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Posts posted by dfwmiket

  1. Honestly? Not as often as I should. I would say I pull it down (detail strip) about every 2500 rounds. I do field strip and clean in between, or at least try to...... and I do boresnake the barrel. :) It's one reason I shoot Glocks-I don't really enjoy CLEANING them, prefer shooting them.


  2. Here's a quick quip I copied off another website, hope it helps:

    ++++FROM PACKING.ORG+++++

    I have to say that the trigger pull on my Sigma .40 was a litter stiffer than I could stand. I did the "Glock" $.25 trigger job which helped a bit. I found a Wolf brand striker spring that made the biggest difference. The factory striker spring (NOT trigger pull) was rated at 4.75 lbs. The Wolf spring is rated at 3.5 lbs. This made a huge difference in the trigger pull. I have read that the factory trigger pull is around 11 to 12 lbs, but I never tested mine with a gauge. Just hazarding a guess, I'd say that the new trigger pull is around 6 to 6.5 lbs, about like my Glock's factory pull (5.5, I think).

  3. Not sure if it'll help, but Mike Caylor of CaylorCustomGuns has a lot faster turnaround on guns than what you are talking about. It might be worth checking out, if you need something custom but can't wait. He has pics of some of his stuff on his website if you want to scope that out, too. Good luck.

    ( I shoot a Glock, personally! :) )


  4. I would say consider the cost of ammo and whether or not you reload into your overall decision. Both guns you mention have plus/minus factors, and only YOU can determine which one is really best. The most important thing is to be safe and have fun. It's hard to beat 9mm cost right now. :)

    Good luck, and keep us posted on your decision!


  5. I have two magwells for my Glock, and currently don't have either of them installed. I mainly shoot Production (where I can't have one) and with one on my Limited gun, I don't seem to be able to get a consistent grip. (Pushes my hand up a little higher, which in turn gives me the dreaded slide bite) I haven't feel handicapped without it yet........ we'll see as I shoot more Limited if I end up putting one back on or not.


  6. As a leftie, I always try and let the RO know which way I'm going to turn and also which way I'm going to go........that way no accidental bumps or run-ins, plus I think of it as courtesy. Us southpaws do tend to do things a little differently. :)


  7. It's still hard to believe that was the first time you'd ever been to Waco, Harmon! I am glad I finally convinced you to come down. Next time you'll be more familiar with the range and the setup. ( ALWAYS expect to see the barrels in some fashion or another. LOL )

    Dave, hope you can manage to squad up with us again. It was a blast. :)


  8. It was certainly a fun match, for sure.....and the calamity of errors with range equipment got pretty silly. :) You did good Dave!! You were on your game!

    Damon, congrats to you too, bud! We'll hope to see you again at the TX State Limited.

    You just can't laugh much more than having a squad like we did today. Patty and I laughed all the way home, too. :)


  9. I see smoke quite often with this combo...... haven't found an answer yet as to 'why'....... I can tell you switching bullets eliminates it, but I haven't tried switching powders and using same bullet, so can't comment that way.

    I can say Precision and Titegroup are a nice shooting combo. :)


  10. I'll tell you what I like:

    Shot a fun match today, 8 stages with lots of challenging setups and such.

    Awesome TEXAS weather, of course. Sunny and warm, just how I like it.

    Seeing a bunch of friends and socializing with them all throughout the match.

    Can't ask for better than that!!


  11. Congrats Damon!! I knew that would happen after we squadded with you at DTC. Patty got bumped a class, too........ though "A" is still a little bit of a climb for both her and I. :) Keep up the good work, drop me a line sometime!

    Excellent job!!!


  12. (thread drift on)

    Boo.......what type of feed problems are you having? I recently had a few, and swapped out my mag springs to some super duper ones from Taylor Freelance that fixed (at least for now) the problem I had...... Just curious, since I do have tungsten rod as well...... (thread drift off)


  13. Quick answer: you'll find this topic covered often and very recently, hit up a quick search and take in a wealth of info. Basics, review this thread here: http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?...topic=35337&hl= and it points out another search for info.

    Longer answer:

    You already covered trigger an sights.... magwell, depends on taste. I like the JP Enterprises aluminum and also the THE brass, depends on weight you like.

    Guide rod: tungsten adds weight, with about 15 lb. spring. I like just a normal weight Wolf guide rod. "Most" mag extensions will be 19-20, depending. I've had good success with both Dawson basepads and also the Arredondo. I lean slightly toward Arredondo, but that's my preference.

    Good luck!


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