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Jake Di Vita

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Everything posted by Jake Di Vita

  1. I think doing them will full mags are actually important. Your awareness really needs to be turned up to make sure you shoot only 6 shots.
  2. I didn't really have what would normally be considered a mentor in shooting. What I did do was make friends with all the best shooters in the area and just talk shooting with them whenever possible. I realize now that a lot of the conversations we had helped more than I realize. I remember at the Michigan state IDPA match several years ago in Cadillac. The night before the match I was chillen with probably the best shooter in the area. He was already like 6 beers deep but basically went off on me for 45 minutes about what I was doing wrong and my potential. I'll bet he doesn't even remember that but I owe him for it big time. Excluding that though I think the main reason I got decent was because of sheer force of will. Having an actual mentor that I could train with 1 on 1 would have saved me quite a bit of time. You don't need a mentor to get good though if you are willing to put the necessary time in...which is a lot. That being said though I'd have to say this board was instrumental in kind of a group mentorship. Just having a place to go and talk shooting at all times of the day is an absolutely invaluable resource that so many people here just don't take advantage of.
  3. But that's not 2 in a row...and they also aren't .08. There's a transition (I'm assuming) in between there. Stringing them together one after the other is much harder than doing it and having a long(er) transition between every split. I can duplicate .09 and .10 splits at will....but I can't string them together 5 in a row. If they were in a row the timer would read. 7.53 #15 SPL .09 7.62 #16 SPL .09
  4. Jim, Right now you can shoot 5 consecutive splits at .08 or below? .08 has been my fastest split ever and I've only done that once. I'm definitely not the best but I can get on the trigger pretty good when I need to and even then I've never had a string of shots under .10 per split. When I shot the 1.22, my draw was in the low .6's and my splits were in the .09 - .13 range. I personally couldn't do it shooting at the ground right in front of me much less getting hits on paper at 10 (or 7) yards. If you wanna go for it though, more power to you. I'll be the first one cheering you on.
  5. Man everyone here knows I'm a big proponent of pushing the limitations....but a 1 second bill drill is pushing it. I think that will be much more difficult than a sub 3 el prez. I shot that 1.22 and I honestly don't know if I'll ever be able to go much faster.
  6. Because developing the ability needed for the draw, splits, and accuracy are useful on absolutely every stage in every match. Also it is good to push the limits every once in a while.
  7. Eh, I don't think it's possible to be too familiar with any skill set in shooting. Without exaggeration I have dry fired over 200,000 el prez's and most likely 500,000 draws and reloads. Don't forget that the way you improve is by focusing on the fundamentals. It may seem boring but that is the only way for constant and consistent improvement. If your draws and reloads are getting good, start trying to make them faster. You will be able to get them faster than you ever imagined with dedication and time. I remember when I was first starting that I never thought I would be able to reload and draw in under a second.
  8. If you aren't happy with your progress so far than your only option is to work harder. At the height of my dry fire obsession I would dry fire until my hands literally bled. I'm not suggesting you do this, but if you want to be a great shooter this is the mentality you need to have. Until you reach GM, dry fire should be 80 to 90% of your practice routine.
  9. My fastest time with the Open gun was 1.22. I know Manny has done a 1.26 with his Limited gun.
  10. That's true Jay, but make sure that the feel is supported by fact. What feels best may not always be most efficient.
  11. I shift my grip. I would much rather do that than throw an extended mag release on there because they can and will screw you at the worst possible moment....Trust me on this one.
  12. The bottom line is it depends on personal preference and testing. If you want to know which way is better for you then you have to go to the range and test it meticulously.
  13. TL, I never would have guessed how you feel about this subject.
  14. Sorry but electronic hearing protection doesn't effect your performance.
  15. I love this drill. I've gotten it down pretty low in the past with the open gun, never tried it with a limited gun really. I've also never shot it from 7 yards....always from 10.
  16. If Kevin James shoots USPSA, I wanna be on his squad so I can laugh so hard I cry during the match.
  17. My cat died earlier this year as well. I'll never understand how people can hate cats.
  18. I don't see anything in there that is overtly fake...the times seem pretty realistic. That's a blast from the past for me though.
  19. Notice he didn't say longer shot, but harder shot. Also in point of fact, I don't think leaving on steel is a big deal at all once you can call your shots with confidence.
  20. Most likely With Winning in Mind is the last one.
  21. If I had to choose though I would always use the easier target to set up on and the harder target to leave on. The reason for this is that it is paramount that you start shooting as quickly as possible when coming into position. However when leaving a position you lose very little if any time by using the drop-step and push method. (I tend to use this method even when leaving on an easy target).
  22. I think I'd be ok with staying in Jessica Simpson's bedroom for awhile.
  23. Packers looked strong. Lions got anally reamed. Chargers making a.....charge. ha
  24. I'm gonna guess your favorite book at being The Tao of Jeet Kune Do.
  25. I'm pretty sure I could use a pencil as a pretty effective weapon if I wanted to...
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