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Posts posted by uscbigdawg

  1. I'll clean the chamber and immediate throat area and then the BCG. Other than that, when in doubt, more lube. Clean it about every 1000 rounds and only use patches; no brushes. That's me though.

    As for barrel life, figure between 10-15k before you really need to switch. Ultimately it comes down to what the requirements you have of the barrel.


  2. I was wondering when someone was going to bring this gadget up. Seems cool. Just curious as to how it works.

    I'm patiently waiting for dies for the Case Pro, but have about 10k of perfect 40 brass now. One of these months I'll dust off the limited gun.


  3. Not what I meant. On brass that's uber soft when the round fires and expands to the chamber wall, on semi-auto's it can cause jams if it doesn't contract fast enough. I've seen Open pistols have problems with regular Starline brass in 38 Super (mine doesn't so go figure).

    Just a thought.


  4. Went to the USPSA website just to see what my current percentage was last night. A couple of us had been talking about our journey to Master and all of us being the 'B' class sandbaggers. It was nice to hear the same frustration in others over our collective lack of consistency. Well...not remembering my last couple of classifiers, I was surprised to see a 74.68%. On a hunch, I went to the Top 20 and while it's kind of a dubious distinction/accomplishment, but I'm now the #5 B Open shooter in USPSA. Go figure.


  5. Wow...been a long time since I've logged in here.

    What's happened since September....

    Shot the Bay Bridge Classic in Richmond:

    Stage 2 & 3 at BBCC

    Stage 4 at BBCC

    Stage 5 at BBCC

    Stage 6 at BBCC

    Shot 5 out of the 6 stages pretty solid. Dan Carden and John Bagakis were my shooting buddies that day and both complimented me. I was in a greet mood emotionally at the match and just felt smooth in everything I was doing. Nothing spectacular, but just shooting. The results were great. Luckily, we didn't get footage of Stage 1, a 145 point field course that I got a resounding 0 on. Yep...I let myself get rushed and took no extra mags for the stage with me. Well, in the second position that I reloaded in to, to finish the stage, the follower rolled and I had a nice shiny baby's rattle for a mag. Count misses, FTE's and you have a zero. Finished well on stage 6 though. So even with zero'ing the second largest stage of the match, I finished 19th out of 103 and 204 match points behind a good GM. Basically, had I just finished the stage with a decent score, I would have been probably only 80 points behind him and been in the top 5. Oh well...it happens and a valuable lesson learned.

    November was the Area 2. Shot again with Dan & John. After surviving the 3 DQ's in our squad, I really should have done much better at the match. The stages were my style of shooting and I feel that I TRIED to shoot well, instead of finding the mindset above, where all I was doing was just shooting. I pushed beyond my abilities and didn't put myself in a position to succeed. Again...lesson learned and it was a lot of fun. Too High Military though. :D

    Too...Nick Santiago (a.k.a. little kahuna) is THE nicest kid on the planet. He was genuinely excited at everyone that went to the awards table on their job well done and shook every person's hand. Big Kahuna is rightly a proud pappa.

    Got engaged in November too. Definitely the highlight of the year since she put up with me being gone all last year.

    Me and Stefanie at Disney...I got her good!

    December was Ft. Benning 3-Gun. I was supposed to go in 2006, before deploying, but training got in the way, and this was my first chance to shoot THE BIG ONE of 3-Gun matches. Awesome stages! Shot with Sam Keen (hopalong), Tom Iten (itento), Johnny Jackson (bluemax???) and the guys from Sabre Defence to just name a few. A blast considering the CSM of the AMU (he might be a SGM, but when in doubt promote everybody) as well as Col. Mark Lisi (I apologize for misspelling your name sir) was in our squad and the man can flat out shoot. Frankly...there was a lot of military brass around and I'm the lowly E-5 (yeah...got promoted). In our squad we had 2 Colonels, a lieutenant, a CW3 and a CSM. Most of these gentlemen were vendors shooting the stages and at the core was the RO's for the bridge stage. We were also joined by 3 of the AMU's finest rifle shooters and all were excited to run our guns on the bridge stage after the weekend's shooting was done (any those boys can shoot an AR!).

    After that match, I purposely set all the shooting aside and took the winter off to work on the fitness. As you can see in my proposal video...the kid's put on some weight since leaving Uncle Sam (December 1st was my official ETS for active duty). Working on it, but still have a ways to go. Started getting in to long range shooting with the help of Bobby Keigans (kgunz11) and it definitely is making me a better shooter.

    Shot my first match in 3 months today and in spite of some rust to shake off and the squad in front of us taking far too damn long to finish, so we could shoot the last 2 stages, it was a blast. Honored to have Dan Carden and THE STAR of Team MGM Targets Chris Sechiatano (a.k.a. Chris) on my squad today. I did fair for taking that much time off and will be back at the range working on the fundamentals and doing a lot of dry firing this year. First full year home and uninterrupted by Uncle Sugar, so there are NO excuses!!!

    Hope everyone had a great holiday and (so far) a great New Year!


  6. Robert,

    Excellent choice. On my "budget build" rifle, I put a CS Gunworks Custom Shop Leupold LR/T Mk4 4.5-14x40mm! The 40mm objective lens allows for low rings. This is a great scope, and will do me well in learning to play this game. I will say though that after playing with the NF 3.5-15x and the 5.5-22x as well as taking a gander at a couple of their FFP scopes, I'm going NF on my next scope.


  7. Gordon,

    Kyle is awesome as a shooter, instructor and person. There are a lot of good uses for a VFG, but frankly FOR ME, they were good only when on street patrol and when going in to a low light situation (i.e. so I can trigger my light). However, if I don't need my light, then it's up on the forearm. Point being that situation dictates, but you have to be good at both.

    One of these years, I'll take a class from Kyle.


  8. Use a full powder charge. You will get more powder burning in the comp and out in front of the barrel. This will help with muzzle recovery more than a POS Dusty Bunny Fart load. After that, working on controlling the rifle better will take the rest of the muzzle issues out of the rifle.

    After a couple of particular matches, you'll see that 1 load all around might be better. 69gr. SMK's at 2950 all the time!


  9. I like Jim.

    +1 :cheers:

    I've been known to crack a joke or two, but there is a very thin line with regards to MY daughter and that is a respect I extend onto others.

    Jim's a direct and honest guy. Met him for the first time at FTB3G while RO'ing 'the bridge' and he's very personable. Saying that...watch it wasn't him I was talking to.


  10. If you can't walk the walk, then I don't want to hear you talk the talk.

    Like Graham, I did a ton of teaching of everything from the basics of CPR to basic & advanced trauma skills to medics, flight medics, nurses and doctors. The reality (for me) is that you don't have to show off, but you do need to be able to demonstrate what you're teaching. Someone is always going to be or faster, but that's not the point.

    From a sports perspective, you don't have to be Tiger Woods. But even he used to go to Butch Harmon to fix his swing. And while Butch is not a "pro", he has an awesome swing and he ain't hurtin' for money.


  11. The track that the primer slide thingy slides in should be super clean. Same with the bar itself. I then squirt a little powdered graphite under the bar. Also, I have a RL 1050 so I apologize if it's not there, but there's a rubber gasket thing that helps to slow the bar as it rides in the track. In order to make mine run super smooth, I ground this down a smidge as it was dragging so much it was not letting the arm index the bar correctly.

    And...the whole mouse trap (the arm that indexes the bar) needs to be timed just right. Not a big deal once you get it. Make a witness mark on the primer sleeve housing so you know where it goes the next time ('cause it will have to be removed again) you take the area aprt (for cleaning, maintenance, etc.).


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