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Jake Di Vita

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Everything posted by Jake Di Vita

  1. Yeah the link is broken...I'll look into finding another way of posting it.
  2. I shift the gun in my hand to hit the mag release with my strong hand and it works just fine for me.
  3. The ones I remember off the top of my head are. Ltd = TT Prod = MM (Mink) Open = MM (Michel) Revo = JM
  4. Jake Di Vita

    Area 6

    Oh really Z...it isn't fair? I never would have guessed......
  5. Ditto. When I shoot a 10 round division, I always have at least 5 mags on my belt.
  6. I don't think the zone is something that can be consciously attained. The zone is what happens when you are collecting maximum input from all of your senses, and usually, by the very nature of what the zone is - trying to get to it is exactly how not to.
  7. I was gonna say carpet hoe too....then several other things came to mind that definetely are not PC.
  8. Now that I do think about it though, if there was a fracture in my hand (another one that is...already have one on one side, but it is old) I'm sure that recoil wouldn't agree too well with it...and I have no pain while shooting. I really think it is tendonitis. It is already feeling better just from the rest and ice I've given it the past few days.
  9. Yes, but when you practice on half things that will be in the match and half things that won't because you don't have any details you are wasting half of your energy. It's better to be prepared for the specific challenges that match has than trying preparing yourself without any focus.
  10. I've been wearing a splint on my thumb and icing it several times daily. I plan on giving it a week or so with very little stress and seeing how it is then. If it isn't any better I'll go to a doctor, but I really want to avoid shoveling out cash for that if I can.
  11. Looking over stages to practice them is always a loser. However you can see if there are any situations you should practice for. Such as a lot of unloaded starts, table starts, strong hand or weak hand, prone, etc.
  12. That just happened. Highlander? What is that. Yeah it won an award...for best movie ever made. Man I love that movie.
  13. I like them. The drill I like to do for shooting on the move is 3 targets (head only) about a yard between them. Shoot them on the move from 25 to 10 yards. You don't shoot too fast, but it sure hammers in what you need to do for an acceptable sight picture while shooting on the move.
  14. 5.43 clean is round about 90%. Attaboy.
  15. Match consistency goes without saying. When you are training someone, you aren't training them to miss, but are trying to teach them how to hit the target as quickly as possible. Match consistency is part of every step that's listed...it just goes without saying.
  16. I know you said 5 but it's hard for me to label them like that...so here are 7. 1 - Calling the shot - If they can't call their shots, they need to work on that exclusively. Everything else is dust in the wind without that one ability. 2 - Stance, Grip, Draw, Reload, Positioning of equipment - Basic mechanics and reasons for technique of your stance, grip, draws, and reloads. Make sure equipment is positioned correctly for each individual person. 3 - Transitions, Presentation to target - Leading with the eyes, acceptable sight picture, defining what the target is. 4 - Stage Breakdown - Most efficient way to negotiate a stage. Target engagement order and why. Common traps, timing activators, rehearsing and moving through the stage without hesitation. 5 - Movement - Most efficient way of entering and leaving a position. Easy set ups and hard set ups and when to use them. 6 - Equipment Care - If your shit doesn't run, everything you do in practice is pointless...trust me on this one. 7 - Shooting on the move - Can probably be put into one of the other sections, but I gave it it's own because it truly is a dynamic skill. While shooting on the move you do certain things that you don't do any other time in IPSC. Address staying as low as possible, and really aiming hard...it's ok to have slower splits here.
  17. Reading up on DeQuervain's, that does very much sound like what I have. I'm going to try and find a hand specialist on the cheap. Jake
  18. John, I've had pain here a few times in the past, but never for this long. I'll run a check in DeQuervains. Thanks. Jake
  19. Trust me Lynn, it isn't about being macho, it's about being broke. Eric, I'm 22. Prolonged inflammatory sounds pretty dead on. The thing is though it never got incredibly swollen...just painful. Looking at it now I can see that it is a little swollen, but nothing really noticeable. I doubt it is gout. The joint is only tender when pressure is put on it from certain angles. For the most part I can move it without pain at all. Only time it hurts when moving it is when stretching it to the side (opening my hand up fully).
  20. That's the thing though. Recoil doesn't hurt at all. Shooting doesn't hurt at all. I suppose it's possibile I just pulled something, I've done oodles of push ups and pull ups and it didn't start hurting bad till after I was doing that for awhile. I also know plenty of people that work out similar to how I do and they dont get pain like this. I'm really at a loss here.
  21. 3.14 in mid-Michigan today.
  22. Thanks guys, fortunately there is no burning sensation, and the pain is localized to my basal joint / wrist area. I'm really hoping it isn't arthritis.
  23. For the past few weeks I've been dealing with a pretty intense pain at the base of my thumb. It hurts whenever something pushes straight back against the joint , but especially hurts whenever I do push ups with my palms on the floor. The pain is in the base of the thumb and around that same area in the wrist. From what I've read online I could either be getting arthritis or have a scaphoid fracture. It does not hurt when I shoot or dry fire. I'd love to go get this checked out, but I don't have health insurance and really can't afford to. Was just wondering if anyone here might have an idea of exactly what the pain is, and possibly how to treat it. Thanks.
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