time for $1700-1800. I will buy it used...for $1700 and it is money in the bank. Any day of the week, if I want my $1700 back...I got it...no problem...case closed. I don't think this is quite as easy with a low end piece of glass. You may actually lose MORE money with a low end optic! By the way...I am a firm believer in the phrase "it is the Indian and NOT the bow" when it comes to comparing skill vs equipment. But in terms of a high end optic...it really can be a sound investment. Get the best stuff you can afford and eliminate the tons of negative variables that come with cheap stuff...then you can truly concentrate on perfecting and honing your skills and abilities. Plus, all your friends will be envious of your equipment. Need to sell it???...money in the bank. Just my .02
  21. Coffee sharpens my motor skills and makes me more alert, attentive, and I can grasp more information quickly. But...my coffee cup size group at 25 yards (iron sights), quickly turns into a saucer plate. Can't shoot well in the morning...6-8pm is my biorythm peak. Shoot better indoors than out. My .02 Know your body....G
  22. Thanks for the responses...I did not think the shooter could have an effect plus or minus on the chrono. Happy shooting, Regards, Gavin
  23. Hi all....quick question from a nooobe. If I hold a gun more firmly and fire...as opposed to limp wristing and holding loosly, will this have any effect on the Chrono Speeds? Thanks for any insights... Regards, Gavin
  24. Hi all....quick question from a nooobe. If I hold a gun more firmly and fire...as opposed to limp wristing and holding loosly, will this have any effect on the Chrono Speeds? Thanks for any insights... Regards, Gavin
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