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Everything posted by steve223

  1. I remeber seeing him do that on vol 4, My problem with it is that my gun starts moveing as soon as i look off & i dont see my dot lift.I guess i just need to stay with the gun a little longer. Steve
  2. Sweet I do like those sabre cuts. Steve
  3. Congrats Monster and Happy Birthday Steve
  4. I shot my fastest elprez ever last night in practice with the open gun 4.09 & 55 Points HF 13.4474 I was really happy my best before this was a 4.97. Steve Andersons dry fire drills work!! I shot a D on T2 I looked to T3 before i broke the shot, i have been haveing a real problem with doing this lately trying to speed up my transitions i look away just as or just before the 2nd shot breaks. Steve
  5. They Run Fine in my 1100s thats all i use. Steve
  6. Sweet Blasters Orca. There is alot of satasfaction shooting guns you bilt yourself. Steve
  7. Cool Site Steve, I just ordered Lannys book from you.I have been tryin to find a copy for awhile Thanks! Steve
  8. Because you will end up steering the gun with your thumb in recoil. Steve
  9. Congrats to everyone who moved up,Great job Lee. I finally got classifed in open,B I was looking for an A but missed it by a little. Steve
  10. Well I took everyones advice and bought a pair of Rudys and yall were right They Rock!! Very Comfortable,A hell of alot better than the Gargoyles that i was wearing. Thanks!! Steve
  11. steve223


    Congrats Matt!!!! Steve
  12. Go back to the top of the first page for the link. Steve
  13. A big thank you to BE and all the Mods and every one else here!! I cant begin to say how much I have Lerned from this site and how much the people here have helped me! THANK YOU Steve
  14. Lynn i am the same way at last count, 16 Tactical folders. Steve
  15. steve223

    Stage diagrams

    Heres another that works pretty good http://www.algonet.se/~regin/ipscdraw.htm Steve
  16. Cool, can't wait to read it. It will be nice to read a positive article about IPSC for a change. You DA MAN, Duane. Steve
  17. steve223


    Rinos post about Big Dave got me to thinkin about a good friend of mine and sort of unoffical sponsor and pretty good gunsmith.I doubt if i would be shooting open if not for him. Basically he gave me an open gun and told me to try and wear it out and when i made GM i could give it back.I told him i would rather just buy the gun and he said if that made me more comfortable that was fine but i dident have to. And it wasent an old worn out gun either (SV IMM Open with less than 5k throughit)Some days he beleves in my albilites alot more than i do. And im not the only one,He is allways working on everyones guns for free,If someone needs a gun for a few months he will offer one with out anyone asking. His home club probabally would not exist if not for him.I dont know how many ARs he has bilt for guys around here so they could shoot 3 gun matchs and just charged them for the parts he dident have on hand.Anyway I just wanted to give him a little recegnition and i will probabally get my butt chewed when he reads this. THANKS MARKIE Steve
  18. I showed the video to some non IPSC shooters lastnight,I could hear the chins drop They were totally amazed. I was even more so because i know how much work it took to getto that point. Thanks Steve. Steve
  19. Brians Book Steve Andersons Dry fire book Matt Burketts Videos Vol,1-3(You can Get these in DVD) With these i think you can go as far as you want to go in this sport! Steve
  20. Pangris Said "I don't have any desire to shoot limited or open, or to be a GM" Thats What we all said when we first started Steve
  21. Not IMHO I shoot Plates alot in my regular practice once a week. I think it helps my accuracy and my shot calling abilty. Steve
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