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Jake Di Vita

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Everything posted by Jake Di Vita

  1. You guys are over complicating it....but good quotes none-the-less.
  2. I hear ya....I get the same crap about fitness and exercise all the time believe it or not.
  3. Well first of all...having your gun fall out of your holster while you are picking up brass is not a DQ'able offense. Second of all, some race holsters are better than others, but to state that all race holsters across the board are unsafe is just inaccurate at best. And BTW...I have seen several guns "fall" out of a Blade-Tech. I know that I've done more practice and shooting with a race holster than most and I've never had the gun fall out.
  4. The type of holster has nothing to do with it. Lack of familiarity and practice and/or rushing is what causes DQ's to happen.
  5. Correct, except it's the strong side foot.
  6. I agree to a point. In my case I didn't focus on technique at all for awhile and thus got lazy behind the gun. The best shooting will always be done when you are only watching the sights for sure, but technique is something that still needs to be addressed at certain intervals to ensure it isn't eroding.
  7. If you have a problem shooting in the rain, I really recommend practicing in it whenever possible...especially movement. You'll figure out exactly what you need to do to be most effective real fast.
  8. Well that was a tongue in cheek statement...without that emoticon it kinda comes across as argumentative, which was not my intention...so yes I think it is helping here. I'm not up tight, honestly the popcorn emoticon never really bothered me much....but I see why it would bother some.
  9. Why don't you tell us how it is contributing to the forum or the discussion first? Really, tell us.
  10. Congrats. Please allow 4 - 6 weeks for delivery of your cookie. The "I can't wait to watch this train wreck" attitude does nothing to help anyone on this forum.
  11. Very good...now if you can figure out why it was done, everyone gets a cookie.
  12. Hope your knee gets better soon bud. Cindy is a great WOD.
  13. I know the answer. This one is a forehead smacker for sure.
  14. This quote isn't the answer...but it's a good read nonetheless. What you know does not matter - what you do matters. Physical training produces physical memories - not simply muscle memory but a psychophysical imprint, knowledge that is instinctual rather than intellectual. This is useful knowledge. Automatic (instinctive) action and reaction is always faster and more energy efficient than intellectually induced action or reaction. There's already plenty to think about in confrontational situations so any response that does not require conscious thought spares intellectual energy for decisions and actions that do demand it. Train yourself to the point that particular, common actions and responses may be executed automatically.
  15. Absolutely, the crossfit bunch are an intense crowd. That's partially why I like them...they are results oriented. Once again.......I am not bashing long distance athletes...I personally enjoy cycling....but cycling as your only exercise will not give you functional fitness. It has nothing to do with berating long distance athletes...I used to be one myself. It has to do with getting people fit and healthy which is something I take seriously. And yes, unfortunately it is more about getting them to do anything, but if I'm going to train a brand new shooter, I'm not going to give him a junky old Ruger and tell him, "dry firing hurts your gun" or "you should only practice at 3 yards" to start with. I'd much prefer to start someone out with top of the line equipment and programming. They will improve faster and become a better shooter overall.
  16. Thank you...I appreciate your significant input in this discussion.
  17. That's exactly my point. Neither is better. What would be better would be an amalgam of the two. Both your examples are examples of sport specific fitness, not general all inclusive fitness. It's not that he isn't a shooter, but (assuming he doesn't shoot 1000 meter HP) he sure as hell is not a long range rifle shooter. However it's not really an accurate comparison because shooting is a skill. edited because you removed yours
  18. I really don't know what that definition has to do with this conversation because all uses of the word "fit" there have nothing to do with fitness. The generally recognized 10 areas of fitness (not only by the crossfit community, but experts in general) are Strength, Stamina, Flexibility, Cardio/Respiratory Endurance, Speed, Power, Coordination, Accuracy, Agility, and Balance. You are as fit as you are capable on these 10 categories. Fitness defined as per the dictionary: 1. health. 2. capability of the body of distributing inhaled oxygen to muscle tissue during increased physical effort. 3. Also called Darwinian fitness. Biology. a. the genetic contribution of an individual to the next generation's gene pool relative to the average for the population, usually measured by the number of offspring or close kin that survive to reproductive age. b. the ability of a population to maintain or increase its numbers in succeeding generations. The closest definition to what we are looking for is #2....which only deal with Cardio/Respiratory Endurance. Sorry, but a definition from a dictionary simply has no meaning to this concept. To take it one step further....let's judge how many of those 10 characteristics cycling has a direct effect on. Cardio/Respiratory Endurance (although once again the transferability is negligible), Stamina (although only for certain groups of muscles), Strength (not at all), Flexibility (not at all), Speed (only in the area of cyclic rate of the pedals....also negligible), Power (once again limited to a certain area), Coordination (also known as proprioception...slightly), Accuracy (not at all), Agility (not at all), and Balance (limited transferability once you step off the bike). Now I'm sure there's gonna be an uprising of disagreement there, but before you respond, take some time to think about it...how much does cycling really train all those attributes? So at best we are training 2 - 6 of the 10 aspects of fitness. Once again you are only as fit as your weakest category. So when that is combined with the fact that 2 of the 3 metabolic pathways are also all but ignored, you understand why I don't feel cycling (or running, or swimming) will get you fit for every day life. If your goal is to be a cyclist, that's awesome and I wish you the absolute best...sport specific fitness is definitely what you're after. If your goal is to get fit for everyday life, I'd really recommend rethinking your choice.
  19. Yeah...isn't it also ironic how many marathoners you hear about who drop dead from heart attacks? What they have is called sport specific fitness. What they do not have if everyday general fitness. Would you agree there?
  20. Alright, I apologize for goin' off a bit. I do agree that something is better than nothing...but I've never been one to take things halfway. In fact if this thread causes one person to take it further, I'd be extremely happy.
  21. Well...that may be one of the most ignorant things I've read in awhile. In fact, if you'd like I'd be more than happy to link you to some videos of athletes that the guy with a gut and man boobs has trained. Brian doesn't compete anymore...does that mean you're gonna stop taking advice from him too?
  22. One other thing I'd like to add...cross training is not limited to the young and fit. I know of plenty of men and women in their 60s and 70s and plenty of overweight people anywhere from 20 years old and older doing it (even with bad knees etc.) Even I've already had one knee reconstructed losing most of my cartilage...and have a condition that doesn't allow me to run more than 800 meters without extreme physical pain.
  23. My tip to someone wanting to stay aggressive in their stance is to have the hips lined up with the middle of their feet, and their shoulders in front of their hips.
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