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Mat Price

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Everything posted by Mat Price

  1. If I can get 4756 to fit in 9 case I am going to try it next. It's extremely soft in my super
  2. It was slow sloppy like I was always waiting on the slide to cycle.
  3. First if your going to build one at least do it so that it will run and be effective. When i first got into open I built this gun. I was shooting Iron sight steel matches at the time and wanted to jump into open. there wasnt a trick this rig didnt have from the tungsten guide rod to the zev trigger group. It shot very well. in major or minor and run like a sewing machine. IT NEVER shot as flat or with the speed this gun does. I could easily out run the glock on the trigger but with the light slide on this gun and the way it is set up I can even get close to out running it.
  4. Bad sensor it went out completely today wouldn't do anything but read er 01 move to stop er 02 replace with buddies sensor reads fine
  5. Yeah fix this is junk grip I had laying around. I wanted to test it on this grip first I was also concerned about that as my grip is pretty strong.
  6. just slightly larger than a single stack grip. I will get some exact measurements when my wife gets home. I dont know where she keep the seamstress tape lol
  7. Yep remember to tape up your under frame real well and breech.
  8. There is texture and yes I will have to smooth out several places for things to fit back. For example the the trigger slot and shoe pads. Will need a little refit. But that's what will give that seamless look thats hard to get with tape
  9. I have done paint and stipple jobs but never attempted a reduction. I used a standard STI main spring housing so I could shape it to my palm just like i wanted. Its not much bigger around than a single stack now. can't wait to get on my blaster!
  10. its just basic krylon. It holds up pretty well. Better than I expected. and it takes about 30 seconds to touch up. and about 5 min to remove. When I want to change colors I just simple drop it in a bucket of acetone for a bit and then use my dremel and brass wheel and its back down to the white ready for new paint. I did this because i live on the gulf coast in ms and everything rusts here in about 3 seconds being mid season i didnt want to be with out my ride while refinishing
  11. No secrets here bud. At the 7-8 second mark when the gun is clear of the holster and your hips are still facing up range is where the issue is. That is assuming that Joel is standing at the rear of the shooting box and directly up range. Again, I saw the same thing in the practice video. Remember there are 10-12 draws in a match. Don't get DQ'ed because you were trying to shave time here. Pick it up on movement and transitions. thanks for pointing that out to start with jeff.
  12. now yes using that ruling I 100% should have earned a DQ. SO i guess I did dq I need to change the way i do this then.
  13. I did this one I like it myself but some dont who cares its your gun do what ever you want to it!
  14. Yeah, you get heat in there to weld it up, and you run a good chance of making the slide brittle at another point. Just better to replace. JZ thats what happened here gs said he broke an endmill on the last cut and had to weld a small spot up. A week later it cracked. STI did warranty the slide because of the location being so far away from the cuts. I dont think they would do yours
  15. ok I see what you are saying i am going to try that
  16. On the second run I can see end of muzzle before you turn. I always feel more stable getting strong side foot turned first then bringing weak side around. It's the difference of turning or swinging gun 270 versus 90 degrees and less chance to get trigger guard out too early. its the same run just slowed down. ok so explain that better you sayin you plant your strong side ( dun side) foot and then just whip your week side rotating on your heel?
  17. here is a video in practice same turn and draw i havn't changed the way i do it now you can see the targets at the angle at which the RO would be looking
  18. lol he acutally didnt have it in front of his face he was trying to push in his hearing protection on tighter. stage one was our 5th stage of the day and I had beaten that poor fellow up all day with a .38 sc and 9.9 grains of hs6 behind a 115 fmj and 175 pf with a 4 port shueman and old time dawson 10 port comp all day.
  19. I need to change that not because i am worried about a dq but because what i loose in turn speed i can pick up in target acquisition. if i draw when my other foot hits i am more stable and can pick up the dot faster.
  20. now I will let you guys in on the secret. I was not even close to a dq. this is why when a DQ occurs at match that i have given and someone wants to protest with video I always say i don't need to see the video. this is a video angle trick. that i didnt even realize until i went and watched someone elses video. at the 10 secdon mark my shoulder and gun is in line with the center target the cameraman was standing parallel to me but at an angle to the the targets. idf the targets where in view it would be clear.watch closely my gun never continues to mover with my body it stay aimed at the targets as my support catches up to the turn. and i press out.
  21. this is the exact point i am trying to make. It even had me questioning it and I did it. 10.5.16 Drawing a handgun while facing uprange. From the Glossary: Facing Uprange . . . . . . . . .Face and feet pointing straight uprange with shoulders parallel to the backstop. Draw . . . . . . . . . . . . .The point at which a handgun is removed or disengaged from the holster so as to allow access to any portion of the interior of the trigger guard. no I did not get dq'd by the RO but what i do is secure my gun by holding it in the holster until my gun side begins to turn. if you standing parallel to the backstop that is defined by the 180 it is impossible when turning into your gun to break the 180 given you dont fall down or point it backwards as soon as your hips begin the turn you are no longer parallel to a back stop. the only thing to judge at that point is the muzzle if if you flip the muzzle a weird way its possible.
  22. it occurs at stage 5 in full speed this a little discussion we have going on full speed video occurs on stage 5 eyes of the tiger slow mo
  23. ok yall sorry i have been out of pocket so much. I have been working alot of overtime trying to pay for what was going to be a custom build and then my sti trubore slide cracked almost in half!!!!! So with double tap coming the match i have been training so hard for I tried to come up with something so I picked up a used 38 super top that was fit to another frame. see this thread for toils and turmoil i have been through with this top end. http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=153240 so I never felt good enough about it to make the trip to double tap (13 hour drive) but i did manage to get it to run 100% in one match. yesterday. so here is the ride the Jeff Abernathy is building for me. only on an STI slide and trubor popple hole platform since i am broke lol basically this gun http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=151517 but I did shoot a really good match yesterday. with my poor hop-a-long .38 sc gun here is the video.
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