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Mat Price

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Everything posted by Mat Price

  1. I saw Dave Re say he had numbers between 8.3 and 9.2 grains with a 124 to get. 170 constant. I wonder why this powder is like this?
  2. Yeah all close enough to not make that much difference. I chronny in same spot every time and use my diffusers to completely block direct sun or take them off all together on overcast days. As far as sitting in the sun the first batches to be honest I don't remember. Yesterday's and today's no. Yeah I went to ha6 with 115 to try and get more gas out of 9 major turbor comp sarge but like I said the hs-6 load I chronnyed the same day in 9 major was in the same bag and was as normal as well as my9 major autocomp load. I am not sure what to do here the super does need a little more gas but now I am afraid to up my charge if something weird is going on. So I think I am going to load some more 9.9 and 10.3 and see what happens I show zero pressure on the cases at 169 or the 175 load so I think I should be safe.
  3. 8.5 grains of imr 4756 124 pdelta JHP 1.235 oal wolf srp sting one and two Avg 1292 1292 H 1302 1282 l 1284 1282 es 18 25 sd 6 9 PF 160 160 man this powder is nice i can see the dot moving less and less with every increase and its so soft. going to go on up to 8.9 grains next I need to get about 173 thats where this gun seems to run best.
  4. ok guys on 5-21-12 I run this load through my ced chrony and got this data 9.6 grains of hs6 115 p delta FMJ 1.235 oal wolf srp avg 1450 hi 1469 lo 1432 es 37 sd 15 pf 166 9.9 grains of hs6 115 p delta FMJ 1.235 oal wolf srp string 2 avg 1524 1539 hi 1534 1550 lo 1517 1528 es 17 22 sd 5 175 177 today same load grains of hs6 115 p delta FMJ 1.235 oal wolf srp 90 degrees outside string one string 2 grains of hs6 115 p delta FMJ 1.235 oal wolf srp A 1465 1463 H 1482 1477 L 1451 E 31 35 SD 10 PF 168 168 ok so what gives I run another 25 rounds through the chrony and constantly got 168 the reason for this was I even checked this was I am fixing to send this gun to my GS and I wanted to be sure of the pf on the ammo i was sending. I went back to the rounds pulled 10 and each had 9.9- 10 grains in the case. across two scales a lyman digital an an rcbs beam scale. what gets me weird is that on the same day i chrono 9 major rounds and they chrnoy as usual pf? so that rules out the chrony. I know that the batch with the higher pf was 9.9 cause i weight every charge of chrony ammo. this is out of the same 8lb jug. could the humidty add that much weight ?
  5. Lol one day 100% next Nadda. It's not tunable it am convinced now it either had the wrong link for this frame or the lower lugs are not cut correctly for this frame even though the local gs said it was good. Jeff will figure it out.
  6. It has worked 100% better on that barrel pic above when I get home from the range I will take a pic of that comp and show you guts. I have not cleaned my comp now since that first time in 8k rounds. I just give a squirt of dillon case loube every couple 100 rounds. When I do clean it next I will submerge just the comp in 50/50 peroxide viniger and blow it put with brake cleaner and air. Don't use that mix on carbon steel or threaded comps it will eat the thread lock away. Not that it's a big deal just put more on!
  7. Yeah not sure it still has issues as the chamber gets funky but my rounds drop in and out with zero resistance. I am starting think its a lug/timing issue. Will see later
  8. 8.1 gr 4756 124. Pdelta jhp 1.235 Wolf srp Avg 1228 Hi 1256 Lo 1214 Es 42 152 pf. However I did have low battery in my corny do I am not going crazy with the powder drop 8.5 grains is next charge
  9. Well after polishing up the breech face cleaning up the ejector rail from rubbing. I run 100% at the match today
  10. if your a good fellow I will share my SC loads if you shooting CAS tomorrow come find me i will give you a hand full of my 9.9 grain HS-6 loads with a 115 shoot wicked flat! and soft but kinda dirty
  11. any one got a good recipe for a 115 in .38 sc with 4756 and long shot I searched and found a bunch of 124 data but not much 115
  12. Sure hope we can get this thing running 100% I would hate to not be able to run a gun that groups liek this at 25 yards
  13. Well after 200 rounds I have learned these things. 1. The mags are good because i have the problem with all 4 mags 2. I need to go back to 90degree mount or tune my ejector. 3. I have isolated the problem to only occurring when the bbl is very hot and dirty. So maybe it is just a simple issue oh hs-6 is just plain to dirty to run in this chamber with out some chamber work. This frame and new slide is going to Jeff abernathey Monday since I cracked my 9 major slide I am going to send this top end along with it and let him put some better trained eyes on it than I have.
  14. Oh hey guys here is a tip lol. Don't forget to put the mount screw cover back on your cmore after you remove it. It hold the diode in place haha. But with seriousness I hear people say all the time they can't keep zero. That's one thing to check
  15. Naw no shock buffer. But right now I am taking a break to let bbl cool. I have went through each mag and I am 75% with a7 lb spring 90 % with an 8lb spring 100% with a 10lb spring all in old ammo before the gun would not at all with an 8 and no jams that require more than a gentle push forward of the chamber. After my bbl cools a bit I am going to crimp ammo and 9 lb spring for 200 rounds
  16. Yep mags today. I have 40-45k rounds through my aftec on the 9 major top then 300 on the same extractor in super top end till I bought a new aftec both tuned and fit by me! I kind of pride myself in fitting Aftec extractors. I fit one for an aperio in 40 that has about 20 k flawless through and did 9 for other people that has never come back. I have never tuned mags before so this is new to me. I have always just through guts in tubes and they run 100%. But the on thing I think is the key to all of this is my crimp. Even though I was finishing with .378 I don't think the where right I think the case mouth may be scrapping on the way end. So I increased crimp to .375 on these 200 today so at the range now let's see what happens.
  17. super comp. brass is new. had the same problem with the old extractor that had to little tension.
  18. I tuned up the mags last night i am going out to run 200 this morning will let you guys know the deal
  19. well I fiddled with my big stick some not sure how to correctly close up the gap in the front. I could on the last round in my big stick reproduce the problem every single time hand cycling rounds through. three round first chamber ok eject ok 2 chamber ok eject ok last ftf. so I just grabbed a pair of channel lock and gave the front of the feed lips a squeeze and kept measuring till I got around .359. I can't reproduce the problem any longer hand cycling the gun. I also used all kind of junk ammo to match ammo ammo and if fed every time. So maybe this is my issue.
  20. ok guys I have an issue I can't seem to resolve. I have intermittent FTF issue with a .38 super top end. I also run a 9 major top end on this same frame it runs 100 % all the time every time full of mud or sand using the same mags I just pop out the super grams springs and followers and put in my grams springs and followers and psacers for the 9. this top I just got fit and was used on another frame dont have any info on how it run on the other frame. it run great for about 500 rounds then started having FTF on. It seems to get worse as the chamber gets dirtier and is almost guaranteed if the mags get fine dust in them after a dusty mag change for example. the FTF looks like this. .38 super load 9.9 grains of hs-6 115 FMJ rn p delta 1.235 oal Wolf SRP this is what I have already done to try and remedy the problem 1 started with a 9 lb spring went all the way to a 13 did not help 2 used to different extractors the original and an aftec. I tried compressing the springs running just one spring I polsihed the the hook the tension seems to be ok. 3 today I noticed my followers where sort of bent and favoring the right side of the mag and not coming up fully loosing some spring tension the last round in my big stick would literly just fall out. so I tuned the followers a little removed some material off the right side and got them better. this seemed to help some. 4. my sized case mouth is .378 my crimped case is .378 I increased my to .375 and none of the 20 of them ftf but it was only 20 rounds. 5.I have not tuned the feed lips on these mags as i never had to do anything to them with my 9 major gun but stick them in and they run 100% and I not even sure how to measure them I will include pics of that as well. 6.I use a lee size die in station 1 a EGW undersize die in station 2 a expander/ powder drop station 3 rcbs seat die and lee factory crimp die load on a dillon 650 here is the photos of the feed lips on my two main mags being measured not sure if i am doing this right. this is the measurements I got 170 = .371 in the front and.359 rear 140= .363 front and .357 rear I am at loss again this seems to happen intermittently but is gurenteed to happen after a mag change and the mag has gotten some dust in it even after brushing it out or when the gun is dirty. any ideas guys?
  21. latest load data the above was copied incorrectly 9mm major (same gun as above ) radical slide lightening 3 holes 9.6 grains hs6 115 gr p delta FMJ oal 1.165 wolf SRP 5 shot 3 shot AVG 1534 1534 Hi 1562 1549 lo 1518 1513 es sd 14.7 176 PF 176 38 super comp 9.6 grains hs6 115 gr p delta FMJ oal 1.235 wolf SRP avg 1450 hi 1469 lo 1432 es 37 sd 15 pf 166 both super load and 9 major is very good! soft and flat. the super load I am moving up to 9.9 grains I moved the load to 9.9 amd get 175 flat .38 super comp 9.9 grains hs-6 115 p delta fmj 1.235 1524 1534 es 17 sd 5 pf 175 sorry I copied the wrong data.
  22. but I am going to try 4756 just to see
  23. ctay I am shooting these top ends in 9 and super 9mm major radical slide lightening 3 holes 9.6 grains hs6 115 gr p delta FMJ oal 1.165 wolf SRP AVG 1476 Hi 1452 lo 1452 es 41 sd 13 169 PF This load was 173-175 pf before the holes 38 super comp shueman hybricomp bbl 4 hole and huge ton of ports comp lol no idea the comp its old 9.6 grains hs6 115 gr p delta FMJ oal 1.235 wolf SRP avg 1450 hi 1469 lo 1432 es 37 sd 15 pf 166 both super load and 9 major is very good! soft and flat. I am not going to bump the 9 load back up to 175 it wont make it with the 115 and the holes the super load I am moving up to 9.9 grains
  24. 9mm major (same gun as above ) radical slide lightening 3 holes 9.6 grains hs6 115 gr p delta FMJ oal 1.165 wolf SRP 5 shot 3 shot AVG 1534 1534 Hi 1562 1549 lo 1518 1513 es sd 14.7 176 PF 176 38 super comp 9.6 grains hs6 115 gr p delta FMJ oal 1.235 wolf SRP avg 1450 hi 1469 lo 1432 es 37 sd 15 pf 166 both super load and 9 major is very good! soft and flat. the super load I am moving up to 9.9 grains I moved the load to 9.9 amd get 175 flat .38 super comp 9.9 grains hs-6 115 p delta fmj 1.235 1524 1534 es 17 sd 5 pf 175 sorry I copied the wrong data.
  25. I undquaded myself yesterday don't know if anyone got my spot. Scortch I sent you an email to address listed on the uspsa march info site
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